Imagine making a porn character OC apart of the Trans community.

58  2018-09-26 by JabroniMark99


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bowsette legitimizes transgenderism just as much as it legitimizes transspeciesism

Am suit of armor, can confirm.

Bowsette is more legitimately female than a trans person

Bowser was more female than a trans person since he had kids

Does Bowser lay eggs? Was he a lesbian the whole time?

What's wrong with transpeciesism?

How many times per day does Bowsette dilate?

How sad

They want to use a porn character as a trans icon and they want people to think they aren't degenerates

Is anyone surprised at this point?

You realize this is a (self-) satire sub', right ?

That post ain't tho

they want people to think they aren't degenerates

no, they want degeneracy to be good, which I support

Normalizing degeneracy means i might be considered normal too one day


Lad/ladym89 why the feck not

If you want bob and vagene on your IRL avatar while not be/promote dick-sporting lady bowser. We're way behind on the cyberpunk shit I was promised when I was a young 'un. Transhumanism VR society when

If porn is so degenerate, then why do Westerners keep watching and producing it?

Also, it didn't start out as a porn character, it started out as a character in a SFW comic strip.

That's how all porn characters start out innocent and pure like a person starting college and the next thing you know they're swallowing 20 gallons of tentacle cum wondering what went wrong

Because Westerners are OK with some degeneracy. Just not as a basis of their lives.


Bowsette does sound like one of those ugly ass names trans women come up with to take on after transition.

Better than using the screen name like Trans_guurl all the time. Like, making that the only defining characteristic of yourself.

imagine being jealous af lmao



I was starting to feel pretty good about humanity as a whole again until this dumbass meme infected the internet like the black plague.

Le internet meme ruined my faith in humanity ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. The only thing lame is watching all the normies act amazed at rule 34 like it's some crazy new shit, but the pics are top tier

Spoken like a true retard

Based and redpilled


being mad at a hot trans 2D girl

liking 2D bullshit

Absolute degeneracy

2D is pure and will never fuck Tyrone.

he does not know about many-waifu theory

If Tyrone even touches your waifu you can just ignore it out since each waifu is personal (unless you choose to be a cuck), once Tyrone fucks Stacy there's no way to unfuck her.

Incel bullshit

I recommend or

I recommend or

The fact that you not only know but can vouch for these websites speaks volumes about you.

he doesn't keep up with internet "culture"

Strange, it's the other way around for me.

Being attracted to fictional characters is bad for your health, G

So is /r/Drama. I prefer to live large and leave a huge coffin.

Hey why not?

My twitter timeline is getting fucked by bowsette

Tfw not getting fucked by spiky bowsette shenis

Why live

Lady noodle excuse you

And that's a good thing

Fuck off

How rude


Queen Boosette > Bowsette


Compette is my bea


Wouldn't bowsette be genderfluid? When the crown comes off she turns back into bowser.

Trans people insinuating that they are changing sex and not gender. I guess people can dream.

Bowsette has taken the Internet by storm once a recent trailer forย Super Smash Bros.ย trailer hit for the Nintendo Switch. When Nintendo showed off Toadette and her "Super Crown" power-up that allows her to take on a form not unlike Princess Peach, the Internet did what the Internet does - takes something cute and makes it even cuter.


Why the fuck did I click?

That flag is aesthetically displeasing. I know blue-pink are supposed to represent genders, but those colors just donโ€™t fucking compliment each-other.

still loyal to mai waifu kyonko

fuck you all bandwagoners

Apparently these trans people think this as some kind of ground-breaking meme or something. Should I tell them there is a whole genre dedicated to this kind of stuffs called 'TS'?

They don't even know about rule 63 smh

as cringy as it is it's kinda nice that there's some representation in nintendo games now

That's not in an actual Nintendo game.

Typical they would take oppai bowsette instead of the superior loli Bowsette.

These faggots just love having idealized cartoons as their icons because it reflects the fantasy they need to maintain. Because the reality is just too disgusting.