Feminists react to male despair

14  2018-09-26 by CadicalRentrist


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men are making it so sex is seem as an actual need like food and water.

Yeah, fuck that Maslow guy and his pseudo science hierarchy of needs. The only thing men need to do is shut the fuck up and give me money so I can look pretty and not have sex with them.

Look pretty

There aren't enough betabux in the world for the denizens of GenderCritical.

Agreed, but don't tell them that, it may be disastrous for the economy.


you are underestimating how pathetic maleoids can be

the point is that no amount of money would make them look pretty

Of course it's framed as "entitlement" and "social conditioning".

I never thought I'd see the day when even Radical Feminists have found a way to degenerate further.

At least they used to acknowledge male sexuality while demonizing it. Now they've moved on to the tip of the horseshoe, and are treating straight men the way the religious right treats homosexuals.

that thread was removed, probably because of OP's low karma

So many men using sex workers to fulfill their emotional needs.

I don't know if I should find it sad that they can't find anyone other than a paid worker to hear their sad stories, or if I should find it creepy that men can't separate sex and simple, emotional bonding with women.

Yeah why can't they just be incels and bottle it up instead of spending some money for some hoe listen to their problems and lick their dick

Imagine caring about a sub were 90% of the people are male karma whores reposting old top posts and comments strategically to boost their imaginary internet points


[sex] is not even an emotional need, you can fulfill that with friendship just fine.

And yet when a man won't be friends with her because she doesn't want to have sex, I bet she flips her shit.