
378  2018-09-25 by WorkingMessage3


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alright this got old real fast

like after about an hour

feeepo's soul screams into the void

This is so incoherent I’m not sure how to make fun of it.

you only say that because you're mad that it's true



I’m not sure how to make fun of it.


His feeble conservative brain has trouble comprehending basic social concepts. Shame really.

You owned him bro.


epic for the win!

Seems like it hits too close to home and is making your feefees overpower your ability for rational thought

the white brain at work

Yakub used chimps in his experiments so this all makes sense

Curse Yakub for unleashing the mayo plague.

but without him, we wouldn’t have Jimmy Olsen comics

Teach these devils

These Eldian devil's!

Wait, wrong sub...

Weebs get out.

We wuz...

Agreed. I don’t need to see any more. I’m convinced. Mayocide now.

Does this mean the Pharaohs were really monkeys? And the Jews were the slaves of monkeys, like Planet of the Apes?

Big if true.

The fuck you talking about? The pharaohs were BLACK TURKISH BULLS


So being a hairless twink makes me more evolved?

Traps confirmed advanced species.

well no shit

Only if you're pizzashill.

Please be my bf

Traps are the ultimate lifeform

This is like a bizzaro-world MDE post.

Well done.

"why is Ulaya still such a shithole? youd think that after 50 years of independence from the celestial kingdom they'd maybe have some semblance of progress. decolonization was a mistake.

This is exactly what we posted in mde


the difference being that the kids on babby's first /pol/ actually believed their comments

Do you have a source to back up that claim

> muh pol is just ironic

in current year +4

Not anymore

I like the swimming analogy.

Considering it's completely untrue.

Via NationalJewographic

A white woman won that race...

I can't even find a Kenyan name there.

I was implying it's not a very competitive event you retard

Considering it's a race in the desert on sharp rocks for 200 miles, I think it's so competitive that nobody wants to compete except like a few people.


Thanks for noticing.

That just goes to show you that only mayos are dumb enough to race in the fucking desert on sharp rocks. Q.E.D.

I dont get it either to be fair, like what does it accomplish? Now you're the best person in the world at having your toenails come off because you ran too long.


Once we stop trying to one up each other to an early grave, we will finally roam the stars. Jk, we'll finally have the balls to nuke this dumb rock we live on.

I hope I live long enough to survive Armageddon, then subject the remaining people to proper chimp rule.

👉🏿OUT 👉🏿OUT 👉🏿OUT 👉🏿

Nigga, did you just seriouspost in /r/Drama?!

Yeh what're you gonna do about it?

Also donate to my PayPal to help destroy the white patriarchy.

Well, I could permaban you.

Just PayPal me the money please.

I'm a goddess.

Build the wall back, one ban at a time

I'm disappointed to see this kind of blatant xenophobia from you honey 😪

So much for the tolerant left!


I'll throw potatoes over the wall for you tho

Thanks! I'll throw hormone blockers back, they'll be valuable currency when we besiege Austin and the rest of your libcuck strongholds

Do it. The wall is calling for a re-build

Plus, they used Micheal Phelps' photo. He is on the border of having Marfan Syndrome and has to get check ups every year because of it.

Yeah I did think it was weird they use an example of hairy Caucasians as inferior and closer to apes then show shaved pothead Phelps as example of good swimmer.

You sound super mad

I am. How could some create an info graphic comparing white people to chimps?

We're obviously more similar to frogs.

These heathens will pay for this disrespect.

Besides being pretty tall and having weird fingers maybe I don’t see how Phelps has Marfan syndrome

Holy fuck I feel so betrayed

How could people just lie like this

I'm crushed you don't even know


Paleoanthropologists actually think the first humans came from Africa. Meaning they're probably the closest to our early ancestors (apes) than the people who moved north or east. Granted asians kept more of their neanderthal genes than any race.

Why would moving in space make you "farther away" ancestry-wise, nigga are you a child?

Australian aborigines moved out of Africa 40k years ago and had not mixed with anyone since then, does that make them megaevolved superhumans?

Australian aborigines moved out of Africa 40k years ago and had not mixed with anyone since then, does that make them megaevolved superhumans?

Have you seen their shitposting?

No tbh. I only know that they have crazy butts, literally insane.

Top level bantz, you know, outside Perth.

Why would moving in space make you "farther away" ancestry-wise, nigga are you a child?

I know we're just chimping out here, but there is significant admixture of Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. This maybe raises the question of why there weren't other human-adjacent lineages in Africa to intermix with, but there's definitely a significant difference there that is not just down to genetic drift of the same species over time.

This maybe raises the question of why there weren't other human-adjacent lineages in Africa to intermix with

Isn't Africa more internally genetically diverse than taking the rest of the world into account? Like, it's all effectively works like having a bunch of human-adjacent lineages.

Cuz we killed them.

This maybe raises the question of why there weren't other human-adjacent lineages in Africa to intermix with

There probably were and this has been inferred from DNA studies, but africa is mostly a poor place for fossils of that era so they haven't found any bones of that species yet.

Only Melanasians really have Denisovan DNA in addition to Neanderthal. But I'm going to guess you're of the opinion that they're not particularly evolved.

Hey neat

Unironically quotes Shapiro in his drama post.

Ben Shapiro "Niggas be hatin'"

Man, there's a Shapiro quote for everything.

Chimp man angry

I'm half chimp half dolphin. The two smartest species from land and sea!

What are you? A furry?

Holy fuck I'm convinced

Thanks for fighting the good fight, I no longer believe this highly misleading image at all

If you were half dolphin and half ape like me you'd understand true science.

Could use a mention of mayo neanderthal DNA.

neanderthals being aggressive, cultureless retards is a dead meme

yeah, that's where this whole theory falls apart

it's a very important issue

We're working on diluting the neanderthal dna.. just give us a few more decades.

hybrid vigour is a thing anyway

Caveman fragility 😂

The absolute state of Neanderthals, still didn’t get over being called Homo stupidus initially 😂

bussy blasted into extinction


Mods please ban CringeAnarchy, they're weak and disgusting and I don't like them cross posting my shit



You post it for the troll, they post it for the reals

You need to add an r/drama watermark


I like to shitpost there but now it makes me sad

Seems like you're the one that needs a ban.

He he >:) sure showed him


the OP is a /r/drama poster though

lol they added citations

Best part imo

It's the thing that brings this from low-effort bait to... Well, high effort bait.

This was literally posted on /r/cringeanarchy

GG /r/drama, the call is coming from inside the house.

Who shot first?


And the call isn’t out there at all it’s inside me.

Really? You're pulling the pokemon card? That is simply not how it works in the real world, dearie. "Chimp>White>Black" Is an incorrect method of analysis. Get your ass out of your mothers basement and talk to some kids playing pokemon go, at least they have more education than you.

mayocide ys

All hail 70 iq niggers.

jews have higher IQs than whites

Lowly 95 IQ Israel vs literal cavemen Russia.

Ah so not "Jews" then, just a specific handful who are also prone to severe mental illness and disease.

nice topic change. Jews = smarter than you

Some certainly are, but most aren't.

Everybody's smarter than you, Cletus. You're just too dumb to figure that out.

Whoa, I never even considered that.

Ashkenazi have a ton of European DNA, especially mitochondrial DNA (i.e. they banged a lot of slutty mayo bitches, lol what race hasn't). it must be from that side of the tree.

Israel has a bunch of Arabs in it dummy

Russia is full of Russians though, and the US is loaded with minorities but still tops Israel.

Like if average white intelligence were below 100, and the US is 10% black with an IQ of 60 or whatever Lynn pulled out of his ass, and 17% latino with an IQ of 85 or whatever, and 5% asian with an IQ of like 105, wouldn't that give us an IQ of like (0.6 * 0.1) + (0.85 * 0.15) + (0.05 * 1.05) * (0.6 * 1) = ~84 IQ? The black and hispanic population would pull us way down. There's no way we'd even be close to countries that are nearly 100% white like Hungary.

Maybe it's because Lynn pulled them out of his ass?

Sepharadic Jews are basically Levantine with maybe some Arab mixed in, Ashkenzai are a mix of Levantine and European.

Richard Lynn's work is garbage

It's so annoying seeing people parade it around as absolute truth and the final word on the subject

People just want to hear flattering things about their ancestors and people, they don't care about the truth

Compare that to the response to a paper by a team of Utah anthropologists who claimed that Ashkenazi Jews were innately more intelligent than anyone else. It was trumpeted in a number of prestigious publications, and was then given a huge boost by the doyen of evolutionary psychology, Steven Pinker, who came out in measured support for the paper’s claims (again in the New Republic), saying it “meets the standards of good scientific theory”, while elsewhere he mused that “groups may differ genetically in their average talents and temperaments”.

Since then there’s been a trickle of similar claims about Jews along these lines, including by Wade. And yet the response from academics and other critics is oddly muted – perhaps because it’s assumed that saying Jews are inherently smarter isn’t the same thing as saying that Africans are less smart (although when you think about it for more than second, it should be obvious that if one group is smarter another is stupider).

Bad Science The leading American geneticist Harry Ostrer simply dismissed the paper: “It’s bad science,” he said, “not because it’s provocative, but because it’s bad genetics and bad epidemiology.” But it took two years before an academic paper was written refuting its core premises, and none of the media picked up on this riposte, allowing the Ashkenazi claim to settle.

One of its key points was that Ashkenazim evolved to become more intelligent because they were genetically isolated, but a recent gene search by 19 scientists found that European women (rather than Middle Eastern) were responsible for 81 percent of the mitrochondrial DNA of Ashkenazi Jews suggesting that inter-marriage between Jewish men and non-Jewish women was commonplace. The paper’s other historical and biological premises have since been lambasted by academic critics, and yet it continues to be widely cited.

All hail 70 iq niggers.

Yeah, see this is why you have trouble with women.

Just checking up on you, bro. Get a therapist.

Can a nigga get a “MAYOCIDE WHEN”

All the lies you've been told Baby let me set this straight What we did back then was great You just don't know Let me show you the past So your future can look bright If you walk into the light Help you see yourself

I've heard them say That we wasn't even there Baby let me make it clear We were the ones If you pay attention To what I'm about to show There's no doubt that you will know We were the ones

And I'mma show you who Nefertari was And she was black because That's the way that Ra had made it And show you Egypt was a black land King Tut was a black man 'Cause that's the way that Ra had made it

And now whence we came From the Southern lands so hot Though they think that we forgot Remember the time From the Horn and the West These black people made their way See them coming forth by day And there we are

Eyes above, Sun below This is how they built the stone We have never been alone This is the truth If you can't see yourself Then it's true you've been misled Got them lies all in your head Let me help you out

And I'mma show you who Nefertari was And she was black because That's the way that Ra had made it And show you Egypt was a black land King Tut was a black man 'Cause that's the way that Ra had made it

And I will show you our history It ain't no mystery Just listen and you'll understand And show you what they cannot hide What they can't deny That Egypt was a black land

Lately I've been thinking of days gone by And all the things that we forgot Voices from the distant past Make themselves heard The revelations something started (?)

Now the truth's been revealed Tell me what you gonna do? Gonna keep it to yourself, Or gonna tell it to the world?

If you do then prepare For the challenges you face My heart goes out to you Precious black boys and girls

And I'mma show you who Nefertari was And she was black because That's the way that Ra had made it And show you Egypt was a black land King Tut was a black man 'Cause that's the way that Ra had made it

And I will show you our history It ain't no mystery Just listen and you'll understand And show you what they cannot hide What they can't deny That Egypt was a black land

And I will show you Egypt was a black land Egypt was a black land King Tut was a black man King Tut was a black man Ooh

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Race Realism? In my /r/drama?

It's more likely than you think.

The reason why the black devil Yakub is so hated by his tribesmen is because he created a superior being to the negroid species, namely Caucasoids. When his own tribesmen who failed to create a written language or a two story building saw Yakub's creations building towering cathedrals, great works of art and literature, and every modern amenity we cherish to this day, the eternal hatred of Yakub and his creations was permanently instilled into his fellow tribesmen.

Yakub's dabbling in tricknology had doomed his entire species to inferiority to their own creation. It's really a Shakespearean tragedy, another term the negroid species wouldn't have without the beautiful creations of Yakub.

lol at thinking Shakespeare was white


The sub-Saharan Africans were cut off from the rest of the world by the Sahara, they basically almost had it as bad in this regard as the Native Americans. All the civilizations in the belt stretching from Europe to China benefited from a constant flow of information across this belt, any discovery anywhere therein usually spread throughout in a few centuries.

Virtually every writing system used in europe and the middle east, for instance, ultimately originated from Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I.e. Latin script <- Old Italic <- Greek <- Phoenecian <- Proto-Sinaitic <- Egyptian. Nordic runes have the same descent from the Roman old italic system, and Cyrillic comes straight from Greek. Arab was <- Nabataean <- Syriac <- Aramaic <- Phoenician <- Proto-Sinaitic <- Egyptian. So it branched much earlier, but still ultimately the same source.

The Egyptian script did spread south a couple of times... Meroitic alphabet in Sudan, straight from Egyptian Demotic, and the Ge'ez script in Ethiopia, which was <- South Arabic <- Proto-Sinatic <- Egyptian. In Nigeria they independently developed the Nsibidi script; though this was a shitty script that never evolved long past the demographic stage and was not nearly as simple and complete as the alphabets everyone ate up once they discovered.

The Irish actually didn't even have a script until they modified the latin one in the 600 ADs. Damn the Irish really are the niggers of europe.

Fuck u talking about, the Romans already had a trade route going down till the Congo basin.

Anyone that makes less than 6 figures is an ape.

Will the manlets recover? 😂😂😂😂

Anyone that has to work for money is an ape. A poor ape.

>not having 7 figures a month passive income

why even live?

we are the aquatic chimp theory #blessed

Humans didn't evolve from chimps tho

exactly. if we evolved from monkeys, then why we still got monkeys?

Now do brain size in relation to body, hip size, angle of leg protrusion etc

Race scientists assume that IQ is fixed at birth and is genetic in origin, and they also assume that it measures general intelligence.

None of these assumptions hold up. Research among separated single egg twins shows that when they are raised in the same kind of middle class environment their IQs are similar. However, in the few cases where they’ve ended up in families from different social classes, there IQs vary significantly (in one case by 20 IQ points; in another by 29). Other studies have also shown that the IQs of children adopted into middle class homes rise significantly and that these increases can persist into adulthood.

Minnesota transracial adoption study

this but unironically

Mammals can’t be “more evolved”. It doesn’t work like that. You can be better evolved for certain tasks but not more evolved.

Thats just your feeble white brain not being able to comprehend melanin-enriched concepts.

Don't you know that evolution was literally the story of a microscopic organism eventually becoming the most advanced of all known life to have ever existed - Donald J. Trump? Every other path that evolution took was a mistake, an off trail. We are all mistakes, all flawed attempts at creating Donald Trump. Thankfully we have Him now.

Mediterraneans are the only pure race

Mediterraneans are just olive mayos. Plus they're snow niggers. Well I guess piss-snow niggers. And also IMO they're basically Arabs too so expect bombs from them.

well put

hang on i thought Mandinkos were hairy too tho

I'm convinced

I posted this racist post please ban a sub that points how jacked up this is sincerely, poster of the post.

aight negro go to the moon

who is more evolved

Whites. Next question

Let me rephrase, since you seem to be obsessed with ideological purity: I am so further from you that we cannot even be compared, you shit-smelling tankie. Tear down capitalism and what do you have? Everything built to reinforce capitalism, whether they be sports arenas, megachurches, or sky scrapers. Those come down next, and whatever else. Next comes disempowerment of the first world. Yes, I'm a third worldist, you woke college bro. And what do I plan to do? Spread anarchism on reservations. The average Indigenous youth, once able to realize how their community is still colonized and everything that lead up to that, will lean to anarchism. I know countless. The average Indigenous youth makes you look like a liberal. And we don't trust your state because the state has done nothing but screw us over. The revolution will be Red and you wokebros will oppose it, and will be pushed out when that reactionary part of you comes out.

We practiced socialism while you were tossing shit and piss and animal innards out of your windows, and wondering why everybody was so sick. We recognized the fragility of ecosystems before it was too far to go back. We have historical precedent while you have the contrary. Why wouldn't we become radical when we have experienced horrors you cannot comprehend, and know that socialism has worked for us? You are fucking nothing, shitlib.

Salty nigger response. Mad cause you played with rocks for 100s of years while we created civilization. Nice try but I know your not white.