This is why menslib gets a bad rap. It's a great sub with moderators who will hold an eternal grudge, intentionally misinterpret your post so they can ban you and then lie about what you wrote to make themselves look like the hero

2  2018-09-27 by WingerSupreme


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Oh man it gets even better

He thought when I said Judge would have to flip on him, I was somehow talking about Kavanaugh ruining his own life with a lack of evidence?

Up there on his moral high horse while flat out lying to people, really something amazing.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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It would be pretty cool if /r/menslib got quarantined.

The sub and most of the mods are good, sadly there are two mods who run the show and they have repeatedly shown that they will ban anyone who goes agains let their personal narrative