A brave Canuck dares to say America is not great and the world is better off without them. Dozens of triggered Yankees respond with a nuclear firestorm. Who will come out from the ashes with at least two brain-cells left?

5  2018-09-25 by ReichSmasher2018


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His penis envy of the US is sad. Sure Trump is a joke and that reflects bad on all Americans. Canada has never been relevant to the world. Their economy and population (90% of their population is located within 100 miles near the US borde) is entirely tied to being near America.

As a Canadian even a neofascist christian ethnostate america is still the greatest neighbour we could hope for and still would be the only nation on earth that should be s super power.

Because regardless of the cultural status, America will always be too fat to invade on foot and too cheap to fly over.