Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing Livestream

17  2018-09-27 by DeathByDragonDildo


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This is pretty exciting. I live on the other side of the planet, so I need to get some sleep before work now, but it's almost like Christmas Eve.

I don't know if I'm going to wake up to some excellent presents, or a package of socks.


Not very exciting yet, more depressing. Kavanaugh's testimony will probably be more interesting.

I'm no pawn.


Currently being forced to watch this with my family and one of my relatives is literally screaming at the TV making fun of the accuser and saying that Kavanaugh is innocent because Daddy nominated him. It’s horrifying to see how brainwashed members of the Daddy Defense Force are.

Wut? This is such an obvious ploy from the dnc it's hilarious. No proof, nobody to corroborate her story and witnesses coming out in favor of the nominee. You don't have to be part of 3d to see what they're trying to do.

I don't believe her, for the record.

Congrats on having more than 2 brain cells 2 rub together


So what le fuq is your issue? That your relative is correct and it blasts your bussy?

No, that they're incredibly annoying.

You're giving him a lot of satisfaction by thinking so.

Also, you sound like a sore loser.

Well, I browse /r/Drama.

What witnesses would you like to come out? Kavanaugh’s buddies to admit they used to sexually assault people together?

I don't know possibly one that corroborated her story

Kind of hard to do that when subpoenas of other witnesses were rejected.

all witnesses Ford named have declared under penalty of perjury that this shit never happened

you're an exceptionally stupid mommy shill

That doesn't mean shit if they aren't cross referenced. Who the fuck is mommy?

Yes it fucking does idiot, it was a felony for them to lie

Who the fuck is mommy?

the her you're obviously still with

No, it doesn't mean dick as evidence because you can't reference it to the other two testimonies. If this was court there is no way that would be accepted as evidence without being able to interrogate the witness.

And are you fucking talking about Hilary? I have blasted her ass on this sub multiple times. The only one still clinging on to her memory are retards like you.

if you actually think this alleged incident happened or are even entertaining the thought that it did, when the amount of evidence to support it is


you are either brain damaged or your agenda is showing.

I'm not saying I know it happened. I am saying I want more testimony for the opportunity to uncover any truth. Why are you opposed to that?

because the objective of that is obviously to delay confirmation until after the midterms, which the democrats think they're going to win (HA!)

it's not about Dr Ford or Kavanaugh at all, it all comes down to control, and taking it away from Trump.

and if you're stupid enough to be manipulated into that by a fake sob story with zero actual evidence, and flat out denial by the accuser's own named witnesses, you deserve the rope.

It would only take an additional day to have Mark Judge testify before the committee, and elections are over a month away.

The name witness says she believes her retard, just that she does not recall the party because she was not present at the elleged crime.

It would only take an additional day to have Mark Judge testify before the committee, and elections are over a month away.

fucking bullshit, they delayed this hearing by 10 fucking days for fake reasons (she's scared of flying... but used to work in hawaii. did she swim there? not only that, she flew into DC the month before this to do the 2 QUESTION fake-ass polygraph)

they'll trot out as many fake accusers and delay as much as possible, and you're again, NAIVE AS FUCK, if you don't know that.

The name witness says she believes her, retard, just that she does not recall the party because she was not present at the elleged crime. That isn't a flat out denial of anything.

she says she has never been at a party with Kavanaugh, let alone both of them. So what if she believes her? So does Alyssa Milano. WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT THEY "BELIEVE" BASED ON ZERO EVIDENCE!?

How can you get evidence without interrogating witnesses? You are the one who is just believing what they want. Mark Judge needs to be examined and anyone who says they can make a conclusion until that happens is full of shit on either side.

How can you get evidence without interrogating witnesses?



How can you get evidence without interrogating witnesses?

gee i dunno, maybe by reporting it to the police soon after it happened so they can collect DNA and fibers and shit

not rely on the easily faked word of people with an agenda 36 years later?

Well that didn't happen, that doesn't mean you stop trying to investigate when it comes forward.

Republicans on the committee even belive her, Kavanaugh said he believes her, but his identity was mistaken. What makes you so confident she is faking all this?

yes you do, it's called the statute of limitations.

Republicans on the committee even belive her, Kavanaugh said he believes her, but his identity was mistaken.

they're being polite! they're on national tv! fucking OBVIOUSLY.

what makes you so confident she is faking all this?


"costs"... lol, her representation is working pro bono

There isn't a statute of limitations on rape in the state of Maryland dumbass. You don't know shit.


Truth hurts moron, downvote me again. SQUACK SQUACK SQUACK

Trying to take someone's clothes off and muffling them is assault.

lol when did she add that in? today? bitch's story literally changes that much.

you gonna put on your pussy hat and go riot when he's confirmed saturday?

REEEE actual REEEing


lol you are a fucking disgrace

i know without a shadow of a doubt you will off yourself some day

god speed

nice self-portrait

lol you're gonna do the fucking /u/pizzashill? Embarrassing. I'll do this once because I think it's too funny to pass up:

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

Still waiting for that -1 to pop up


Hey dumb fuck, daddy ordered an FBI investigation for a week, just like I said should be done.

Is he shilling for Kilary?

lol what exactly are they going to investigate when there's no location, no date, no corroboration?

this is daddy saying "jesus, fine, if this will make you shut the fuck up"

lol daddy agreed with me and not you

congrats, you are part of the exceptionally squeaky, annoying, retarded wheel that he is going to drown in grease.

praise be

nope me and daddy are stable geniuses

Also, yeah because you didn't listen to her testimony you fucking dumbass. Maybe actually pay attention and actually listening and deciding for yourself before you act like you know everything, you fucking parrot.

Oh boy, that live chat. Who thought that would be a good idea?

It doesn't matter how they're engaging, all that matters is that they are engaging

t. some overpaid "Social Media Consultant"

It doesn't matter how they're engaging, all that matters is that they are engaging

t. some overpaid "Social Media Consultant"

Is this the end for /#metoo?

I think I made a mistake...


-60 at the moment (12:19PM)

Grassley: won’t give Garland a hearing, a few years later, complains about not having a bipartisan process. This hearing is already a joke.

Did he just blame Kilary for this? She can't keep getting away with this!

The Lindsey doth protest too much.

He made fart jokes as a teen. This guy is GUILTY.