Pack it up boys, Bussy is canceled!

434  2018-09-26 by ConservativesRBIGgay


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make the sub private again


make the sub private again

I upvoted it, but why is it shilling I know it's used a lot on reddit, but isn't the creator a crazy Russian dude that got pissed he couldn't traffic drugs into Ukraine?

isn't the creator a crazy Russian dude that got pissed he couldn't traffic drugs into Ukraine?

I have no idea, where'd you hear this?

It was Finland, not Ukraine. While I thought I heard somewhere it was drugs, I couldn't find any mention of it specifically being drugs. He does refer to "an incident at the border" on Twitter, though

I guess this is proof that when you throw around that many buzzwords you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Buzzword is, itself a buzzword now.

It's buss-word now.

Bussy-words are now cancelled!

Reminds me of r/Kat_Bot

Lmfao bussy is not aave its from fags O. Fourchinz calling traps buttholes Boi Pucci which evolved to bucci which evolved to bussy

Damm, what does any of this means. I've never been so out of my element.

all of it means the same thing: degeneracy

it's time for a fucking crusade

Titus.... You know what to do

Risky click of the day.

No risk involved when it comes to bussy boi

and it paid off in spades

everyday we stray further from his light

that shit's lit



The absolute state of hets smy


It's not my job to educate you, shitlord! Go back to /r/The_Donald!

Because everyone who doesn't share a similar understanding of your worldview has to be a Trump supporter.

it means we've found a viable replacement for women

we'll never have to go out of our comfort zones again

Pretty sure Zealand figured that solution out long ago. Also Scotland.

"Hey don't we make condoms outta these things?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Why ain't we just save some money and cut out the middle woman?"


I refuse to call AAVE a language. It's literally just dumbed down English.

peak mayo opinion right here

flair checks out

epic flair joke Reddit friend! when does le narwhal bacon?! XD

now THIS is a high-IQ comment, thanks for contributing

Gentlesir why have I been downsnozzled? Remember your reddiquette sir! What Would Snoo Do?

ummmm, yikes. I just took a look through your post history, and just, yikes. get some help, get a therapist, and maybe you'll get laid.

get a therapist, and maybe you'll get laid

who do you think has been fucking me all these years lol 🤣😂😅😥😟😢😭

You must be fun at parties!!!! XD get him boys

my busy is ready

This thread has way too much "ironic" retardation.

you must be new here

Eh... If american isnt a language separate from english, I dunno why aav would be.

Okay gayboi no one cares lol

Okay gayboi no one cares lol

You should worry more about spanglish, since that will be the standard american english in the near future


Pls translate 2 Pidgin ur grammars 2 complex

Well, English itself is a dumbed down mixture of German and French (on account of being constantly conquered and raped by different peoples) but that doesn't mean it's not a language... wait, actually you do have a point!

If English was really French then the French wouldn't be so salty that the Lingua Franca of the world is English.

If English was really French then the French wouldn't be so salty that the Lingua Franca of the world is English.

It's a dumbed down French, that's precisely why it's popular with barbarians.

Those barbarians took over the world and feed the French McDonald's all over their country.

As they are wont to, as they are wont to.

Its a pidgin of norman and german. AFAIU Norman was similar but distinct from middle french.

It's a dialect dumbass


> not understanding what a dialect is

> pissing off this many people


🤔🤔 dont know where i stand on this now 🤔🤔

Lol if it's dumbed down, why does it have more complex grammatical aspect and tense than standard english?

grammatical aspect and tense

None of the people who speak it understand what this means and would say that you're talking white so I don't think it matters.

You don't have to consciously understand grammatical rules/features as a native speaker for them to be real.

For example, you know that one of these sentences is wrong, but you likely wouldn't be able to tell my why, because the rules governing contractions are baked into your subconscious.

The party's over there.

I know where the party is.

I know where the party's.

3, cause shit's tarded

but you likely wouldn't be able to tell me why, because the rules governing contractions are baked into your subconscious.

you mean the rule i learned when i was 5? If you don't know that refers to the possessive then idk what to tell you.

nope, different party's - a contraction of party is.

Neither sentence 1 nor 3 would make sense if it were the posessive.

Lmao. As if any of the morons clutching their pearls about black people ruining English have actual linguistic education.

making something unnecessarily complex is dumb

ELI5 what is this?

No one has ever called it a language you retarded troglodyte. It has fucking "English" in its name.

Nah the concept of boy pussy has been around amongst gays for years, 4Chan didn't invent it

Wasn't 'pussy hole' more common until recently?

4chan popularized it, which is just the same

Among straights, maybe.

Whatever gaybo

Oooh, triggered

Yes I am ultra triggered

He admitted it....haha

well out of the 2 guess who there's exponentially more of

No, that's just the first time you heard it. Boy pussy/bussy has always been in black gay slang.

Wth? Boy, did you get a bump on the noggin'

Hello tick tock

If it's cool it's aave mate

since when is bussy wbonics oh my god.

Petition to name 4chin speak to "webonics"


*Ourbonics 🇷🇺

That's appropriating Chilean culture.

All slang that becomes popular is Ebonics. It's state law.

If it's not black it's either irish or yiddish.


am i doing this right?

Busy LMAO 💯😂👌

This is so offensive.

Do you want me to fuck your asshole, you little bitch?


hey bb, can i fuck your bussy plz?

What the fuck did you just call me?

You best come over here boy or Imma beat you ass with a flip flop

begone from my bussy, thot ...wait are you ?!

No. Your trussy gussy is not a bussy.

I don't like the term front hole. It sounds so cold and sterile.

When it’s definitely neither.

How do you know it's not st-

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

on trans warm and pus-filled

"Front hole" is used by trans' men, so, natural vaginas.

Unless you do think that's how vaginas are, and in that case...When was the last time you f#cked and/or got an STD ?

shit has gotten so fucked i don't even know

and who can blame you?

‘Cisgays is a slur’ should definitely be a slogan once the inevitable Trans vs Cis Gay turf wars really erupt.

We finally witnessed the end of the oppression Olympics cuz now no one left remains who counts enough to get to hold it over anyone else.

The concept of “Ebonics” and “AAVE” is the funniest shit to me. When are we going to get RVE “Redneck Vernacular English” or HVE “Homosexual Vernacular English?”

Among linguists that has already existed for a long time, just like AAVE.

As usual, these "social progressives" turn it into an intellectual dick waiving contest that measures your moral standing.

it's literally just a way to describe language dialects.

are they supposed to pretend they don't exist? :/

yeah I mean it's definitely it's own dialect in the same way that Geordie is in the UK. Yes it's based in poor education but the whole reason we have languages and dialects is because we didn't have actual education for a long-ass time so every town and enclave pronounced shit wrong.

a person's inability to speak the standard dialect of their language is poor education, but the ability to speak a dialect doesn't really have anything to do with education, unless we consider "growing up in a rural area or a certain part of the country or within an ethnic group" also a marker of poor education.

...which tons of people do, don't get me wrong

Yeah in the case of AAVE or whatever in America it definitely means you have a poor education because standard American English is taught in schools. If you are somehow unable to speak it or both, you fucked up at some point(or I guess you live in a really shitty area). If you speak only Haitian Creole French or Jamaican English and you live in those countries...can't really blame you and it's basically becoming it's own language.

Yeah in the case of AAVE or whatever in America it definitely means you have a poor education because standard American English is taught in schools.

That's not true at all. People who grow up speaking different languages or dialects with class or social connotations switch between them frequently. Even in Standard English, the language, grammar, syntax, etc. you use among friends and family is going to be different than what you use in a formal context unless you're an insufferable cunt.

That was what I meant. If you only speak AAVE it means you missed out on proper education at some point. If you speak it and standard American English you're fine. A worse example is Geordie English. It's basically unintelligible to other English people but most people who speak with that dialect speak standard English too.

Oh, makes sense.

I don't really buy your argument that if someone speaks with a thick local accent (because they grew up there) their education was somehow lacking.

Found the dumbster.

I tutored at an inner city school. Well educated teachers from around the country don't just flock to these schools, usually it's all FUBU so the teachers speak AAVE just like they were taught. Black people in closed systems have no reason to know a language used by another group of people with whom they don't associate. AAVE is a dialect and nothing else.

We only pretend one of them isn't retarded.

When we lower societal expectations of rednecks/homos to meet the same soft bigotry of low expectations.

I don’t expect rednecks to do anything but screw like methy rabbits, pop out a dozen little tards they won’t parent, and buy shirts at Spencer’s with hate speech on them. Idk how the standards could go any lower.

Need more army meat for the grinder. Bless the little Southern hearts.

I don’t expect rednecks to do anything but screw like methy rabbits, pop out a dozen little tards they won’t parent, and buy shirts at Spencer’s with hate speech on them. Idk how the standards could go any lower.

Once you intellectualize and excuse their butchering of the English language as a "sub-language," then your expectations will be low enough.

When they start committing a statistically-over-represented amount of violent crime, don't hold them accountable. Blame society or something.


Once you intellectualize and excuse their butchering of the English language as a "sub-language,"

This is ridiculous. AAVE isn't considered a "sub language", it's a dialect that's studied in linguistics just like thousands of dialects across the world. It's no different than any of the other dialects in America that have class connotations and aren't acceptable in formal settings, e.g. Southern Appalachian, Boston Urban, that disgusting PA coal region dialect, Chicano, "Yooper" (also an abomination), etc.

All of those "dialects" you presented are mush-mouthed bastardizations of the true language. They're one step away from pointing and monosyllabically grunting.

ur retarded

holy shit you're mad lol

Failed two, passed two. Got a better offer out in private with way easier work. If you're interested in the accounting world, I can certainly give you some perspective. DM if you so choose.

But this isn't the first time you've tried this line with me, I believe. Do you just pester people online all day? If this is a bit, I didn't mean to trample all over it. Also you're neither as irritating nor as funny as you think you are.

/u/soyboyoyoyoyong is definitely funny and you're definitely mad.

I've started seeing this shit where a black person jokes about talking white and using proper English in professional settings. Then some (almost definitely white) commenter comes along to explain that AAVE is no less "proper" than any other way of speaking.

It's just so dumb. These people would immediately see the issue with someone talking like Jeff Foxworthy in a professional setting and mock them mercilessly.

that's entirely the wrong axis to think about it, since it's entirely about context.

if you were in a barber shop, it would be the proper way of speaking. if you are on the news or whatever standard english is the more proper way of speaking

if you're on the internet, autistic screeching is the proper way of speaking.

See:Jamaicans talking weird but writing proper English most of the time

I want to say that applies to Haitians as well but I'm not sure.

Haitians speak something more like another language than a different dialect of French, since they aren't entirely mutually intelligible, though that distinction is (ironically) semantic

source: dated a Haitian for the craziest 6 months of my life

Yeah my idea there is that it became it's own language technically because of poor education but we can't really blame them for that and at this point it it'd be proper to teach Haitian.

hurr durr I don't understand linguistics

Truly you have a dizzying intellect.

hurr durr

Fuck I got memed so good. I wasn't even making an argument but you completely debunked it.

It saves time



Missed you, BBY 😘😘😘


these people are the real ruskis swinging elections

They're a Soviet memetic virus intended to destroy the West that outlived its creator.

Technically trannies are still a German innovation. See: Magnus (((Hirschfeld))) and Karl (((Ulrichs)))

And so are trannies, because them krauts build some damn fine autos!

trump won because transexuals are cat fighting with homos about how to call their anus?

wtf i love daddy now 😍

Really put a bit of this world into persepective for me with this

really shows us that his account is still relevant 🤠🤠

Yeehaw pardner


is that what we call the president now?

Been this way for a couple years

You can thank Milo.

Does that mean all "furries" who are chickens are republicans now?

no, the transexuals want the word for their vaginas


Damn, gay marriage has only been legal for like five years and already white gay dudes have joined white straight dudes in the exclusive "okay to lecture" group.

It’s literally a prerequisite to be mentally ill to be trans. Plus they view themselves as the peak minority, and like to take every opportunity to remind people of that.

Filthy mayo trying a cancel bussy.

dude cancelled lmao

I thought the gays switched to 'Shitoris'?

The fuck are these words? The fuck is happening?

what does he mean by "cisgays"

what does he mean by "cisgays"

Literally just gay men that were born male.

So every gay dude that isn't Mr. Garrison?

AAVE, Transmasculine, Cisgay


you fucking fuckers and your goddamn words and acronyms. I hate you all.

AAVE (African American Vernacular English) - It is a term used to describe the dialect often used by black people in the U.S.

Transmasculine - An umbrella term used to refer to any afab (assigned female at birth) person who has a masculine gender.

Cisgay - I've never actually heard this one before but it very probably means cisgender (not trans) gay people.

How can one be trans and gay? They're two separate letters in the LGBT acronym.

One is gender expression and the other is two different categories lmao

Thats like asking how one can be a female and straight

I meant that as a joke, guess I should’ve left the /s there.

But what I am wondering is, if you’re trans, is being gay in relation to your previous gender or new one?

Oh lmao im an idiot Hard to tell when one is serious here

Im pretty sure sexuality is used with regards to their self-assigned gender.

Is that even English? It must be some kind of dialect or something because I have no clue what the hell she’s even talking about.

Its white leftist vernacular english.

"who can I target for points?"

"cis males? easy mark. firing twerpedos"

"oh noooooooo I've hit a hive of poc bees instead! why god, whyyyyy!?"

lmao that's exactly what happened

"auughhh i thought i was 'punching up' against people that my tribe would appreciate me being a dickhead towards! I didn't know I was being a dickhead to a different group, I'm sorry!!!"

Being a whiny retard isn't what they're sorry about, they're only sorry that they didn't annoy the "right" group of people

When the fuck did ebonics become AAVE?

Also, stick pussy.

sometime in the last 5 years, which is funny because "african american" is falling out of favor, so they're gonna have to change it again

Not necessarily, official names usually stick.


yeah, like ebonics

Ebonics was not the term used by linguists.

You are correct that people will continue to use that term.

Ping Ban Bussy

I can't keep up with this shit.

January tho

Op is total retard

If I showed one of my co-workers at John Deere this tweet, there's a good possibility they'd have a stroke from trying to understand what the fuck they we're reading

transmasculine exclusive term


I'm not sure what it even means, can I get an 11th grade biology translation?

I don't know what most of those words mean. I'm going to go yell at some clouds now....

this is why i'm not

this is why this is why i'm not

Ah, the 21st century