Bill Cosby get bipped in his zoop by a flying hotdog bun causing him to zoopidy bop down the stairs

218  2018-09-27 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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Honetly I would be honored to be zoppitty scooped in my poop by bill fucking cosby. women are so ungrateful

You'd let him scoop your poop chute?

Cosby famously appeared in a number of Jell-O commercials in the 1980s and 1990s, and he was served a half cup of the pudding for the dessert portion of his meal, which also included baked meatballs and rice, green beans, as well as mashed potatoes and gravy. For lunch, he'll receive a half cup of Jell-O every day.


Probably some generic, not even legit J-E-L-L-O

Nah, his sponsorship is still intact.

He will be fed "Low-fat Imitation Gelatin Product" for desert.

it's made from aborted fetus jelly

Thanks Roe v. Wade! โ™ซ It's third trimester ttt-errific! โ™ซ

That is the greatest paragraph in the history of journalism.

But will he wind up in the dungeon?

he shoulda got a puddin pop

He's going to a country club prison for rich white people, since he's rich and an honorary white.


no drama tho


True. It's more of a situational comedy, if you will.

I don't care about the article, but I have to say your title game is fucking god-like.

Youre missing the best part.

Bill Cosby's spokesperson Andrew Wyatt went on a tirade against the media, judge and prosecutors after the sentence, declaring that it was "the most racist and sexist trial in the history of the United States."...Wyatt then went on to compare the comedian to Jesus and insinuated that the only reason Cosby was going to jail was because he was black.

Judicial law be rayciss

i mean, it do, this just isnโ€™t related lol

Judicial law

as opposed to

Bird law.

Sharia Law

Systemic raisins

Was there any evidence in this trial? Did they find his bloody glove?

Drugging people and raping them? Nah, because hes black? YAAAAAS NIGGGGUH

Mike Tyson and O.J. Simpson raped women, and they never went to prison.

Mike Tyson definitely went to prison for his rape conviction.

Playing the race card is stupid. Playing the race card after tons of evidence for an actual felony is presented is delusional

the only reason Cosby was going to jail was because he was black.


Wtf is that from lol

GoT iirc

Donโ€™t remember that scene in Game of Thrones

star wars

My bussy lmao

Meteor Man for the serious talk.

Haha thanks, everyone here is always so tryhard โ€œfunnyโ€

Guessing Leonard part 6, a movie Bill Cosby flat out bought so it wouldn't be shown anymore.

the most racist and sexist trial in the history of the United States

I can see the his lawyer's been taking rhetoric lessons from Daddy

someones in there is going to want bragging rights for breaking the cosbussy in

Nobody's gonna hit that old stuff.

bragging rights. first one to bust the cosbussy will be legend

Especially old nigger ass.

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