Atheists get bussy blasted at god again.

44  2018-09-25 by caliberoverreaching


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If atheists hate God so much, why don't they start burning crosses on front lawns?

Good idea

If atheists hate jesus so much, why don't they convert to christianity, follow the preaching of the lord, apply the 10 commandments to their daily life, elope with a faithful christian woman, lead a happy fulfilling life under the guidance of the lord, die of natural causes at a very old age after they've spawnded multiple generations of faithful vigilant christians during their life time, enter through the pearly gates but the say "sike jesus u suck"

Checkmate, theists.

Burning the crosses seems overly dramatic. Why not just turn them into lumber?

It wouldn't be fire enough.

I love how "all religions are false" and "communism doesn't work" are both considered teenage edgelord positions, but by diametrically opposed groups of people who are also clumsy with words and logic.

It just goes to show you how the center is the One True Path.

There is no center to atheism and theism. Theism is not based on reality.

S E E T H I N G christcucks

🍿 🍿

U mad

no U


NO u and ur dad

Doesn't work like that, sweaty 💁‍♀️💅

It's just been revoked

lol Da Da is taking his frustration with Daddy out on the religious

Christians think atheists are going to hell when they die

Atheists want Mao to burn your church to the ground

thank god for the enlightenment

I'm going to make a comparison here that will no doubt cause some folks to collectively lose their shit but hear me out here.

Leftists have trump living in their head rent free

teenage edgelords have God living in their head rent free.

conclusion, God emperor trump confirmed.