Kulak running-dog Andrew Gillum exposes himself as tool of the capitalist hoarders and international Jew, and will be executed by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs at 1200 hours tomorrow.

60  2018-09-26 by liberal_running_dog


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"The US allies itself with 73% of the world's dictators."

Like... Did he do the maths on this or what? Can he show his working?

It's simple. You take Saudi Arabia and multiply by 73. Sla a percentage sign on that bad boy and you're good to go.

The US Government has a history of supporting, even installing far right governments i.e. fascists like Pinochet, for fear of socialism and wanting to expand the American Empire.


But my question was about the maths behind the claim:

There are 193 countries in the UN. How many of them qualify as dictatorships? What do we classify as a dictatorship?

Out of that number, how many receive US support? What do we clarify as US support?

Does that number reach or near 73%?

I question the 73% figure too. I can think of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UEA,Philippines.

Isn't Qatar an Iranian client?

Pinochet killed a total of like 3,000 people over 30 years, that's barely anyone as dictators go. Maduro has probably already out-done that.

Chapos BTFO


Ohhh look at all the tankies in there. Dey mad.

Leftist infighting strikes again

Somehow it's better than when righties go retard mode.

Righties just sulk and call each other bugs, then post passive-aggressive memes implying the other faction enjoys watching well-endowed black men have sex with their wives.

Lefties actually have slapfights, and that's much more fun.

I wanna see what happens when this guy loses

Not wanting to support US Imperialism = "Tankies"

It's really disgusting watching "Progressive" candidates out themselves as nothing more than neoliberals.

Surething tankie.

Sanctioning Venezuela's dictatorship β‰  imperialism

How is it imperialism when the US is doing the opposite of sending things over?

US is an empire therefore everything it does is imperialism.

TIL literally the opposite of imperialism is imperialism.

Isolationism and sanctions are the new invasion and subjugation. I guess. πŸ€”

Chapobabbies out OUT OUT!!!!

IT's twatter. They're always buttmad about something.

Literally who?

The Democrat running for FL governor. The Republican running against him has already made monkey-related comments like an absolute retard.

Lmao. This sounds juicy

You can find a good summary of the drama here. DeSantis is sperging out and saying Gillum associates with anti-Semites (taking the patented Daddy deflection approach) to take the heat off him for saying Gillum will "monkey it up", having a rally attended by Proud Boys, and taking a campaign donation from a conservautist who called Obama a "muslim nigger" on Twitter.

to take the heat off him for saying Gillum will "monkey it up",

lol dae all instances of the word monkey is rayciss?

having a rally attended by Proud Boys,

who cares

and taking a campaign donation from a conservautist who called Obama a "muslim nigger" on Twitter.

lol come on, what politician gives that much of a fuck where their money comes from? His camp is supposed to scour the twitter of all their donors?

The monkey comment was obviously racist, Eva. Conservautists should stop being cowards and be upfront about their racism.

Yeah Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson and Herman Cain, etc 1. Item 2. Itemshould come clean about how much they hate stupid lazy monkeys

I mean niggers

"I can't be rayciss because I have a black friend"

"REEEE racism"

/r/politics is over there -------->

Whether or not he meant it in a racist way, seeing how that comment could be taken that way takes about 2 seconds if you're an absolute retard. I think it's stupid when people go around saying everytime a republican opens his mouth it's a dog-whistle, but in this specific case it seems appropriate


Is there a way we can saw off and float away the entire state except Orlando?

At least keep Miami too

The black guy.... hangs out with neo-nazis.... πŸ€”

There're literally just sanctioning six members of the government. If this ruins the Venezuelan economy, as the rose brigade thinks that it will, it's because nobody else in the country has any money.

The venn diagram of people with rose emojis in their twitter handles/bios and people who have no idea what they're talking about is a perfect circle



Can we just swap all rose posters and tankies in America for starving Venezuelan kids? Serious, not ironic.

This x1000. When you've actually met a starving child in person, it's a pretty fucking life-changing event. It puts into perspective just how meaningless first world problems are. I don't give a shit about ideology or who is on the right side or history or what, I just want all the kids to be fed and not molested. Once we've got those two out of the way, we can worry about other stuff.

I just want all the kids to be fed and not molested.

Ideally they'd get an education and healthcare too, but I know that's being unreasonable.

Most Venezuelans I've met have unironically been top people. There's a decent case to be made that the West could take a few hundred thousand upper-middle class Venezuelan refugees, they'd probably integrate well.

Venezuelans work out well. They don’t fight with the other Hispanics here in SFL and they tend to upkeep their areas.

I feel like they're just happy to be in a country that doesn't seem like it's out to make their lives as miserable as possible

Its unfortunate, generally the people who vote in socialist demagogues just want their lives to improve. At least now we can know that no Venezuelans are going to become socialists any time soon.

From a country that has taken in tens of thousands, I highly recommend it, even lower class venezuelans greatly improved the service/restaurant industry in our city. They are hardworking, warm, and incredibly polite.

I really wonder if some defence contractor has been offering him campaign money.

Fucking mayos using the word gusano against people who fled the dictatorships in Cuba and Venezuela. They should learn the word paredΓ³n next.

can we fill B-2 Spirits up with Chick-fil-a and Taco Bell and drop it over like a modern berlin air lift πŸ€”πŸ€”

Pretty sure that's consisted diabetic warfare tbh

Venezuela is a disaster with famine and sadness. Your white privilege is showing. Fucking mayos