Reddit launches operation Barbarossa and quarantines r/fullcommunism

104  2018-09-27 by Strictlybutters


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Now this is going to great for dramacoin

Lsc is the only sub on this site that actually bothers me. Nothing worse than a bunch of teenagers screaming about how unfair it is to live in a first world country and have access to food, water, and medicine at literally any hour of the day.

It used to bother me, but knowing that they're eventually going to have a shitty time in their mid 20s like the rest of us makes it better.


Don't forget shiiberalssay.

911truth got hit too

I'm banned for shitliberalssay for some reason, not sure why.

for being a shitlib

As a nazi, I find myself constantly in this shitty position where historically illiterate left-wingers who have no interest in having actual discussions about political and economic philosophy make all kinds of ridiculous claims about the third reich and other national-socialist regimes as if they are relevant at all to the philosophy behind a national-socialist economic model. Denying that the holocaust was a genocide is a reasonable position supported by many historians, whereas the claim that it was a genocide are steeped in decades of pansy-liberal propaganda supported by only a few actual historical facts, and the issue is not a black and white one like the holodomor or the latest subreddit ban. That being said, it's certainly true that many people died during that period. The reason for the high number of deaths in that period is multifactorial; there were Jews that the government were chiding gently, local land barons were burning the Jews because they didn't support the ally plans to save them from burning, and the area had been prone to big Jew-conflagrations every few decades but had seen a wokeness growth due to (((following the money))) it had not previously seen. Most nazis I know have a pretty nuanced understanding on the topic, the vast majority of whom don't care about or don't have any interest in defending the actions of Hitler's government during that period, or other shitty things that they did for that matter, but /r/drama was a place for neonazis to have a refuge where we could meme with one another about these topics and others and let off steam after being constantly bombarded by left wing faggots and their propaganda and threats. "Quarantining" /r/drama before srd where people actively call for real smugposting against woke individuals who understand (((the problem)))and FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT is completely absurd, especially considering the quarantined /r/drama page has a link to an absurdly propagandistic anti-nazi page that belongs in /r/badhistory.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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This bot is unironically the best poster on the sub tbh

WTF, I love reddit now!

A farce that can destroy the United states and this? Blessed day for bussy

02 lol typical internet commie

This banning/silencing is class war. Reddit is ruling class media, and as such voices like ours cannot be tolerated. Eventually this will translate to a full-blown ban.

Ok buddy. I'm all for class consciousness at it honestly seems that tankies are the only that truly care about that (actual tankies, not your bourgeois reddit / cth socialist type) but, I mean, come on, comparing your reddit sub to class and to class warfare just shows how fucking disconnected you are from reality.

lol at thinking that tankies do anything other than blow the USSR.

It's like 12 fashy/alt-right subs and 1 tankie sub.

And I'm not sure where you get the idea that tankies are the only ones for class consciousness - most street-level direct action and such is done by anarchist collectives, while most far-reaching propaganda (in a positive/neutral sense) is done by the DSA getting candidates that can run campaigns where they speak about this stuff. And, of course, the IWW is probably the greatest class consciousness raising organization in the US, and has been for decades.

I've never met a group of IRL tankies that wasn't just ~30 people that mostly just met up to all be tankies together. In their defense, sometimes they were ostensibly a chapter of a larger group - but that just means that some of these groups of ~30 had confederated with other such groups in other nearby cities.

P.S. Everything I just said applies to the US, only.

This will end like the first Operation Barbarossa

10/10 thread title


to the drama chums here. second payment has arrived

use table d and cross reference check from line 53 onward of table a

6093 76 892


2476 84 375


9056 40 754

good luck. look for next list in address 92

That sub wasn't real full communism

Hey liberal Redditors! Sorry but quarantining us wont change the facts! ✓ Kulaks burned their crops and deserved worse ✓ Communism works ✓ Capitalism is failure ✓ Global communism is inevitable ✓ A specter is haunting the world ✓ The cited orgs are all either debunked or linked to the far right ✓

I can't even tell wether it's an advanced shitpost or if there are people actually that stupid to write communism work, capitalism is a failure and in the same breath say that the world is capitalist.