For anyone reading this, is probably the highest trafficked archiving site on reddit, and only receives few donations per week (and definitely not enough to run on donations alone). If you can, you can support the creator on Liberapay in order to make sure we have this service for the future.
The best way to get stupid easily influenced teens to not be interested in something is to have an authority figure tell them how edgy and rebellious they are for liking it.
This is exactly what I said would happen, and why leftists should not celebrate companies cracking down on nationalists, because lo and behold they are just itching to do the same to leftists.
Reddit actually quarantined us over the Donald holy shit.
Reddit literally invented a new front page to deal with the Donald you sillies. You just got the same treatment they used for degenerates who post in /r/greatapes.
If they ban lsc then they should ban every right wing subreddit. Modem right wing ideology is almost all to the right of Nazism. There is no center right.
As a nazi, I find myself constantly in this shitty position where historically illiterate left-wingers who have no interest in having actual discussions about political and economic philosophy make all kinds of ridiculous claims about the third reich and other national-socialist regimes as if they are relevant at all to the philosophy behind a national-socialist economic model. Denying that the holocaust was a genocide is a reasonable position supported by many historians, whereas the claim that it was a genocide are steeped in decades of pansy-liberal propaganda supported by only a few actual historical facts, and the issue is not a black and white one like the holodomor or the latest subreddit ban. That being said, it's certainly true that many people died during that period. The reason for the high number of deaths in that period is multifactorial; there were Jews that the government were chiding gently, local land barons were burning the Jews because they didn't support the ally plans to save them from burning, and the area had been prone to big Jew-conflagrations every few decades but had seen a wokeness growth due to (((following the money))) it had not previously seen. Most nazis I know have a pretty nuanced understanding on the topic, the vast majority of whom don't care about or don't have any interest in defending the actions of Hitler's government during that period, or other shitty things that they did for that matter, but /r/drama was a place for neonazis to have a refuge where we could meme with one another about these topics and others and let off steam after being constantly bombarded by left wing faggots and their propaganda and threats. "Quarantining" /r/drama before srd where people actively call for real smugposting against woke individuals who understand (((the problem)))and FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT is completely absurd, especially considering the quarantined /r/drama page has a link to an absurdly propagandistic anti-nazi page that belongs in /r/badhistory.
Doesn’t matter as they’ll just migrate to shit tier subs like Chapo and LSC and they’re now infecting the shit out of SRD.
This is just unusual tho considering how left-wing Reddit is and the fact that they’ve let communist atrocity sympathizers and literal shills for the PRC run wild.
Ok that's fucking hilarious, it almost makes up for them quarantining all the good subreddits. Top tier banter from the admins stickying war crimes as the first thing you see.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-09-27
For anyone reading this, is probably the highest trafficked archiving site on reddit, and only receives few donations per week (and definitely not enough to run on donations alone). If you can, you can support the creator on Liberapay in order to make sure we have this service for the future.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-09-27
And they'll just move to chapo or shitliberallssay.
1 LightUmbra 2018-09-27
They're not banned. they just don't show up on popular, all, and get the warning page. Also reddit demonitizes it.
1 ReBurnInator 2018-09-27
Quarantined subs always die because it's less fun when nobody can see your shitposts.
1 Kiru-Kokujin0 2018-09-27
the main problem was you needed a verified email
now you dont
1 CR90 2018-09-27
Unsurprisingly they're in SRD as well.
1 Krombopulos-Snake 2018-09-27
I never thought they'd do it. Must be more political pressure on Reddit.
1 watermark02 2018-09-27
Applying quotas to the left, punishing us for the horrendous and evil behavior that is universal on the right.
Ban the right. Rightism is an evil ideology that has no place in the modern world.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
I miss the subtlety of pizzashill
1 ComedicSans 2018-09-27
Pizzashill wasn't subtle, he just had that full-incel shit going on that doesn't fit with progressivism.
1 muck4doo 2018-09-27
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
The sticky is the best part. Leftoids are going nuts over it. I take it the same is being done for the six gorillion like subreddits?
1 -absolutego- 2018-09-27
Nah the holocaust deniers are just being linked to a page about leaving hate groups.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
That's too bad
1 imstartingtogetangry 2018-09-27
The one on r/theredpill is pretty funny too
1 KingDodohead 2018-09-27
The best way to get stupid easily influenced teens to not be interested in something is to have an authority figure tell them how edgy and rebellious they are for liking it.
1 bamename 2018-09-27
Its counterproductive and dumb too though
1 Red_of_Head 2018-09-27
This is good for dramacoin
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-09-27
The funniest thing is that the creator of that toxic masculinity site has actually raped a bunch of women.
1 Methmo 2018-09-27
This is exactly what I said would happen, and why leftists should not celebrate companies cracking down on nationalists, because lo and behold they are just itching to do the same to leftists.
1 Thatlookedlikeithurt 2018-09-27
They should have just had a gif of a guy getting thrown out of a helicopter. It would have been 100% more salty.
1 UnavailableUsername_ 2018-09-27
I don't get that reference.
1 Thatlookedlikeithurt 2018-09-27
Communists were killed in South America by a Hard Right Dictator by throwing them out of helicopters.
1 -absolutego- 2018-09-27
Admins banned the "free helicopter rides" subreddit for hate speech or whatever, no way they were going to use that as the quarantine message.
1 SaintFentanyl 2018-09-27
The /r/FULLCOMMUNISM mods and users meltdown thread:
1 -absolutego- 2018-09-27
From that meltdown thread:
Reddit literally invented a new front page to deal with the Donald you sillies. You just got the same treatment they used for degenerates who post in /r/greatapes.
1 watermark02 2018-09-27
The Donald is literally a neo-nazi white supremacist forum
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
🐟🐟Nice bait mate🐟🐟
1 TrailerParkBride 2018-09-27
Congratulations! You've managed to strike that mystical balance twixt boring and irritating.
1 jaja10 2018-09-27
drumpf owned
1 MozzerDozzer 2018-09-27
Orange man bad!
1 Rileyman360 2018-09-27
Surely orange man isn’t as bad as you purport him to be.
1 Manatee01 2018-09-27
Fukken Nazi!11
Orange man bad!
1 zergling_Lester 2018-09-27
The US is literally a neo nazi white supremacist country now, why would reddit ban a subreddit for faithfully representing that?
1 JurijFedorov 2018-09-27
This needs to be a new copy-paste. It's too good.
1 Ranilen 2018-09-27
Imagine not knowing how Reddit, the internet in general, or your own legs work.
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-09-27
Please hit Chapo.
I will also accept LSC.
I need some tankie drama
1 jakefromstatefarm10 2018-09-27
If they get lsc I will 🥜
1 dramasexual 2018-09-27
LSC is way more tankie than chapo, it should for sure go first
1 watermark02 2018-09-27
If they ban lsc then they should ban every right wing subreddit. Modem right wing ideology is almost all to the right of Nazism. There is no center right.
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-09-27
Nice bait 😍
1 TrailerParkBride 2018-09-27
1 Kiru-Kokujin0 2018-09-27
the donald at least tries to remove calls to violence
1 ItsSugar 2018-09-27
Literally will never happen. LSC is like SRD: retarded, but tame.
1 Fletch71011 2018-09-27
They celebrate death and call for violence quite often.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
Sounds like srd to me
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-09-27
And yet comments like this are now started being posted on srd.
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2018-09-27
As a nazi, I find myself constantly in this shitty position where historically illiterate left-wingers who have no interest in having actual discussions about political and economic philosophy make all kinds of ridiculous claims about the third reich and other national-socialist regimes as if they are relevant at all to the philosophy behind a national-socialist economic model. Denying that the holocaust was a genocide is a reasonable position supported by many historians, whereas the claim that it was a genocide are steeped in decades of pansy-liberal propaganda supported by only a few actual historical facts, and the issue is not a black and white one like the holodomor or the latest subreddit ban. That being said, it's certainly true that many people died during that period. The reason for the high number of deaths in that period is multifactorial; there were Jews that the government were chiding gently, local land barons were burning the Jews because they didn't support the ally plans to save them from burning, and the area had been prone to big Jew-conflagrations every few decades but had seen a wokeness growth due to (((following the money))) it had not previously seen. Most nazis I know have a pretty nuanced understanding on the topic, the vast majority of whom don't care about or don't have any interest in defending the actions of Hitler's government during that period, or other shitty things that they did for that matter, but /r/drama was a place for neonazis to have a refuge where we could meme with one another about these topics and others and let off steam after being constantly bombarded by left wing faggots and their propaganda and threats. "Quarantining" /r/drama before srd where people actively call for real smugposting against woke individuals who understand (((the problem)))and FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT is completely absurd, especially considering the quarantined /r/drama page has a link to an absurdly propagandistic anti-nazi page that belongs in /r/badhistory.
1 LongPostBot 2018-09-27
This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.
I am a bot. Contact for questions
1 OriginalRazzmatazz 2018-09-27
Gasseth thineself, seryouspæsting faggoth.
1 LightUmbra 2018-09-27
It's pasta
1 OriginalRazzmatazz 2018-09-27
1 LightUmbra 2018-09-27
1 ThePansmith 2018-09-27
How many Jews can you fit in a car?
2 in the front
2 in the back
6 million in the gas tank.
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2018-09-27
You mean ashtray
1 degorius 2018-09-27
How many Pollacks it take to screw up a lightbulb?
'Cause they're so darn stupid
1 watermark02 2018-09-27
The Nazis made new names for themselves, there "trump supporters" and "republicans" now.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-09-27
Your bait sucks
1 captainpriapism 2018-09-27
im going to have to find a way to insert "jew-conflagrations" into a discussion somewhere
1 Phantom_Engineer 2018-09-27
Rally round the flag, centrists, the radicals are on the run.
1 DirtyCentrist 2018-09-27
Signed up to Reddit today just to celebrate this joyous day.
1 ElegantConvictionAdv 2018-09-27
Lmao, we're back to the original roots of the word "whataboutism"
1 jruss71 2018-09-27
reddit is turning to centrism clearly just like wikipedia
1 jruss71 2018-09-27
Has anarchism been quarantined? I know that fullcommunism has brigaded threads before and i would assume the same for them
1 grungebot5000 2018-09-27
1 PracticalOnions 2018-09-27
Doesn’t matter as they’ll just migrate to shit tier subs like Chapo and LSC and they’re now infecting the shit out of SRD.
This is just unusual tho considering how left-wing Reddit is and the fact that they’ve let communist atrocity sympathizers and literal shills for the PRC run wild.
1 Kiru-Kokujin0 2018-09-27
i wonder what they'd think if they knew mao thanked imperial japan for invading china
1 bamename 2018-09-27
idk if chapo is complete shit tier
1 dramasexual 2018-09-27
The front page is covered in "kulaks deserved worse!" posts rn lmao. They're triggered to shit.
1 CanadianCartman 2018-09-27
1 alexmikli 2018-09-27
Where's the admin sticky?
1 Manatee01 2018-09-27
It's part of the quarantine message.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-09-27
Ok that's fucking hilarious, it almost makes up for them quarantining all the good subreddits. Top tier banter from the admins stickying war crimes as the first thing you see.