Kavanaugh Gameday predictions thread.

129  2018-09-27 by CulturalYogurt

Post your betting odds here for today's Ford vs Kavanaugh testimony match.

odds prediction
5:1 Protestors interrupt Kavanaugh testimony.
1:2 Protestors interrupt Ford testimony.
1:2 Ford cries while being questioned
1:6 Kavanaugh introduces credible evidence of how much of a loser virgin he was
1:12 Ford provides a precise location and date for the supposed groping
1:15 Kavanaugh cries while being questioned
1:20 Ford produces a witness who claims to have witnessed the groping
1:40 Ford is able to give physical evidence like a letter with fingerprints or a photo that proves Kavanaugh groped her
1:50 Kavanaugh's wife testifies that Kavanaugh never wants to have sex with her and instead has anonymous sex with men because he is a total fairie
1:100 Ford says she made it up, then Kavanaugh says "wait a minute, who the fuck did I grope then?!"
1:500 Ford and Kavanaugh kiss, the attendees cheer, and the questioning senator bangs his gavel saying "this is highly out of order!"
1:1000 Kavanaugh goes for broke and admits that he couldn't have raped her at Yale, because he is a lizard person who was formed by the Illuminati a year ago, and although Ford truly believes she groped him, it was only because she, like all others who knew him before 2018 had those memories implanted by Freemason agents.

No mention of Daddy sperging out to get everyone to pay attention to something besides the Kavanaugh hearing.

Already happened, that was the rumored Rod Rosenstein Monday firing that never happened.

The Rosenstein bait was amazing. /r/politics was at a new level.

It so was nice to be reminded of our constitutionally-protected right to LARP.

I thought they were meeting today? Could still go down. Rained out with a double header of amerifat drama. Bless

Good catch - hadn't seen that yet.

By end of the day Kavanaugh will be known as White Cosby.

Very doubtful

they're both bound for lifelong positions!

Only if he has pudding for a snack

1:1000000 Ford removes her human face mask, revealling that she is, in fact, a lizard person

And then they kiss.

Literally the plot of V.

can we get a congressional orgy today


10:1 Kavanaugh is confirmed and within a year, reopens Wade vs. Roe, US stumbles into CW ii

If this happens I really do think these leftists will break mentally and there will be riots everywhere.

Would be hilarious as a non American

It would be hilarious for Americans too.

Everyone but the poor Trash Can Americans, they're in for a beating.

I doubt it.

At the very least, the chances of Kavanaugh getting confirmed are high. Even if there was video evidence the GOP and their base wouldn't give a shit.

How does the confirmation even work in the US? Is it just a majority votes for it and that’s it, he’s on the Supreme Court, if so you would think they would really want to push it through before the midterms.

Also could the democrats remove him afterwards or is it once someone is on the Supreme Court that is it.

Impeaching a supreme court justice is a tall order. It's been done in individual states but I can't recall if it's happened for the federal government.

The likely motivation of all this hysteria around Ford is trying to draw things out past the midterms on the off chance Dems sweep the Senate and can knock down the confirmation.

I can't recall if it's happened for the federal government.

I want to say that Abe Fortas resigned when it was pretty clear that he was going to be impeached, but I don't think it has ever actually happened.

His impeachment was in preliminary stages when he resigned.

Happened once but the guy was acquitted.


No one thinks that the GOP is not getting the seat. The question is, how politically damaging can you make it for Republicans to fill the seat. If the Democrats win the Senate they don't get to sit immediately. The GOP gets to see the results and then still have more time to sit with the current composition. Trump can withdraw Kavanaugh and nominate a new candidate and have him confirmed in less than an hour.

Yeah they care so little they are actually going along with this farce

They're doing it for PR purposes. It would look a hell of a lot worse if they didn't. Now they can say 'hey we listened to her and weren't convinced, time to move forward'.

A single corroborating witness wouldn't hurt in changing people's minds.


Welcome to the TMZ States of America

TMZ tends to have pretty reliable sources though.

Instead we get all for people she's claimed as witnesses contradicting her.

That's not true at all. Mark Judge suddenly realized that he "could not recall" anything that happened that night.

What about Leland Keyser, her lifelong friend who released this statement...

Dear Ms. Mehler:

Ms. Leland Keyser has engaged me in the limited capacity to >address your request for information in the email below. Simply >put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no >recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was >present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

Ms. Keyser hopes this information is helpful to your investigation. >I am avaiable for any further questions you may have.

Sincerely, Howard J. Walsh III, Esq

The whole no recollection thing is legal ass covering

No it's her not wanting to say "my friend is full of crap" and out her to the world.

bullshit. No one wants a gang rapist on the supreme court

What will white woman kill if they can't kill their babies?

If they have any sense they'll start with a 94th trimester abortion of you

hey dont get me wrong, abortion takes all the responsibility away. I'm all for that bby.

Yeah euthanize your older dog he’s ugly as shit.


Great, now I have to divide something by 4 🙄🙄🙄

The hopes and dreams of men.

To be fair it is proportionally more black women killing their babies, as Margaret Sanger would have wanted it.

So does this mean we're extra woke if we support kavanaugh and repealing Poe vs Wade? Being a centrist is tough man 😤😤😤

The centrist position is to make everything a crime, but have no sentences.


Wtf I love planned parenthood now.

Kavanaugh will not be confirmed! I literally have a hundred on it because I am a degenerate gambling addict but someone even more conservative will be confirmed

CW 2: Now the North is fucked because Pennsylvania joined the South.

Ford says she made it up, then Kavanaugh says "wait a minute, who the fuck did I grope then?!”

The only one worth betting one.


1:1000; Senator Grassley lassos Ford, Kennedy removes her mask and we find out it was really Hillary all a long. To which she’ll exclaim, “and I would’ve gotten aware with it to if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your dumb dog (Feinstein)!”


Video evidence of him raping someone comes out is appointed anyways proceeds to give corporations the right to shoot in self defense of their profits DDF is confused how this possibly could have happened as they think hes anti establishment somehow.

democrats lose all their seats somehow

Come November if the Dems fats fail to take a single chamber, I’m posting the Nelson ha-ha gif to every blue subreddit.

And the autistic schreeching will be delicious if the Dems do take a branch of government. The reee-ing from Trump getting impeached or 25th amendmented would be amazing. Either way the salt will flow

If they get both chambers, I think we get impeachment.

If it’s just the House we get two more years of shrieking. Because the neoliberal won’t do it and the retarded proggies will bang their heads on the capitol steps begging for a chance to do it.

All rods point to drama

At this point I think the 25th amendment is most likely. Did you see Trump's epic sundowning yesterday? That dude is close to needing a regency or something at this point.

Lol. 25th is a pipe dream for the delusional.

I think you need a hobby other than analyzing Daddy.

I could always jin the Daddy Defense Force. Imagine joining a cult of personality for a fat old boomer with dementia.

fat old boomer with dementia

Bernie is always an option

username checks out.

You can't impeach someone for just disliking them.

He was voted in.

If every midterms the congress switched to the opposition party and they could just impeach the president because they disliked him it would happen literally every two years.

What 25th?

It's going to be boring and tell us absolutely nothing. Is she lying? Absolutely. Was he an asshole fratboy? For sure. Does any of that matter more than his actions as an adult? It shouldn't.

Is she lying? Absolutely.


Didn't Trump say yesterday that he isn't even sure if she's lying?

I'm not sure she's lying about being sexually assaulted, but I think her claim about who did it is dubious at best. Her written polygraph statement doesn't even match her her to Diane Feinstein in how many people were there. The people she's claimed would all back her up and know it happened have all said they new nothing about it. She's refused to release her doctor's notes to the committee.

This is a smear job, it's probably going to work, but it's a smear job plain and simple.

It's funny cause I think it happened and that he will still be confirmed

And you think it didn't happen and he won't be confirmed

Is this...radical centrism

We are absolutely the epitome of radical centrists. BTW, I read something about how she had to drive across the country for the hearing because of the trauma of the assault, but she flew to Hawaii this summer... This is an epic shitshow.

Holy shit she flew to Hawaii? I guess she didn't get raped

Well, she doesn't claim to have been raped.

It was locker room sexual assault

No, what she described was sexual assault, not rape. That's all I was saying. Leave politics out of this and I don't think there is much to this.

leave the politics out of a political process


This isn't a political process, this is a shitshow. Just because it's superseded the political process doesn't mean it is part of it.

so you wanted an apolitical nomination process and also apolitical sexual assault allegations

Nah, the nomination process should be political. But the judge that's nominated has 300+ opinions he's issued from the bench, that should be what is debated in the nomination process. Not whether or not he partied in high school and college, or some he-said/she-said crap that will never be proven one way or the other.

Nah, the nomination process should be political. But the judge that's nominated has 300+ opinions he's issued from the bench, that should be what is debated in the nomination process. Not whether or not he partied in high school and college, or some he-said/she-said crap that will never be proven one way or the other.

so if someone rapes you and you don't come forward, you should just sit on it because you waited too long?

After 35 years? But let's be clear, she isn't claiming anyone raped her. She's claiming he sexually assaulted her. She also is claiming to not know a bunch of details that anyone with half a brain would have known. She doesn't know how she got to the party, which neighborhood the party was in, or who all was there (she's given multiple different statements on the number of people who were there and they are all less than 10 people). My biggest issue with her claim though is that the close friend who she had claimed to have told about the incident right afterwards has stated that this is the first she's hearing of it.

This just looks like a partisan hatchet job.


We can all agree she was raped by the price of in-flight WiFi.

found the broke boi

You don't get rich writing checks.

jesus, writing checks?

boomers get out

Buy him out boys!

When I'm on a plane sitting between 2 people who can't fit in the seat and constantly fart and burp the least the airline can do is give me WiFi for free

"May I ask, how did you get to Washington?" Mitchell inquired.

Ford replied: "In an airplane." Mitchell went on to ask about several other trips Ford took, despite her fear of flying. "I ask that because it has been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?" Mitchell said. Ford said she "was hoping they would come to me," but added, "I realized that was an unrealistic request." "It would have been a quicker trip for me," Mitchell joked

Thank you for the transcript, where have you been?

in this thread you fuckin ninny

Don't salty sugarplumb

Thinking this happened just makes you retarded

I mean we're both posting in drama so...

To be fair why did she say people would back her up if she knew they wouldn't?

Either way this is a terrible thing happening. Either Dr Ford was assaulted or Kavanaugh is having his life ruined over something he didn't do. I don't think we'll ever find out the truth because there is no way to prove it or not.

I think you're exactly right. This can't be proven, it's all he-said/she-said and all it does is show what a clown show Washington is.

Right??? I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to avoid the whole thing because I don't care but it is everywhere I go. On youtube, on TV at restaraunts, on my Facebook (from both sides of the political spectrum) and I already know what the outcome will be. I'm so glad I didn't go to work today because I just know it would be on TV there.

I feel like there was probably a much better way to resolve this and a mountain is being made out of a molehill and this is being shoved down people's throats to make them care massively about something minor to distract from something else.

And all the while we still don't know whether or not Kavanaugh did any shady shit during the Bush admin as is alleged, which is significantly more relevant than whether he was a sexual predator in high school.

Yes it would be.

If she's telling the truth, and the reason she reported it was to ensure Kav wasn't nominated, she went about it in a hopelessly naive way.

She should have gotten a lawyer immediately -- and the law firm should have contacted the committee in charge of selecting the candidate.

The Republicans had a strong incentive for

  1. thoroughly investigating such an allegation early on,

  2. keeping everything private, and

  3. deciding against Kav, if they thought there was even a 30% chance the allegations were true.

The Democrats on the other hand, have benefited immensely from the waiting until the last second, and from making this a very public shit show, which has kinda destroyed both Kavanaugh and Ford.

Whoa careful. There's always the chance that literally someone else actually something to her.

She had 30 years to do something about it. Now isn’t the time because it’s clear how insufficient our memory is.

There's supposedly dude's coming forward to say it was them - which would mean something did happen.

Lying about something that did happen is still a problem.

There's a reason that statutes of limitations exist. Evidence and memory just aren't reliable past a certain amount of time, but I guess it doesn't matter for public opinion.

Is she lying? Absolutely.

That's a pretty hot take nowadays GPaw. Most people say she isn't lying, but she's got the attackers mixed up.

I think that's possible, but her claim that it is absolutely him is what I think she's lying about.

Most people say she isn't lying, but she's got the attackers mixed up

I've believed a lot of things in my life, like I'd save money on my car insurance by switching to Geico, or that "all you could eat" actually means all you can eat at a Chinese buffet, but even I have a hard time believing this one.

  • Changed her story.

  • Polygraph doesn't line up.

  • Won't release her medical records.

  • People she has said would back up her claims have refused to.

From the perspective of some random dude that lives on the other side of the planet from this dog and pony show, I think it's far less like she got "mixed up" on this in so much as she was put up to it.

was this comment funny in your head

jeez gamers and weebs are useless

Changed her story.

When has she changed her story? Are you talking about the therapist notes? There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.

Polygraph doesn't line up

>trusting polygraphs in anal dominate 2018

also, her polygraph tests indicated, as far as they're worth shit, that she was telling the truth.

Won't release her medical records.

Why would she? How is this relevant?

People she has said would back up her claims have refused to.

Probably the only point you've raised with some merit. But considering the firestorm surrounding this, the extremely evasive responses of "I have no recollection of that night" make sense.

When has she changed her story? Are you talking about the therapist notes? There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.

Yeah and I bet it had a dollar sign in front of it and several numbers afterwards.

I'm actually kind of glad that America has lost it's mind over the last few years. Watching from the outside, it's really helped my inherent cynicism flourish.

Yeah and I bet it had a dollar sign in front of it and several numbers afterwards.

Yes of course, how could I overlook the most obvious and straightforward explanation for all of this? Using their network of Freemason Oracles, the Deep State predicted back in 2012 that Bret Kavanaugh would be nominated for the Supreme Court in 2018. They promptly reached out to Christine Blasey Ford, the only girl present for the entire time Kavanaugh was in high school with low enough morals to accept such an odious task, and bribed her to divulge the assault and Kavanaugh's role in it during a 2012 couples therapy session. Luckily, the Oracles' vision was disrupted by the plasma fold, causing them to give several incorrect details to Ford, leading to the discrepancies we see today.

That, or the therapist got mixed up when Ford said four boys were at the party but only two, Kavanaugh and Judge, were present for the assault, and mistakenly wrote that all four were present. But that's obviously impossible, as therapists are well known to be infallible.

Your scenario is absurd. The simplest explanation would be Ford, or an associate, shopped the story based on a previous incident (that may or may not have happened).

I mean, you're not naive enough to believe that someone can get a seat in front of congress due to just merely throwing around unverifiable accusations from decades ago. So why is it so terribly hard to believe that this dog and pony show isn't the culmination of some quid pro quo and that Ford was compensated for it?

Ah yes, the good ol' retroactive bride to come up with a story in 2012 involving a supreme court nominee in 2018. How could I be so stupid to miss it?

Ah yes, the good ol' retroactive bride to come up with a story in 2012 involving a supreme court nominee in 2018

Ah yeah, in the therapy session that her lawyers refuse to hand over the notes for (her medical records).

C'mon man. Being this stupid, really? Just release the notes - if she named him in 2012 and the therapist wrote it down, then her story instantly has huge credibility.

instantly has huge credibility

oh i am laffin

The current running GOP theory is that there's a rapey doppleganger running around bretts high school. She could put up video evidence and these bloodless ghouls would say its doctored because they need their creepy little boy to thumbs up trump pardoning all his co conspirators and repealing rowe v wade.

If a chimp could write that ruling they'd nominate it in a heartbeat

do you think there is a secret society of people pre-fabricating stories years in advance in case any of their political enemies seem likely to succeed?

I mean, yes? They're politicians. Scavenging for ammunition of any sort against their opponents is completely expected. You thought the Birther bullshit was spontaneous?

For all we know she fabricated that she named Kavanaugh to her therapist in 2012. Her lawyers refuse to release the notes from that therapy session.

Scary thought: We're all arguing over something that a woman may or may not have made up in order to win an argument with her husband in couples counseling.

Hey, at least young black men aren't being lynched for it this time around.

White women were a mistake.

so you think WaPo is just straight up lying about the session notes?

What I'm saying is that Kavenaugh's name never came up in those therapist notes, or if they did, they were not reported by the WaPo or anyone else and if it did then I'd find her a lot more credible.

oh, so you just think she told her therapist about an assault and decided it would be easy enough to cash that one in on Kavanaugh?

Yes. It's an amazing opportunity and if she's partisan, she might even be able to justify it to herself as being for the "greater good".

and democrats only stumbled on this technique twice and just conveniently forgot it for Kennedy, Roberts, Rehnquist, Alito, Gorsuch?

I'm pretty sure democrats don't have a time machine that allows them to put people at parties with their political enemies.

Like I said, it's an amazing opportunity for a smear. Good luck to them I guess.

I dunno maybe there's a bunch of stuff in couple's therapy, potentially intimate things, that a person might not want blasted into a hyper-partisan hearing to be used as more character assassination ammunition?

But I guess we should go with the elaborate years-long conspiracy to make up claims against kavanaugh, including falsifying documents or making false claims about documents before he was being considered for the position he is being confirmed for now, instead.

You can easily redact anything not pertinent to the reported incident. They did that and showed it to the Washington Post. Just odd that the Washington Post wasn't able to confirm the basic premise that the person she was talking about was Kavanaugh from those notes.

you think people pre-planted evidence Obama was born in Kenya when he was an IL state senator?

what does looking for dirt have to do with planting evidence in advance?

I'm saying that the fake birth cert didn't exactly come out of thin air.

you think they planted a fake birth certificate at Obama's birth?

that's some foresight

I'm saying they had the shills and shops set up months before the election campaigns.

but what does that have to do with planting evidence years in advance

Not planted, dug up years in advance.

what did they dig up on Obama while he was an IL state senator?

Whatever they used to jumpstart the Tea Party-BS train.

you are not a bright human being, sorry

"I have no recollection of that night"

That's not what one said. Leland Keyser (that was supposed to be the ace in the hole) released this statement through her attorney.

Dear Ms. Mehler:

Ms. Leland Keyser has engaged me in the limited capacity to address your request for information in the email below. Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

Ms. Keyser hopes this information is helpful to your investigation. >I am avaiable for any further questions you may have.

Sincerely, Howard J. Walsh III, Esq.

Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.

How is this not literally "I do not recall"?

Don't you think she'd remember going to a party where her "lifelong friend" was sexually assaulted?

  • Polygraph doesn't line up.

lmao what a tard

Hey, at least my entire country isn't paralyzed over if someone grabbed a tit at a college party 30 years ago.




It's funny because it's sad

yeah sure is stupid to care if one of the nine people who get to decide the rights of an entire nation is cool with sexual assault

Okay, who had Feinstein makes this "all about women" in the first 5 minutes?

Or were the odds on that pretty much even?

That was a given. Screw the process it’s all about the gussy.

"ugh i can't believe these roasties are making it all about themselves, like we get it y'all get raped uuuuggggghhh"

Bussy is violated way more that gussy. This is undeniable fact.

this is simply because bussy is infinitely more desirable

to make a fair comparison, it has to be adjusted for that.

How would you, though? It's not even close.

exactly, which means in a desire-adjusted framework gussy is abused nesrly infinitely more often


spectacular and unassailable point

He's gonna pull a Spacey and say he's gay.

And then we watch every twink come out of the woodwork.

Well he already pulled the virgin card so why not?

can you really even be a gay virgin

Considering you have to be molested to become a gay, definitely not.

spectacular and unassailable point

It's state law. Look it up.

every /r/drama poster is

Bad enough if someone can't get laid while straight, but the gays give it away like candy.

I remember when I was a kid I used to think how it must be impossible for gay guys to find a boyfriend because how gays take up such a small percentage of the population. Not only that, but how can you be sure that someone is actually gay, or if they’re even attracted to you?

I thought they must almost never hookup because of how unlikely it would be to not only find another gay person, but to find one who’s attracted to you.

Absolute naivety. Wish I could go back to those days.

Gay guys have turned hooking up into a science.

...and the baby waved at me.

"Gay or Virgin" is pretty fun to play, tbh

/r/politics has a meltdown


/r/politics is permanently in meltdown status at this point.

I used to go to the movies. Now I go to r/politics.

I used to not call girls back after the first date, but now I go to r/politics

Much cheaper

1:10,000 Kavanaugh comes out as a transitioning woman. Brave!

Best timeline.

10:10 Republicans confirmed Kavanugh to the Senate giving Democrats giving them the much need boast to take down Republicans in November.

to the Senate

Huh. Crazy enough to cause a Senate flip.

Let's fucking do this! Go team!

I think he will confirmed and him and Trump will celebrate will a chest bump. Trump will then install prima noctis, which will pass with Kavanaugh's vote. What will be follow will be remembered as the Great Rapening.

10:10 Republicans confirmed Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court giving Democrats the much need boost to take down Republicans in November.

1:1 Trump tweets about this, not as it happens, but tomorrow morning when it's discused on Fox & Friends.

I'd take that bet

I will wager this is a nothing burger. No proof will be shown to confirm or deny what happened and people will still believe what they already believe.
Odds are 1:1

Look at Nostradamus over here

That's how all of these things go, it's very lazy of you to go with the sure thing.

I wager that somebody will submit a jittery cell-phone video showing the attack. When asked how they could possibly have a cell-phone video from the 1980s they'll say they sent it back in time to record the events because they knew evidence would be needed.

Odds are 10:1

Lmao Republicans picked the frumpiest lady ever to question Ford!

She's supposedly an expert in the field and specializes in talking with victims of sexual assault.

Given the circumstances she’s definitely competent and the optics are way better with her being from and center than a panel of white men questioning an alleged victim of sexual assault but she straight up looks like a lunch lady.

Absolutely, which is why they chose her to do the questioning. There was absolutely nothing to be gained from any reps poking holes in her story.

What Ford remembers: -The stairwell -The laughter -Brett Kavanaugh

What she doesn't remember: -When it happened -Where it happened -How she got there -How she got home -Who was there -Conversations she had even as recently as 3 months ago

I am watching C-SPAN livestream and literally what the fuck is this shit? I thought it was supposed to be a legit hearing, not dems tryin to fellate Ford every time they get their turn to speak.

I just want to start by saying you are stunning and brave. You have inspired literally every good person that exists and will ever exist, only Hitler supporters don't believe you. Anyhow I have a question. Will Kavanaugh ever stop raping women?

I just want to say, this comment will go down in history. Our great grandchildren will be reading about the importance of this comment in their moon base classroom

Dr. Ford you have forced your way onto the history of America, you have touched millions of Americans, and I believe in the indelibility of your hippocampus.

That’s how politicians operate

Kavanaugh loses confirmation vote. GOP nominates and confirms Barrett. Kavanaugh sues and wins defamation cases against all accusers. Ginsberg dies because she's old AF. GOP nominates and confirms Kavanaugh.

The drama timeline we really need.

Though it would be way funnier seeing Dems try and rationalize the woman-hating angle of Barrett replacing Ginsberg.

They'll find a black woman to accuse her of rape.

Ford and Kavanaugh kiss, the attendees cheer, and the questioning senator bangs his gavel while yelling "this is highly out of order!"

Please let this happen!

I think it's more likely that Ford goes down on Kavanaugh as the room breaks out into applause.

It was a surprise for sure, but a welcome one. Nobody in the courtroom expected such an outcome. Hours upon hours of testimony, questioning, debating, and arguing had stirred emotions, and led to a surprising amount of closure for all parties involved. As Ford expounded her emotional account of the situation, Kavanaugh’s expression slowly changed from stoic impassiveness, to one of regrets, and finally one of emotional pain. Senator Grassley was about to turn the floor to Kamela Harris, when suddenly, an unexpected outburst broke the silence of parliamentary procedure.


All eyes turned to Kavanaugh, who was on his knees, tears streaming from his eyes.

“I regret it all! I had no idea at the time. I was young, stupid, inebriated - but most of all...”

The senators and their cohorts stared intently in hushed silence, with only Grassley seeming confused.

“I loved her.”

Stunned silence filled the room like a heavy miasma.

“I loved her just so much, and had no idea what to do. And in the heat of my passion, I made a mistake. A horrible, terrible, mistake.”

Ford turned, and her eyes met Kavanaugh’s. “I - I never knew. But the truth is...”

You could hear a pin drop.

“I love you too.”

Ford slowly takes a stop toward Kavanaugh, who slowly reciprocates with one of his own. Senator Harris begins a slow applause.

As the two approach each other, more and more senators join in on the applause, resulting in an enormous uproar with shouts of support for this newly blossoming love. Whistling, shouting, a standing ovation - all order is lost in the chaos of this outpouring of love.

Poor Grassley though. In one last attempt at reining in this circus, began slamming his gavel, shouting “this is highly out of order!”

But it was too late. And in the end, he cracked open a bottle of Coca Cola, and simply decided to enjoy the spectacle. Truly, this was a historic moment.

The best fanfic I've ever read. You have a gift.

Why thank you :)

How do we know it wasn't Ford that penetrated Kavanaugh?

Fuck the system, BussyLivesMatter

That's how he could of defused all of this. Just say, "Dr. Ford threw me up against the wall and forced her hands down my pants. She stroked my member with one hand and violated my bussy with the other. I was only aroused because she has magnificent man-hands."

Pack it up boys no sexual assault occurred here

I just want to thank all of r/drama for their bravery in participating in this absolute shit show we call a confirmation hearing.

lmaao who bet on kavanaugh crying?

1:15 Kavanaugh cries while being questioned

I know a guy who just won fifteen bucks

The Kavanaughs say they have been getting death threats. All three emails directed to Ashley Kavanaugh came from the same account.

What are the chances that these emails are a red-flag event, possibly from the Russians? Pretty strong I'd say.

PS: Brett's opening statement was a tearjerker. His sniveling damn near touched my heart.

America is turning into a shithole. R/politics is equally as vicious during Kavanaugh’s hearing as r/the_donald was during Dr. Ford. Just everyone frothing at the mouth for blood. No more patience.


ah shit there go all my bookie fees.

For real tho if you're not watching this hearing, get in, this is solid fucking gold

Great day in the morning, Sen. Lindsay Graham bringing the heat to this hearing!

these odds are completely backwards dude unless you think the odds of pro-kavanaugh protestors are 75x higher than this thot crying for the cameras lol

It ain't going so well for Kavanaugh.

What do I win for Kavanaugh crying