List of recently quarantined subs and autistic screeching all over the thread

35  2018-09-28 by Ed_ButteredToast


Admins hate high test subs.

Don't whites have low T

This is the meeting point for both ends of the horse shoe. It's surprising how some pro communism comments are getting upvoted despite fullcomnunism being the only leftist sub to get quarantined. This will be an interesting experiment to observe. Will the commies manage to wake up the nazis? Will the nazis manage to redpill the commies? The nazis probably will have raw numbers in this case but I doubt many of them would participate here as they'd just migrate to voat or 4chan

Also, lmao @ FagPoseidon posters being quarantined 😂😂😂

Even against tankies and nazis, Ice fans are living off the shortbus

Nuh you're not really a tankie unless you were literally a member of the historical Soviet communist party

fullcomnunism being the only leftist sub to get quarantined

There's r/picsofdeadcops too.

Mayocels on eternal suicide watch

Lmao @ those brainfags rallying on r/IslamicDiscussion

banned lmao

You "people" are only white when it suits you politically. I've seen jewish journalists claim victim hood status and then in the same breath pull a "Hell, fellow Whites!" when they speak out against "white supremacy".

Jews are only "white" when they want to shit on us.

Fuck you.

If they're gonna provide a "rebuttal" link for theredpill and FULLCOMMUNISM I think that watchpeopledie needs one: "If you would like to never see anyone die, here is a link to some hardcore Yudkowsky-style anti-deathist transhumanism"

Not including /r/subredditdrama as shockingly not banned, smh. When will someone appreciate the vileness of the SRDine?

Braincels are upset trufemcels wasn’t fenced off.

I'm surprised that the red pill is on the list, did they went full incel ?

They've been fenced off because of their weird form of pickup that's way too lady-hating. They refuse to admit they do PUA shit but when you read about it it's all just a bunch of PUA stuff with different names. Regular PUA guys can be a lot more civil and respectful of women and many of them seem to see themselves as just trying to understand women so that they can stop being afraid of them and find a girlfriend. TRP just straight up looks down on women. They only travesty here is that r/GenderCritical was untouched despite being the male version of TRP without the trying to get laid parts (which is unsuprising considering they probably have the libido of a shoot of bamboo).

The greatest crime of the communists is that capitalism still exists.


There are a few misconceptions in this comment I'd like to clear up.

What you'll hear communists say is "they deserved worse", not "they deserved death", in reference to a class of people (the kulaks) who literally hoarded and burned food during times of famine (of which there were plenty in Russia before the 1917 revolution), and were punished by being sent to prisons that had much better conditions than prisons in the US and other capitalist nations (many got their own house, and up to 500 000 prisoners were released each year). So when you see "they deserved worse" it's not much different than when a rapist gets 1 year in prison, for example, and people say "he got off easy" or something of that nature.

Secondly, you won't find any of those subs talking about "the middle class". That's a term used by Liberals, not Marxists. In Marxist analysis, there's the working class, or the proletariat, and the ruling/ownership class, or the bourgeoisie.

What most liberals consider the middle class would either be known to communists as working class or petty bourgeoisie. Not one of those subs talk about "the middle class doesn't deserve to live". Communists don't even strive to kill the bourgeoisie. All communists strive for is for the workers to own the means of production, instead of people who earned capital through inheritance or exploitation claiming the rights to something that was/is created and operated by workers. No one should own the product of human invention, because no one person invents something. We all work together to create and innovate, and all workers in an organization should have a democratic say in the operation of the organization, and society itself.