Extremists BTFO by Ben Shapiro's Radical Chad Centrist take on Kavanaugh

159  2018-09-27 by RememberTheAyLmao


Kavanaugh's not even done testifying yet!


Ben is gonna look pretty silly with his " compelling and believable" take when Kavanuagh ends his testimony by saying he's actually gay and only sexually assaults men

Kavanuagh ends his testimony by saying he's actually gay and only sexually assaults men

House of Cards is a documentary?

He hasn't even begun to testify. When he's testifying, you'll know it.

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As it should be

Kindergarten full of CHAPOPOSTERS absolutely OWNED with a truck full of FACTS and REASON

Ben Shapiro PERSONALLY BULLDOZES a Palestinian family's HOUSE while IGNORING their PLEAS FOR MERCY (with facts)

Focusing his mind on INTELLECTUAL HONESTY and REALPOLITIK, Shapiro narrows his eyes and reverses the bulldozer, ramming it straight into the same screaming Palestinian family.

Stop, my balls hurt

Chad Shapiro GRINDS SCREAMING CHILDREN TO PULP under the tracks of his LOGIC DOZER while cheering fans scream "FACTS AND REASON" from the sidelines.

Thank you Ben, very cool! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

Based Shapiro drives van full of LOGIC BOMBS into LIBERAL UNIVERSITY literally DESTORYING 40 libtards.

Virgin feelings vs Chad facts xddddd

You must be THIIIS high to be raped by Ben Shaprio.

I thought if you were that tall you avoided rape because he couldn't reach?

All variations of the same joke. At least he only needs a step ladder to rope himself when his victims come out.

when his victims come out.

I thought he was assaulting women?

No wonder he's so short.

He was born without a backbone.

Oh, that poor child.

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power?

Ummmm, sure. That and a pair of testicles.

Born with a heart full of neutrality centrism.

Okay, this is epic.

Anyone want to remind me why "compelling" is the yardstick people are using for testimonies?

It's just a fancy way of saying "it feels right!"

Yeah have these people never seen a convincing liar?

Well, which one is the convincing liar then?


no me

ha got u


Except me I'm telling the truth

Both of them.

that's all they have to go on.

I'm kinda impressed with the democrats here. No matter if it's true or not, nobody except the involved will ever know.

And no matter whether Kav gets nominated or not, the Democrats benefit.

Kavanaugh might not even know, coulda blacked the whole thing out


What's the beer thing? I was at a bar where Sean Hannity was shrieking on the tv, and the sound was off but it said something like "Democrat beer delusion" or some shit on the ticker. What happened?

Oh. What a letdown.

You were expecting something even less formal from a SCOTUS confirmation hearing?

Yeah. That was fucking dumb but with all the kvetching I was kind of expecting something more dramatic.

Something more like Marbury v. Miller Lite?

Nice one


Wut? This is going to hurt them in the polls. Anyone with half a brain sees this for what it. Total hatchet job.

People are just gonna stick to their sides. I don't think moderates want any part of either side.

I wonder if a drop in overall turnout will make people think...

Who am I kidding, nobody's going to think.

People are just gonna stick to their sides. I don't think moderates want any part of either side.

If I could, I would eagerly pump zyklon-b up the collective assholes of both sides with a giant spiky dildo applicator.

Radical centrism is truly the light we should all follow.

In what way? The Democrats aren’t at fault because something got leaked

Huh? The dems are the ones who leaked the allegations to the media.

They denied that. It must have a been a rough staffer.

Remember when Gorsuch was nominated and multiple women came out and said he raped them? Oh no? Why didn’t they if this is just a “hatchet job”? Could it be because Gorsuch despite being a piece of shit by liberal standards never raped a woman? Could it be these women came out against Kavanaugh because he raped them? Oh no you’re just a retard.

This is literally a game of "who can play he said she said" better. There is nothing to go off of, other than how the person makes you feel. How the fuck is this even a thing?

Thousands of people are in prison based off testimony alone.

Usually not testimony from 36 years ago.

This isn’t a trial retard

It sure as hell isn’t a job interview.

Except it is.

It's the opposite of "problematic"

Is Shapiro /ourgoy/ now?

Shapiro knows the dating pool is rough for manlets and is keeping his options open

What he lacks in height he makes up for in rape cunning

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS SJW's compilation #420

Shapiro ABSOLUTELY SMASHES Ford and Kavanagh



Ben Shapiro RAPES both conservatards and libtards(with FACTS, LOGIC, and CENTRISM)

Okay, now this is epic

epic for the win xD

dude weed


Does anyone actually know what the fucks going on anymore? This is literally the first 5 articles on both Reuters and AP

Political sex scandal. Makes the news agencies sperg out more than a cat on meth.

I don't know, but if you try to find anything about it on reddit, you get to choose between the donald and politics.

Okay thank fucking god, I feel like I'm going crazy like where's the fucking discussion

Literally /r/drama has had more impartial discussion than anywhere else. Go to the reddit search bar and type in Kavanaugh, sort it by top over the past week. EVERY FUCKING POST is /r/politics and /r/the_donald. It's fucking retarded.

Even the neutral subs are flooded with whatever group gets there first.

Does anyone actually know what the fucks going on anymore?

Several people accused daddy's judge of rape and republican senators are mad about it

Drumpf nominated a man who gang raped high school kids

Fuck rightists

Unpopular opinion here I think both The Republicans and Democrats are both equally Ape Shit crazy

that's not an unpopular opinion lol


okay this is epic centrist - Benjamin Sharpie

How come the only place to find shit about this kavanaugh garbage is either /r/politics or /r/the_donald? Why is drama the only place I can find something even approaching a reasonable view on the whole shitfest?

Because we're just in it for the lols

because it is really juicy drama and nobody cares who wins or loses


because no one fucking cares.

Lawyer man claims legally safe thing on public social network, More at 10.

Midget defends incel.

Ben Shapiro is a pussy whose only only only argument is to go ’acksually’, moderately loudly, CMV.

^ ^

ok, this isn't epic