Braincels has now been quarantined!

46  2018-09-27 by MozzerDozzer

Mods, if you value the subreddit, erect a wall and don't let anyone - even me, come near it, when the subreddit's gonna be banned.


MDEfugees and Chapotards have already polluted this beautiful centrist landscape, last thing this subreddit needs is angry virgins (which is basically, the prime audience of both aforementioned subreddits).


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For information on positive masculinity, please see the resources available at Stony Brook University's Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities

Now what in the flying fuck did reddit admins imply by this? Braincels has fuck all to do with masculinity and most members there are beta bitches.

I'm pretty sure it's the lube before the assraping of a ban.

Like when they make a "safe space" for whitey at college and it's a mayocide cult meeting.

It would be funny if Reddit weren't entirely staffed by actual idiots.

Like when they make a "safe space" for whitey

I thought that stuff is for attack helicopters and non-binary transgenderqueers, not just whiteys.

Mayos have fully committed to the "we're oppressed 😭" bandwagon.


I'm gonna miss their memes

Honestly I think it's a thinly veiled jab at them from the admins. If you look at the post on the quarantine on r/braincels, that particular sentence makes them mad.

Hi Frenchie, not just at them, TRP got the same message as well.

I could see TRP not sperging out too hard about it because they don't constantly REEEEEEEEEEEEE about Chad and their lack of masculinity.

That's because TRP doesn't realize that they have no masculinity and they will never be Chads.

Positive masculinity is being happy that girls cuck you with chad.

"Masculinities" (plural) is one of those words that should always be at the beginning of a sentence, so you'll know to hear it in your head with a lisp.

Having some actual role models and examples of positive masculinity could actually help a lot of them.

They're promoting the equivalent of /r/menslib though, which isn't what incels need, but rather what women (or feminists in general) think incels need. I'd sooner recommend Peterson's waffling books about household maintenance and dragons of chaos.

Also, Michael Kimmel (the founder) is literally a male feminist. Not exactly the greatest representation.

Michael Kimmel (the founder) is literally a male feminist

Not just the founder, he's also (((the founder))).

Born into a secular Jewish family, Kimmel earned a B.A. 

Michael Kimmel, in the image of his older brother Jimmy except without the falling down stairs, urinating in public and accidentally slamming his own hand in a yellowcab door.

Admins being a little extra 😂

Yeah, considering that the first thing you see on the page is words like "Nazi", "Women", "Gender equality".

Lol this is fantastic, wtf I love the admins now

This is way better than an unceremonious ban.

Let's dispel this fiction once and for all that the admins don't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing.

Why the fuck is there a study for men and masculinities? Dude, even one visit to a sports bar or Hooters is more of a learning experience about men and masculinities than whatever these limp-wristed faggots complaining about ~~chads pumping and dumping stacies~~ "toxic masculinity" and that it's better if you let your wife/gf fuck other men.

Something tells me the Admins knew what they were doing, because Male feminism ahoy!

Incels have the most realistic view on male and female nature.

Oh fuck, I forgot Tinder was for Chads. Damn.

All of female sexuality is for chads.

Oh shit. I guess it's over for incels. Luckily I'm a chad. I'll be off at sportsbars and yelling at Soccer matches.

Sportsbars are for middle aged 3/10s with beer bellies.

Yeah but they're still getting more pussy than incels

Starfish sex doesn’t count.

Let me get this straight, you, incels, break the entire male population in to two categories, place yourselves in the one were you don't get to have sex and then it blows your mind when you don't have sex?

Here's an idea, look at yourself, try to improve and actually TRY to find someone instead of endlessly bitching about chads and you might realize right now the only thing stopping you from getting some is your fucking toxic personality.

I’m copypasting a reply I just gave: Many many guys can say it’s terribly hard to get sexual interest in women and get upvoted for it. It’s common knowledge at this point that women are highly selective compared to men, yet when anyone acknowledges that and says, yeah, maybe if you didn’t win the genetic lottery then pursuing them is a bad idea, it’s unthinkable. Why? It’s like cognitive dissonance.

Because when you're in 8th place in a race you don't go "well shit might as well hit the breaks and go home" NO you go "well what the fuck do I have left to lose? PEDAL TO THE METAL BITCHES"

It's all about attitude. Yeah you might not be a stud but personality will go a LOOONG WAY. Youl'd be amazed how many "ugly guys" are in amazing relationships while "studs" can't get more than a one-night-stand every week or so.

You can’t be in a good relationship if your gf doesn’t see you as a sexual being. /r/deadbedrooms happens. Most of us were never is the race to begin with. The race is only for chads.

Entering the race is free. Drop the Chad (incel ideology) bullshit. Real life is nothing like that bullshit.

FYI my sex life is better than my friends BY FAR, BOTH of whom are genuinely attractive individuals.

This idea that if you're fat and or consider yourself ugly no one will find you sexually attractive or won't be able to get sexually aroused from you IS IDIOTIC.

No you won't make all women wet their trousers but you can find one who you can.

🤔🤔 Do you become an involuntary whore after getting assraped like this? An Inwho? 🤔🤔

Take too hot and retarded, even Ed can't touch it.

aww 🤗🤗🤗

I'm always an involuntary manwhore.

Oh dear Allah save us.

This is the blog of the center. Apparently my socially retarded brain needs to learn about about disabled black people and Trump to fit into society and get laid.

Which is ironic since that kind of stuff is what most women aren't into, and they sure as hell aren't into guys that are into this stuff.

Like I said before, if you want what real masculinity is, go to a sports bar or a Hooters. Ironically those sweaty yelling sports fans there are way more well-adjusted than the types of male-feminists you and I always come across.

I browse the sub. If rape/shootings or anything of the nature are mentioned it is either banned or the members tell the user to stfu. The most misogynistic thing I see on the sub is usually making fun of the labia, but I mean small dicks and mens' heights are also made fun of on other parts of reddit. In all honesty its just a group of men who were dealt shitty hands in life when it comes to physical appearance and they want to shitpost about how easy it is for women to get laid. Is there some questionable content on there sometimes? Yes, definitely. But it is not nearly as bad as other users make it out to be imo. Maybe im biased because i like browsing it. Some of their posts are funny and have kind of a "sad clown" vibe, poking fun at their own hardships and such. I don't they they deserve any more than quarantine tbh.

Why can't braincels users just get Tinder or something?

Because Tinder can't magically make your face beautiful. All dating apps are crap.


Hooters really shilling big time in this thread.

last thing this subreddit needs is even more angry virgins