MDEfugee u/captainpriapism making his daily visit to r/Drama

103  2018-09-27 by Momruepari


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Captain is the second best poster on r/drama

That's the second best insult


its true, hes the only entertaining and funny MDEfugee.

Who's the first?

Anyone retarded enough to list captainpriaprism as second would out himself as fist 😂 😂 😂 😂

thanks man

imagine spending time making this

Imagine thinking you’ll ever be as great as Mr.Ruepari

Imagine spending your free time on r/drama

I dont have to imagine, I'm living the dream

not enough morbid obesity and framed pictures of Joseph Goebbels

Can u not use the king's photo in vain, thx

You know you’ve made it when you’ve been made by momruepari

Implying he looks anything like that and not just some fat pale skinned nerd

oh boy rock candy!



man if i have to tell you its bait it kind of ruins the impact

the best kind of bait is a sincerely-held belief

Didn't a famous downvote troll once say the best way to make Reddit butthurt is post what you truly think but in a stupid and combative way?

I imagine that works especially well in politics.

Didn't a famous downvote troll once say the best way to make Reddit butthurt is post what you truly, unironically think but in a stupid and combative way?

There is literally no difference between a corporation and a state. Any argument against state can be equally used against corporations, and inversely.

yeah man low effort "im smarter than all you faggots" is real high tier stuff you should definitely fall for

lol no one is buying this you fucking retard.

lol i dont care what you believe i do this shit specifically because leading you on is fun

I'm just pretending to be retarded.

Pretending to be a different kind of retarded doesn't magically stop you from being retarded m8.

look theres like 20 retarded jewish faggots in here that expect a certain level of reactionary to reee at and feel good about themselves, and theyre not going to get it unless i provide it

Imagine being this smug about pretending to be retarded.

im smug about everything because it gets a better response

as shown by the reactions to my low effort nothing post that made you all rage for some reason

Giving me attention means I win. But I still don't care

Gonna have to lie better.

it does mean i win though lol its so easy to rile up stupid fags in here with base level shit

all i said was "i know more about politics" and like 5 of you reeeeed your little hearts out almost instantly because you just cant stand me saying a thing lol

why do you even think i post here most of the time

The fact that you think people fall for it when they interact with you is hilariously sad m8.

the replies filled with rl seething rage tell me otherwise

Giving me attention means I win. But I still don't care

Maybe if you say it enough times, it'll come true.

or i could just let the replies do it for me seeings as how you apparently literally cant resist proving me right

How does it prove you right?

you literally cant help but respond because youre incredibly weak willed and easy to lead on

Wait, so which is it, are you leading me on...

or i could just let the replies do it for me seeings as how you apparently literally cant resist proving me right

or do I just reply on my own volition?

imagine being confused that easily jeez


Explain how Im confused m8.

Wait, so which is it, are you leading me on...

No srsly, explain how your mind works.

This is your time to explain how epically you trolled r/Drama and not how you're doing the truffle shuffle.

i think what youre doing here speaks for itself

but basically ill bait you really easily and then you respond

you think its of your own volition but its because youre easy to bait

i dont really think its that complicated

this whole topic exists because i talked shit to a guy and he had too many feelings about it

man if i have to tell you its bait it kind of ruins the impact

So tell me again, how badly I was baited.

nigga youre thinking way too much about this

i said a thing, youre still responding even though it as like 10 comments ago and wasnt important, i dont think it has to be explained much more

"I don't have to do anything lul"

yeah i had a real plan here im not just shitposting as i go

While at the same time thinking replying to everything = getting baited, but it somehow doesn't relate to you.

my replies are strategic, yours are emotional

nigga youre thinking way too much about this

prime strategy there m8.

well i mean youre the one who keeps this going as though somethings going to happen

it's your fault I'm replying

prime strategy there m8.

hang on what do you think shitposting involves

Having a sense of humor.

lol youre so butthurt at nothing constantly lighten up faggot


im the one initiating these things so im not sure why you think id do it if it made me feel bad

feel free to keep sperg-replying though really bolsters your argument

at this point I just have to reply and have you make the point for me.


A true masterpiece as expected of ur Mr.Ruepari the monster energy adds that oh so sweet touch that I’ve come to love from you.

should be way more fat, angry and bald

I-it's beautiful.

White monster good tho

LOL inaccurate i dont have one of those hats

The White one is the worst of the zero calorie monster energy drink. You're better off drinking one of the 5 calorie ones.

Is he an Aussie?
