Mfw reddit admins ๐Ÿ’– are banning leftoid and rightoid subs at the same time, causing BOTH SIDES to sperg out simultaneously

258  2018-09-27 by DistortedLines


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She looks slightly unhinged in this pic

She looks slightly unhinged in this pic

โ™ซ look what you made me do โ™ซ

Snakes actually are adept at unhinging their jaws as it helps them swallow their prey whole.

I thought we learned today, that snake women are Asian?

Well, apparently her house is decorated like a serial killers. Maybe this is her true face.

Please let it be her true face.

hmm, you think all women are unhinged, don't you

This is a terrible meme and you are a bad poster.


No I'm serious this is the worst meme on this sub.

Also it's problematic af that you're not posting Women of Color that are quite frankly far more dramatic than this Becky.

Stop saying mean things about tay please

I like you just the way you are.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Flood /r/drama with Beyposting instead of Tayposting.

Iโ€™m thinking more Azealia Banks tbh

Tbh, Azealia Banks could be r/drama's mascot just due to the amount of drama she's caused.

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– Sydney Loren Bennett ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– > Azeezy Wanks

Ratwomen are the most oppressed minority.


I hope they quarantine Tay posts.


You're a madman!

taytay still has no taytays

Uhm actually yes she does, you might be blind.

Being a fan of gussy meat bags ๐Ÿคฎ

Guilty as xharged

Wow, way to use autism as an insult. I bet it took you a long time to make that insult.

Sorry I didn't realize we had completeanarchy users here, ill try to be kinder to the mentally disabled in the future

Thanks, just stop mocking the mentally disabled.๐Ÿ™„

We can still make fun of retards tho, right?

If you want to, go ahead, it just makes you kinda of an asshole IMO.

Fair enough. How about accusing people of having too many chromosomes? Is that still cool?

You shouldn't let an extra chromosome get you down.

We will try to leave you alone.

Be nice to the tards, it's not their fault that they're tarded.

where do you retarded autists find this sub

It's okay, they can't understand people emotions so they won't be upset

You get a phone into jail via Amazon Bussy?

Any left wing subs other than /r/FULLCOMMUNISM quarantined?

It's the only one I can find.

They did sperg pretty good though.

Honestly find it odd that this one was chosen over GenderCritical and LateStageCapitalism, as both those subs frequently have posts advocating for violence against people. Particularly GenderCritical with their hate (lady)boner for trannies.

GenderCritical hates sex in general.

Femcels being femcels

I once read a post there where in the comments all the ladies and bussies were reassuring each other in the comments that โ€œitโ€™s okay to hate menโ€. Not humorously circlejerking, mind you, but genuinely reassuring each other that hating men was nothing to be ashamed of.

I feel sorry for them, they clearly need help. But I also feel sorry for incels, but I guess they didn't look like the right victim for the mental health awareness shit.

Probably because they're white and male lmao


This one is more violent and hateful than FullCommunism that at least is so over the top that it's insane like pol on 4chan.

You can no longer buy gold in quarantined subs. LST is too popular to ban.

That sub has to be propelled by bots top

Do people actually buy gold in LSC though?

Seems like that goes against everything they stand for.

Ackually LSC isn't real communism

>implying LSC is full of intellectually consistent commies instead of your garden-variety sheltered kids wanting free shit and loving corporations that claim to be progressive

you mean the people that made the podcasters millionaires?


350k subscribers. Reddit won't readily go after subs that size.

Yet they went to cringeanarchy

How many subs did they have? I can't see now that they've been Quar'd

I remember 400k

Hey regular gender critical user here.

We don't advocate for violence against men who impersonate women.

There's nothing wrong with a man who pretends to be a woman (ok it's kinda appropriative - but that's kinda minor) - the point over at GC is that these men aren't women and can never become women no matter how much they want to be.

Calling a man a man isn't violence.

It's not even hateful.

It's just a fact.

nice strawman. It doesn't bother me when you call me a man. It bothers me that you hate men.

It doesn't bother me when you call me a man.

Whether or not it bothers you personally is immaterial. The fact is men just like you are trying to silence women and stop us from calling men, 'men'. This is important to us because we live under patriarchy, and under patriarchy men oppress women. Feminists like myself who want to resist this oppression must be able to name our oppressors.

That's just a difference of opinion about the definition of the word "man."

It's not just a difference of opinion though. It's a theoretical difference, theories are not all created equally and the various theories proposed by genderists (who claim that men can turn into women or that women are only women because they "identify" as women) are borderline incoherent, nonsense, terrible theories that nobody should believe. The radical feminist theory of gender is superior in every way (except that it doesn't appeal to the vanity of men).

It bothers me that you hate men. Your sub should be banned for violent misandry.

The mens rights movement (red pill, MGTOW, MtF, incels etc) have, for a very long time, tried to smear feminists as "man-haters" accusing us of "sexism against men/ reverse sexism" and calling us "feminazis"

As if women calling men out for their misogyny and saying mean things about men is as bad as men who beat, rape, objectify, and oppress women.

Our criticisms of men are actually pretty standard compared to most feminist groups.

Try again dude :p


Please please CTH.

Any left wing subs other than /r/FULLCOMMUNISM quarantined?

[sweats profusely]

"W-we banned b-both sides!"


Pretty sure subs like /r/againstmensrights and /r/FragileWhiteRedditor are still running

But apparently anything against white men is okay.

Yes, mayocide when

/r/mayo_town got the axe

n8thegr8 uses his position as moderator to spread fascist propaganda on Reddit. Not figurative fascist propaganda-- actual fascist propaganda. Tag him with RES so you can recognize him wherever he posts, call him the cowardly piece of shit he is, and report him to the mod staffs of the subreddits he has weaseled his way into a moderator position in.

dumb tayposter

dumb rudeposter

Man I miss fullcommunism

These taytay memes are getting worse.

I mean were they every good?

No but you're not helping.



#slavery was a choice.

She cute.

Buy some glasses then.

Donโ€™t you dare disrespect the kween on this subreddit ever again

Radical centrism cannot be stopped.

Gotta hit a left-wing sub every time you do a right-wing purge to give the illusion of non-partisanship. They're saving /r/latestagecapitalism for when /r/the_donald goes.

this, they prob gonna have to sink a couple commie subs when thedonald is finally shot in the head so they cant be accused of not banning others with the same behavior of td

But not, y'know, the eighty or so anti-trump subs dedicated to spamming /all with daddy's face.

"Muh both sides"

.t a centrist cuck

implying im ashamed of that

Centrists are even worst than commies imo. At least commies have something to believe in even though it's fucked up and against all logic. Centrists are basically a fuck toy to whoever becomes in charge. But I know that there are people who are proud to be cucks. smh famlam

even worst

Thanks for correction. I have from Moscow.

don't act like you sideline riding cuckolds are safe, you came within inches of being banned yourself before going private, and you're on notice now & walking on eggshells. Where's your ping at son?

I am joining ALL of them to teach Reddit that censorship is wrong?

Leave Britney alone.

Actually ban r/T_D and r/politics on the same day please. Let it burn.

Wow, Amy Schumer has lost weight.

u/spez you aight white boi.