Kia/MDEgenerate posts about how daddy "actually totally one the debate" and gets BTFO'D by Based and Sorospilled Drama users

11  2018-09-26 by superfam


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Terrible post

holy fuck you people are so much worse than MDEfuuges. This is like the 20th post about the exact same stale non drama about some dumb thing daddy did.

Y'all get salty about the daddy defence force but exact the same people spam /r/drama with like 20 posts about every autistic thing daddy does.

Fucking Daddy Derangement Force at this point.

No Papa

The posting will continue until the front page is full and the salt is maximum.

Then... I don't know what happens then. I think it's good for drama. Probably.

The worst part is that hot can actually get flooded with enough posts in new. Don't make me search for the drama you fucks

holy fuck you people are so much worse than MDEfuuges. This is like the 20th post about the exact same stale non drama about some dumb thing daddy did.


Y'all get salty about the daddy defence force but exact the same people spam /r/drama with like 20 posts about every unfunny autistic thing daddy does.


Fucking Daddy Derangement Force at this point.


well thats not very nice
