ShitLiberalsSay (remember them?) discovers that CTH and Noam Chomsky were fascist infiltrators all along, reports them for reeducation

63  2018-09-28 by dootwiththesickness


And I thought Shitliberalssay were busy infiltrating SRD tread about banned subs, to spit apologist bullshit...hmm. Looks like they have a lot of free time on their hands.

Everyone thinks everyone is fash.

Surething, fash.

Literally unless you are a member of the historical NSDAP you are not fascist

Also unless you are literally a member of the historical Soviet communist party you are not a tankie

NSDAP lol get on my level

(Note: by more precise definitions of fascism, even ones that include other countries than Italy, Germany is off).

Tankies were originally western leftists who supported the 1956 Soviet invasion and occupation of Hungary.

better choice

Define "better choice" when your options are a neoliberal or a fascist?

Imagine saying this unironically

snappy has new quote

tfw so righteously leftwing that your effective position is /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM but unironically

Lol I know right

Might as well say fascist or fascist

Everyone to the right of Che Guevera is a fascist

- Shitliberalssay

Let me tell you about the specific kind of anarcho-socialism that I believe in that's totally different from social anarchism that, anarchic socialism, and neo social anarchy (and God help you if you just call it socialism).

Thank God these chucklefucks don't vote.

If voting actually did anything it would be illegal

Ecks dee

We live in a society.


Gamers rise up.

Huh, I guess I'm banned from there.