Is the 👌🏿 white 👌🏿 power 👌🏿emoji racist? Does falling for an epic prank make le prankee more or less of a roody-poo than le pranker? The 30 year old boomers at /r/OutOfTheLoop are, as usual, streets behind.

90  2018-09-27 by WhaleTaleMan


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30 year old boomers?



easy on the sips goy, no more quake 3 and acca dacca for you

You ever try and play Ecco the Dolphin without a Game Genie? I tell you dude, they don't make games that hard anymore.


/r/drama was a good sub



Remember when the most autistic poster in /r/drama was /u/Captain_Sisko?

Good times.

Leftists are fucking retarded.

Gamers are more retarded tbh tho :')

thats why we gotta rise

Reddit was a mistake.

Do idiots still consider 4chan as soe single entitiy that can change the balance of the internet? Like do these idiots know the majority of that site is literlally just porn and hentai like seriosuly /pol/ has much power as an angry suburban woman with a blog.

like seriously /pol/ has much power as an angry suburban woman with a blog

That's just how this stupid bullshit picks up steam. It's angry suburban women with a blog writing this stuff at places like vice or huffpo and their readers thinking it's some national epidemic.


Every once in a while it does something that the media latches on to. It fails a lot though, like the milk is racist thing. But when it does succeed it is good for dramacoin

I have actually heard that milk is noninclusive though?

lactose-intolerants are as milkphobic as milk is lactoseintolerancephobic

Meme magic is real, dude.

You've replaced the lord out GET's grace with your soulless up/down arrows.

You'll get what you deserve 😎

A+ title game famalam 👍😂😂😂


Candy ass

Duckroll newfags smh

>they managed to steal a very prestigious, historic meme

>prestigious, historic meme


Before I read that comment I didn't understand why some people look down on "serious posting" and see it as corny. Now the endless "bussy"memes make sense, it is truly fucking repentance and salvation.

First they came for my Pepe the frog now my ok sign.

historic meme

Can't wait for the first meme museum.

Someone brings up alt-right atheists and for some reason it turns to people who really care about Gamergate.

So in actuality

  • some random group of people started a hoax to claim the ok-sign was a symbol of white supremacy,

  • people/the media not in the know started pointing it out and going on witch hunts for apparent white supremacists which were really just people doing the sign

  • White supremacists saw it and went "Oh sweet, free sign!" and started doing the sign on purpose

  • People/the media continue to report on it and bring it up as actual fact

They're not really wrong, here.

White supremacists saw it and went "Oh sweet, free sign!" and started doing the sign on purpose

I think a lot of people doing this are just doing it because

a) they know it will piss off people they loathe b) they resent the fact that this innocuous thing has been turned into a "hate symbol"

Most of politics these days is just "does the other side dislike something? Then I am for it!".

Igniting the atmosphere to #RESIST and/or own the libs

Or, more likely, they do it because it's a common hand hand gesture and everyone knows it and few people are retarded enough to link it to beliefs of white supremacy.

Seriously, it'd be like a few retards doing a wave or thumbs up and calling everyone who does them fellow retards.

The Zina Bash thing is probably the best example I can give of what I'm talking about.

The first time it looked like she wasn't trying to do it, her fingers just kind of curled when resting and then people on Twitter freaked the fuck out. Then on subsequent days she clearly had seen the reaction and was trolling them, it was obvious and intentional.

This is always the case. Like someone in that thread said- the exact same thing happened to the atheist lulberitarians. It also happening with goobergate; i.e someone says "Goobergate was so important, it affected so much of our media", gets replied with "No it didn't do jack shit". This conversation circulates and the moment some big guy says something about it, the media reports it. Hence goobergate goes mainstream and it actually started affecting media.

white people are better at digesting lactose

Milk is the drink of wh*te supremacy, therefore.


The only thing I am certain of is that only retards use the 👌 symbol.

pol and the media have a mutually beneficial relationship. The media signal boosts pol's retarded bullshit which gives them clicks and allows them to pretend that white supremacy is far more common than it actually is.

It only works because people are brain dead but that's life. the end, /pol/ was the Jews all along?

Fucking phedre, man.

This article talks about the problematic nature of the sign 2 weeks before the 4chan post. It probably did start as a joke on some level but now IT IS ACTUALLY USED as a sign, the 4chan post is still a clever cover but people are taking it serious enough that 4 police officers in Jasper Alabama were suspended for making the sign after an arrest.

must.... resist..... pinging.....

The article this dumbass linked to only mentions pepe as a hate symbol, not the fucking "ok" sign lmao.

the 4chan post is still a clever cover


There's a whole spectrum here that nobody seems to realize are different groups:

- People who want to troll the libs

- People who want to troll the libs by ironically doing things the livs think are racist

- Actual racists who want to troll the libs by ironically doing things the libs think are racist

- Actual racists who don't give a shit about triggering the libs, but sure would like to murder the libs


Anyhow, clearly the common thread here is the libs. This is all their fault.

It's basically like twiddit is Elmer Fudd, and the epic trollers are Bugs.

I can believe that too. Honestly, there are multiple explanations. The only explanation I don't find believable is the "tons of ordinary political figures who are otherwise completely centrist are crypto-nazis".