Ahahahaha kavanaugh keeps crying like a little faggot🤣🤣

15  2018-09-27 by ConservativesRBIGgay



men crying ewwwwwww


I still like clarence Thomas's opening remarks better, what with his glorious use of the race card

About what? That Ford hit her testimony out of the park?

Imagine thinking this lol

Republicam senators sure seem to think she did.

Honestly even if he is innocent, this is the time for the GOP cut him loose. She smashed it.

Do you really think she did?

Yes. Idk what actually happened but I think she believes it happened. But then again, Kavanaugh didn't look bad either. Just save the controversy and find some one else. Christ, of you want a record number of female Democrats voting this November go ahead and keep pushing him

But she just couldn't answer any questions.

She has changed her mind on the date on several occasions and asked her council or consulted her notes for each and every question.

Her questiosn were answered very deliberately and she looked at her lawyers every time as if for approval. It was quite clear she was not exactly speaking from the heart.

No shit she asked her lawyer what exactly to say. One misspoke word and you’d have people like Lindsey trying to have her locked up on perjury charges while Kavanaugh actually has committed perjury under oath and all the Republicans can do is shrug.

You’re a retarded faggot.

Ableist and homophobic. Congratulations, if you had a father he'd be proud.

Gas yourself nigger.


This is physically cringe inducing to watch. It’s making me really uncomfortable tbh

This but even more unironically.

Even if he didn't rape her, do we really want someone on the bench who's this much of a pussy?

I don't know do (((we))) ?

This is the most beta behavior I’ve ever fucking seen in such a public arena by a politician. Like I can’t imagine even Daddy is pleased watching this.

Everyone is all for men crying like big pussies because it's okay for men to cry showing emotions combats toxic masculinity when really it just makes them seem really weak and lame.

However when Kavanaugh cries all these enlightened experts on toxic masculinity are ridiculing him for not being stoic and "professional". Shit like this should show people that no matter how much these social justice types want men to act like women, nothing will get their panties wetter than a Chad who doesn't bawl his eyes out.

I think everyone gets their panties wet over chad bussy

Do we need pussies like you who watch this shit and talk to their girls on the internet? Fuck that lot of you.

Virgin alert 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Oh my god he’s actually trying to spin the story about him hiring law clerks based on looks. Right out of Trumps playbook or Mitten’s binders full of women. 🤣🤣

That story has no basis in fact as the supposed source for it has denied she said it. Keep with the times man

I can’t even keep track tbh

Victim Olympics 2018

This is dumb. Why isn't the FBI doing the investigation? There isn't enough information to come to a conclusion with only testimonies from the accuser and accused.

There cant be period due to the nature of the accusation and the accuser.

What nature would that be?

That isn't true, Kavanaugh denies he was ever at a small party with the people in her accusation.

They would be able to cross reference attendees of the supposed party. They might be able to uncover if her memory is distorted and her assault took place in a different party / different persons. They might be able to find a witness for her journey home. At the very least they might be able to narrow down the approximate date.

There is a ton that could be uncovered favoring both sides. The fact that only two people are testifying isn't even doing the bare minimum.

You don't know very much about investigative techniques.

Some pls explain what this is about

Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford at a party years ago. She came forward about it and testified under oath to congress about it and now Kavanaugh is anger crying during his testimony like a complete pussy.

sexually assaulted


If I was on the jury I’d convict him as the testimony today.

Hopefully you are never on a jury then because you don't understand the concept of beyond a reasonable doubt.

is it being broadcast? if so link?

white knighting this hard


