Latestagecapitalism admits the economy is strong. Doesn't realize capitalism has been working.

127  2018-09-26 by Ayylmao11023


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Please remember that this subreddit is a SAFE SPACE

I love hugboxes. It’s basically admitting your ideas are flawed. Just like T_D and GC. Be with the mob or it’s bye Felicia

I love hugboxes. It’s basically admitting your ideas are flawed. Just like T_D

I imagine that this is because the admins and mods tilt the board so far in one side's favour, that TD would be overwhelmed if not for rules in place to keep it to Trump supporters, otherwise every thread would look like /r/politics

That's literally the excuse of every cult ever

Nothing worse than lefties trying to appropriate terms made to mock them.

"You SNOWFLAKES in your SAFESPACES want to avoid being entirely DROWNED OUT COMPLETELY by the entire rest of the site!"

That's not what the words were designed to mean.

There is a difference between "safespace" subs and "TD thought police" like /r/science is pretty safespace but not thought police at all.

Lol, good one. /r/agendapushing is ALL about science and completely unbiased.

look no matter how much you bitch the average mayo penis will still be smaller than a blacks.

a blacks

fixed it thank you

bitch the your mayo penis

muh dick

every time

Just like the black brain will be smaller than the mayo one

/r/science definitely pushes an agenda. Some of the history subs would be a better example.

Nothing worse than lefties trying to appropriate terms made to mock them.

"You SNOWFLAKES in your SAFESPACES want to avoid being entirely DROWNED OUT COMPLETELY by the entire rest of the site!"

That's not what the words were designed to mean.

^ Triggered snowflake.

He's sort of right, but the same goes with t_D fags.

"Snowflake" was originally a mockery of people who wanted so much to be unique and special, much like an actual snowflake. They achieved this via making up stupid genders (which is why right-wingers adopted it first). Now it's just a synonym for 'buttmad'.

I also see people calling each other 'incel redpillers': a literal contradiction of terms.

The fact that you care about the etymology of snowflake means that you should ensure your personnal safety posthaste, tho.

I will beat everyone until compliance is ingrained into all of you.



This is like you reading my mind.

wtf, we can't even tell people to stay safe now?

it's a dangerous world out there

Classic Drama was much better days for sure. Simpler times.


Look at r/asktrumpsupports literally every response that isn't anti Trump is downvoted to shit. The Donald is trash, but at least they don't try to be this phony bipartisan free speech shit. Plus td is probably the most brigaded sub on reddit even with those rules.

r/latestagecapitalism is such a low hanging fruit when it comes to bad economics, it‘s basically a watermelon.

It's a potato. It's such low hanging fruit it's buried itself

I thought that too, but a potato is not a fruit. Are there underground fruits?

Freddie Mercury

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh my fucking sides!

Fruits are seed-bearing structures, so it would be a little weird for them to grow underground.

Peanuts? Not sure if they're classified as fruit though.

Peanuts are legumes


It might hang low, but watermelon is still delicious.

Like deez nuts

y'all got sick zingers today damn r/drama has no chill


I'm just always gonna smirk at their 28 lines of auto-moderator comment of pure delusion.

The US economy is built on war. There's a lot of war going on right now. Most directly caused or started by the US. Is that not the point? What am I missing here?

The article implies that as soon as the US stops funding wars, the economy will crash...

Military spending as a % of GDP is like 3.1 in the US, and had been decreasing for years. And the Americans also foot our (Europeans‘) bill.

The military expenditure is almost 3x the rest of the world combined... That sounds like an imperial army attempting to keep the world in check through fear if you ask me.

Bill for what? Is the US fighting a war for Europe?

We just don't do a good job teaching international relations, clearly

Don't worry, he is gonna have his first IR unit when he gets into high school next year

Oh no. Its retarded.

They think that hegemony isn't inevitable and that the US hegemonis much preferable over china's.

Yes comrade, the filthy, degenerate, Nazi homosexuals from Poland and Ukraine are victims of American oppression

It's hilarious how you avoid mentioning ANY other country or continent.

But, sure... Let's play your game. Yes, Poland and Ukraine are the only countries being oppressed right now.

The rest of the world is living in harmony and their is no US engineered migrant crisis occurring right now. Millions of people are not dead, with 10's of millions displaced by 17 years of war, which would be the longest ongoing war in the modern era, with more refuges than world war 1 and 2 combined, but you know, if that was happening.....

Yes, Zionist plots keep the war machine oiled. Make sure the rest of these peons get redpilled by these truth bombs.

US military expenditure is about 1/3 of the total. You could at least get your basic facts straight.

The presence of US military in Western Europe post-WWII has neutralized the Communist threat. You might have also noticed how, even post-USSR fall, no NATO or NATO-affiliatef country has had part of its territory annexed by Russia.

you could at least get your basic facts straight

Ok now you try




Seems about the level of insight I should expect.

Ahhh, Classic argumentum ad hominem. I see you are an expert at avoiding confrontations. Good for you.

I came to /r/drama expecting a proper debate

Oh no. Its retarded.

/r/mensrights and /r/LateStageCapitalism don't exactly go together though

Which education system failed you?

Looks like a preschool dropout who never learned how to color inside the lines properly to me

Military spending can go a lot higher than that as a % of GDP. Like a fifth of the Soviet economy was devoted to military matters (they had to have ridiculous military spending to keep up). Also North Korea still spends similar levels on its military.

Also I'd like to point out that due to higher labor costs, we don't get as much bang for the buck as the Chinese and Russians do out of their spending. An American soldier in the modern day has all their basic needs taken care of and is actually compensated fairly well when you take into account all the benefits, like housing. While a Chinese soldier is not treated nearly as well, and even if they were it would be much cheaper to provide them with similar levels of standard of living in China.

The same applies to most of the workers and engineers who create and design their military machines.

Wrong. Your dollar has way more power than the yuan. It would cost relatively the same if we factored in purchasing power. Even less if that soldier took his pay check and went and exploited some poorer country.

That would require your taxes going through the roof. 52% of your federal budget is already spent on your military and your country is running hundreds of billions in deficit and you think you can just increase that?

Where will the money come from? The US people are dirt poor. A handful are obscenely rich but the majority are dirt poor. You think those billionaire ceo's are going to give anything up to fund your military? Hahahah. You are living in feudal US and you don't even realise it.

Can't wait to read the new hunger games no doubt coming to a newstand by me soon.

Is the US fighting a war for Europe?

There's a reason Russia stopped at Berlin and never went further.

Because.... the US is spending trillions of dollars funding it's own oppressive military campaigns across Africa and Asia?

Right? That's why?

The soviets stopped at Berlin in 1945 because the US is attempting global domination in the 2000's.

Yep. Makes perfect sense.

Best comment 2018. Awe-inspiring.

"Oppressive" how?

Oh.. Sorry... You call it "Intervention" over there don't you.

Disrupting a countries infrastructure. Disposing of it's leaders and installing your own. Ensuring the only countries they are allowed to do business with is your own country. "Rebuilding" said country using your own federally funded construction companies, while passing the bill on to the people who's infrastructure you just destroyed.

"Intervention" right? Not oppression.

Disrupting a countries infrastructure.

We didn't gas Kurds in Iraq, enact a reign of terror to consolidate power, nor beat men for being under western influences in Afghanistan.

Disposing of it's leaders and installing your own.

Ah yes, Saddam and the Taliban - well known for being great leaders and excellent places to be.

Ensuring the only countries they are allowed to do business with is your own country.

Literally fake news

"Rebuilding" said country using your own federally funded construction companies, while passing the bill on to the people who's infrastructure you just destroyed.

Gonna need a source on that last bit

"Intervention" right? Not oppression.

That's not what oppression is fam. Oppression is where you're taken out of the room and executed for not being supportive enough. But hey - I'm sure you know a lot about this.

You have enacted a reign of terror. You are on the wrong side and are blinded by your own fascist ideals. No, you straight up murder whole families for not being under western influence.

Saddam and the Taliban were put into power by the US to begin with... Or did you forget about that little part? Both parties were literally funded, trained and supported by the US government.

Not fake news. Take a look at any country that doesn't agree with there the US and let's have a look at the trade sanctions imposed upon them hmm?

Halliburton. Look it up. Dick Cheney had good reason to send your country to war. Even while he failed to protect it (or intentionally allowed your country to come under attack, depends how you want to look at it)

Tha's exactly what oppression is. Exactly. You are doing exactly that. Everyday you kill more and more innocent civilians because their line of thought does not match yours. I do know a lot about it because I'm watching your country do it every day.

You have enacted a reign of terror. You are on the wrong side and are blinded by your own fascist ideals. No, you straight up murder whole families for not being under western influence.

Oh really? We go out and murder families on orders? Got a source for that one?

Saddam and the Taliban were put into power by the US to begin with... Or did you forget about that little part? Both parties were literally funded, trained and supported by the US government.

  1. False.

  2. The Mujahideen became the Taliban. They were not the Taliban - we supported the Northern Alliance in the Afghan Civil War.

Not fake news. Take a look at any country that doesn't agree with there the US and let's have a look at the trade sanctions imposed upon them hmm?

Okay, prove it then. Show me where Iraq and Afghanistan aren't allowed to trade with other countries.

Tha's exactly what oppression is. Exactly. You are doing exactly that. Everyday you kill more and more innocent civilians because their line of thought does not match yours. I do know a lot about it because I'm watching your country do it every day.

Haha. No you're not.

Oh... That's right.. You pass off those millions of innocent deaths as "happy little accidents" right? Even though you were directly ordered to bomb that building of people, it's not your fault if whole families die. It was "faulty intelligence" or some other bullshit excuse. So yes. You are ordered to kill those people. You just don't accept that's what you are doing, instead blaming anything else but your own decisions.

True and True... Do you even know what Mujahideen means or is that just another dog whistle? There's a list of people Iraq and Afghanistan cannot do business with because the US says they cannot.

Yes, I am. I like how you accept that you kill millions of innocent people because they don't agree with you. But can't accept someone claiming they can see the pain the US is causing on a daily basis. Priorities.

Oh... That's right.. You pass off those millions of innocent deaths as "happy little accidents" right?

Except a vast majority were due to enemy action. Who is it that blows themselves up in crowded markets? Who is it that executes people for helping Americans? Who is it that disrupts relief efforts? Not me.

Even though you were directly ordered to bomb that building of people, it's not your fault if whole families die. It was "faulty intelligence" or some other bullshit excuse. So yes. You are ordered to kill those people. You just don't accept that's what you are doing, instead blaming anything else but your own decisions.

That's literally fake news.

True and True... Do you even know what Mujahideen means or is that just another dog whistle?

False and false, also did you seriously ignore the purge that Saddam committed? Or was the five minute video too real for you?

There's a list of people Iraq and Afghanistan cannot do business with because the US says they cannot.

I'll make it easy for you

Find the nations. Also - Afghanistan isn't on that list.

Yes, I am. I like how you accept that you kill millions of innocent people because they don't agree with you. But can't accept someone claiming they can see the pain the US is causing on a daily basis. Priorities.

Haha. No you're not.

hahahahahah. "Enemy action". Of course. Almost all civilian deaths are cause by the enemy. You only hit right the targets. You are delusional. You BOMB crowded markets, packed Mosques, crowded hospitals and schools, crowded streets, family homes. Every day. For 17 years.

Ahhhh, Fake news. Classic. No response? Let's call it fake news.

Curious how quickly you dropped the Mujahideen point hmmmm? Remind me who put Saddam into power. Who disposed of the previous Iraqi leader and installed Saddam? Or is history too confronting for you. The US knew EXACTLY what kind of man he was when they were training him. That was the point.

Right..... Except if Afghanistan does business with someone who is on the list, then what happens?

Yes. I am. Every day.

hahahahahah. "Enemy action". Of course. Almost all civilian deaths are cause by the enemy. You only hit the right targets. You are delusional. You BOMB crowded markets, packed Mosques, crowded hospitals and schools, crowded streets, family homes. Every day. For 17 years.

lol, you're literally making that up.

Curious how quickly you dropped the maniacal dictator point - the revolutionary who revolted against his kingdom.

Also, why aren't you going through that list?

I figure if you're going to be low-effort than I am too.

US have appointed leaders in countries outside of the middle east, they appointed the first South Korean president for example

This is literally the dumbest comment on here. Military expenditure is less than 5% and has been decreasing over time. Where the fuck did you take your economics class dude

US military expenditure is almost 3 times the rest of the world combined, yes?

Now the US GDP isn't 3x the rest of the world combined so something is a miss with your statement.

China's defense budget is barely 1% of their GDP.... So what you are admitting is that you the US is the biggest warmonger this planet has ever seen?

Funny. Official UN numbers put Chinas budget at 170 Billion (In 2018). I don't believe that chart, not for a second. Secondly, Trumps new budget allowed 718 billion...

Stop using obviously falsified statistics than can be disproved IMMEDIATELY.

But even if those statistics were even remotely true, you are spending 3x as much as China on military while claiming to be "the good guys". You are openly engaged in destablising country after country, killing millions in the progress. Yet you would still call yourself "the good guys".

in 2018

That's a keyword, retard.

Here's another source, in 2017 100% of military expenditure in the world was around 1.7 trillion.

Even if the USA spend 718 billion dollars in 2017, it's not even close to triple of what the rest of the world are spending together.

And stop projecting, retard.

You are right. It's only 3x as much as China and Russia combined. Fixed. So what you are proving to me is that a SINGLE country is responsible for 1/3rd of ALL military activity on this planet. Correct? One country.

In any other timeline the world should be at war with the US. But also I guess it's just safed for everyone to let the US collapse in on itself.

Also responsible for ONE FOURTH of the global GDP, smooth brain.

Oh... that makes it all better then. All that make believe wealth and it only cost a few million lives. You are the good guys.

But just quietly, you carrying more than 1/3 of global debt held by governments. So... you are in more debt than what wealth you can provide to the world. Which, mathematically, means only one outcome. Collapse.

It's actually really depressing this is all going straight over your head. You are completely blind to your countries crimes.

So you're telling me that GDP, debt and military spending are all strongly correlated? No way!

I'm saying you have more debt than you have wealth. You create more debt than wealth and then you are over spending on military in a vein attempt to protect US corporate interests abroad. You are literally bombing other countries, killing millions of people all while watching your economy steam towards collapse.

I'm trying to make you see what your country is on the brink of and the rest of us around the world don't want the US going AWOL and start bombing anywhere they can. Which they already do for the most part but hey, very few European people die so it's okay.

Actually your argument was that our military spending triples the rest of the world combined. That was wrong, so you argued that the correct figure of 35% of total world military spending was ridiculous, which is also wrong because it correlates with its share of world GDP. Now you say DEBT BAD EVERYONE WILL DIE, which had nothing to do with the original discussion.

I quote

"The US economy is built on war. There's a lot of war going on right now. Most directly caused or started by the US. Is that not the point? What am I missing here?

The article implies that as soon as the US stops funding wars, the economy will crash.."

Now are you sure you can read?? Because that is the argument here. As stated at the top. The beginning. The very first thing that was said. The initial hypothesis. The start of this 'conversation' which has really just been me explaining the state of the world to a bunch of literal children. Which I don't mind. Just a little frustrating when they get caught up in their own emotions.

Again. Debt you cannot pay. You seem to intentionally leave that part out. Which has everything to do with the original discussion of your economy collapsing. As above.

Now I repeat, can you read? Are you able to understand or?

You did read the actual yes? It's based of deaths per 100,000....

You understand our global population is exponentially rising yes?

You understand how that would affect this report yes?

I'll save the humiliation and assume yes on all counts.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Stick to your terrible pre made memes as your safety blanket and leave the talking to the adults hmmm?

pfft i bet you don't even think vaccines cause autism, dumb boomer

Geez. Picked you like an old scab. I'm about 35 years off being a boomer but.. uhh... good guess... I uhhh.. guess?

dont lie to me boomer, I know you want to make all those mexican children retarded with your vaccines

Lol this is some "debt is a bad thing" lack of understanding of economics.

It becomes a bad thing when your country can no longer pay its debt. Or is that too advanced for you?

Your government can't even afford the interest on it's loans now. Explain to me how this is a positive thing for your economy moving forward? Remind me how operating a country, or even a business in a state of perpetual loss is a good thing?

Should be rather easy with your assumed knowledge. Educate me.

What makes you think the US can't pay its debts? Bankers aren't retarded; they aren't going to loan to the US if they thought they would lose money.

Because the math says you can't. Literally. 21 trillion dollars just in federal debt. With hundreds of billions in defeceit by the year.
You aren't even covering the interest on those loans. It's gone well beyond whether or not you can. You havn't. Not for many years now and now, you can't.

Oh right. Because Banks are ethical institutions, right? Hahahah... Oh, banks will get their due. Civil forfeiture is a thing in the US. US citizen are pretty close to being taken for everything they got. But don't worry. I'm sure guys like Jeff Bezos will be fine and will continue to live a cruisy life style in the carribean. While you pick up the tab.

It happened in 2008, just this time it's going to be a lot worse. Hope you are ready. Cause just like in 2008, loans will be called in and just like in 2008 US citizen will not be able to afford to pay em.

make believe wealth

You are right, USA and Liberia are equally rich.

You're moving the goalpost, retard.

you are right

I know.

You're moving the goalpost, retard.

you are right

I know.

And what were the goal posts again?

Because I've been trying to prove the US is an oppressive warmongering regime hell bent on global domination through it's military and doing everything it can to make sure that global war is perpetual.

I'd say I banged it right through the middle posts.

You are still spending 3x more than China and Russia combined.

You are still spending 3x more than China and Russia combined.

Which is still false, even if the US spends close to 3 times the amount they spend.

And what were the goal posts again?

What's your memory like?

China 2018 budget: 173 billion

Russia 2018 budget: 66.8 billion

US budget: 718 billion.

Do you ahh need me to do the math for you or you reckon you got it from here?

As for goal posts, I quote:

"The US economy is built on war. There's a lot of war going on right now. Most directly caused or started by the US. Is that not the point? What am I missing here?

The article implies that as soon as the US stops funding wars, the economy will crash.."

You ahh up to speed there skippy or more explanation needed?

Do you ahh need me to do the math for you or you reckon you got it from here?

1733 + 66.83 = 719.4

Are you insane?

Um.... You understand that just equals the US budget right?

Also it turns out the Russian bill is only 47 billion in 2018 according to their ministry of defense. My mistake for reading the statistics you provided me.

So uhh.. (173 + 47)3 = ?

You still want to argue this or can we return to the original point of the US being a violent warmongering nation that relies on its military to boost its economy?

US military expenditure is almost 3 times the rest of the world combined, yes?

It’s also the richest country on the planet with literal trillions in wealth like assets, IP’s, franchises, technology, biotechnology, scientific research, etc.

It’s a drop in the bucket compared, considering we also foot the bill for European military spending/research so it inflates our expenditures in that area.

China's defense budget is barely 1% of their GDP.... So what you are admitting is that you the US is the biggest warmonger this planet has ever seen?

GDP expenditure doesn’t matter if you’re talking about “warmongering” genius. I also love how you’re bringing China into this as if they’re innocent when they’re currently on an imperialist brigade with their “One China” policy but I guess that doesn’t matter to you because daddy US is so bad 😭

US military expenditure is 1/3 of the global expenditure, not 3x. The guy is an idiot.

Oh gee when you make more money than more than half of the globe it’s almost like you blow through the equivalent of all their treasuries in 6 months and with barely a dent 🙄

98% of that wealth is make believe. The US also has 21 trillion in debt. You can't even pay the interest on your LOANS any more. If you call debt "wealth" then yeah, you are the wealthiest on the planet. But remember that wealth is literally BORROWED from the rest of the world. We were promised much in return but the US did not come through. You have been living way beyond your means for decades now and it's all going to come crashing in. The rich elite of your country can only keep you propped up for so long. Oh... Is that why my country buys the vast majority of it's military technology from European countries is it? Because the US is paying for it? Hahahahaa. You are more delusional than you realise. That money you are spending is on YOUR OWN bases. Not ours.

It IS that bad. You are just too blind to see it. YOU are the destroyers of peace and prosperity. You are the bringers of death for millions in this world, all in the name of profit. You are worse than the USSR ever was. You are worse than China. You are THE worst warmonger in modern history and will continue to be so until your economy collapses. Which will happen. I just worry how many millions, if not billions of people the US will take with it to hell.

98% of that wealth is make believe. The US also has 21 trillion in debt. You can't even pay the interest on your LOANS any more. If you call debt "wealth" then yeah, you are the wealthiest on the planet. But remember that wealth is literally BORROWED from the rest of the world.

This is literally how it’s supposed to work. There’s supposed to be much more “fictional” money. China unironically has worse debt than the United States.

Oh... Is that why my country buys the vast majority of it's military technology from European countries is it? Because the US is paying for it?

Yes, for the most part. The US funds a lot of military tech in Western Europe. Switzerland comes to mind tbh

Which will happen. I just worry how many millions, if not billions of people the US will take with it to hell.

The biggest countries in the world are invested in keeping the US afloat similarly to a place like China because our economies are so globalized that if the US were to ever falter, the yen and euro would probably be worth an IOU

"This is literally how it’s supposed to work" This is literally how create global financial meltdowns. I have little understanding of economics? Here you are insisting that invisible wealth is how it is suppose to be. No standard, no regulation. How many people have you scammed in your life?

China does not have worse debt than the US... It's 1/5th by actual number and less than half if we are talking % on the GDP. Making more stuff up? Who told you this? Your local leader?

Not for the most part. Barely for any part. The f-35's is the ONLY piece of US technology my country will be running and that was funded by the globe and even then they will probably turn out to be the the biggest white elephant in history.

"that if the US were to ever falter..." That is where you are dead wrong. The world won't cease to function without the U.S. The world would probably prosper without such an oppressive warmongering state running around. But the U.S will certainly make sure that if it goes down, it'll do as much damage to everyone else around it because that's the U.S way.. The rest of the world will go into damage control as rogue US armed forces rampage across the globe.

Imagine having this little understanding of economics.

The US is also the nation that gets the responsibility of patrolling literally every sealane on planet.

I've seen users on this sub defend beastiality more intelligently than you

The US economy is built on war

babbie loves his first month as a freshman in highschool

Yeah.. About the level of rebuttal I've come to expect here. No facts. No figures. Just millions dead and billions of dollars being funneled into the hands of a few but you know "wahh waahh wahh, I'm a baby" This, I hope, is coming from a 10 year old or I would be seriously worried about my future prospects as a productive human being.

No facts. No figures

You should stop, before making LSC and yourself a bigger idiot than you already have.

You've read through some of these comments right?

I'm making an idiot of myself or of the faggots that inhabit this sub?

Like it matters anyway. The whole world could be laughing at your face and you continue thinking that you are in on the joke. In reality though.... you are the joke.

/r/iamverysmart right there.

You have no idea what you are talking about. If you talked to any economics professor in the world, they would be able to quickly tear you a new asshole.

Ahhh. The ol' "if you talk to (x) professional I guarantee they would agree with me" argument. Classic. Flawless. Inspiring.

millions dead

Point me at that ongoing war that has killed millions

Retard detected.

The article explicitly says a good economy leads to less recruits. Which implies that when the economy crashes people will turn to the military again.

How the fuck did you even get to your conclusion?

You literally spelled it out in your own comment........

You use the military to prop up your economy. When it's good the military suffers, crashing the economy again only for it to be propped up again by the military.

You literally spell it out for yourself but are too simple to understand and then have the audacity to call me a retard. I really don't think you realise what the word means. If you did you would be crying into the mirror every morning with shame.

You think the largest in the world is getting propped up from the salaries of newly enlisted recruits that make jack shit for an income?

Yes. Remimd me how much of the federal budget is poured back into the military. Don't bother, it's 52% in the US.

You think funneling 718 billion dollars a year to your soldiers has little efffect on your economy? Imagine if that flow of money stopped.

Lol, you think 52% of the budget is military? You are retarded. The economy doesn't equal federal budget either. Also your claim that when the economy worsens that the military budget increases to help the economy is false. The military isn't spending hundreds of billions in income to 18 year old enlisted men.

Everything you say is both objectively wrong and constantly corrected by others and insanely retarded when it comes to analysis and opinion.

Are you a socialist? It is the only thing that makes sense for you to have this much stupidity about economic and military matters.

But 52% of your budget is spent on the military. That's not disputable. You might want to look into your own federal budget before you start throwing around the "retard" rebuttal, kid.

Yes, they do. The more debt your country is in the more you seem to soend on your military. Again, a very proven thing.

No, the budget does not encompass the entirety of the economy. But you also seem to believe that your GDP is actually a sign of economic health. A literal handful of people in the US are bringing home 90% of that. Those handful of people aren't going to give you the money you want to fund your country. Having a handful of wealthly citizens =/= a wealthy country.

Just because you fail to understand the information being fed to you doesn't make others incoherent. I'm sure this is your go to thing any time you feel confused by the world, which I'll wager is quite often.

Show me proof that 52% of annual federal expenditures is military. Show me how that relates to the statement that the military is hurt when the economy is good and vice versa. Also show me that military budget has increased in relative terms to the economy and budget compared to the past.

LMAO at you thinking the GDP has 90% of it go to "literally five people" considering the median income of Americans.

Hmmm, you're right. I was reading the "discretionary" section of your budget. I did not realise you split your budget into two sections. 2008 is a dead giveaway. Worlds largest financial meltdown this side of the great depression? Your military expenditure goes up. Then if you notice during the years of prosperity under Obama the spending decreases. Now that the current administration has blown your budget back up, including an almost 1 trillion dollar deficit, the spending on military goes back up. That graph doesn't include 2018 yet but you can see the rise in 2017 and we know Trump just approved a massive hike in military expenditure for 2018

"A handful of people" But I guess that saying is lost on you. Yes. 8 US citizens have more wealth than 4.7 billion people combined. You see, if you have 100,000 people earning 20,000 and then just have one who earns 6 billion a year you have a median income of 80,000 a year. Are you seeing how badly those handful of ultra rich are inflating your numbers here well beyond what they actually are?

You are an idiot that has no idea what median means.

Median: "The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample. For a data set, it may be thought of as the "middle" value"

I don't think you know what it means. You are confusing the mean with the median if you are trying to make the point I think you are.

Who does that all research and development and purchasing? Obviously not people who need a salary apparently. Are soldiers the only people with a paycheck in the military industrial complex? You seem to think so.

You see, if you have 100,000 people earning 20,000 and then just have one who earns 6 billion a year you have a median income of 80,000 a year.

Fucking idiot.

So I stated the definition of median. Did you not like it?

Like I said, you've gotten yourself confused between median and the mean. But I'll let you exist in ignorance.

Yes it does? Are you saying that there is no one working in STEM fields in the military and that the military never ever recruits new ones? Military never ever recruits engineers. Never ever recruits scientists.

Yeah okay mate. You keep those mental gymnastics up.

Oh, I remember. I'm stating my points and evidence. You on the other hand. "No, No, No, You are and idiot"

That is the entire extent of your side of the conversation. I really wasn't going to bother reply again but it probably would've been cruel to let you go on.

The median would be 20k in your example you stupid person.

Median: For a continuous probability distribution, the median is the value such that a number is equally likely to fall above or below it.

Do you even try to be this dumb? Or does this come naturally to you?

How is 50% of the population above 80k you idiot? Or if literally only one person above 80k in your example. This is what autism and stupidity looks like work a heavy dose of completely unjustified confidence mixed in and it is not pretty.

It's not....... you fool. I was making an example to you for how the statistics can me fudged to make it seem things are great when, in fact, they are not.

Look, I don't care about your country or what happens to you. My only concern is the inevitable violence that would spill over into my country.

If you want to you go believing that the mean income in the US is 59k, w.e. Do as you wish.

I've given you the dictionary definitions along with solid examples. if you can't understand the information given to you then well, you're doomed.

I've done all I can.

The world is laughing with you, not at you.


This is what I mean.

We are talking median. You are too stupid to follow even your own words much less follow everyone else in conversation.

Median: adjective

1. denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it.

How many times to do you need the actual definition posted to you before you get it? 10 times? 100 times?

Have you even bothered to read the definition even once before calling me stupid?

You literally swapped to use mean and can't keep your comments straight one from the next.

The median of your example is 20k. You are wrong. Stop talking unless you get your facts straight. America is rich same that goes for the middle of the pack people as well.

I swapped to try and accomodate for your defintion because it's quite obvious you are confused. Did you read the definition of median? You didn't did you....

Here, i'll keep posting the definitiom until you take the time and read it:

Median: adjective

Denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it.

I've highlighted the most important part. Which if you just read that you'll understand that it's impossible to have a median of 20k when you have the number 8,000,000,000 involved within the values.

No it isn't. The median would still be 20k even if over person in the group made 8 trillion dollars. You have no concept of how statistics work. 50% of the population is still making above and below 20k. One outlier didn't change that.

So you are counting 100% of the values. Are you sure?

I mean. I'm pretty sure those outliners are considered part of the 100%. Unless you count above 100%. I know I'm apparently stupid.... But I'm pretty sure 100% is as high as you can go..... Unless you count to 105%. I dunno. I simply can't keep up with your genius any longer...

This is the part where you waffle and realize you had no idea what you you were talking about.

I hate when leftists try to portray the military as targeting poor people when it's fairly representative of the country.

The military is more diverse than a leftist's friend circle.

I cringe at this lack of self awareness

Lack of skills/creditials that translate to civilian jobs after you get out.

This is how I know this person has never met actual soldiers.

Their selling point is literally how they can get you civilian jobs and on site training.

Economy strong like Soviet engineering