Boston Marathon lowers qualification time by 5min starting in 2020. Naturally, one brave Redditor asks, "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MEN!?" The thread also features some feminist retard who tells us that women have it bad because women's only purpose in life is to shit out kids, which makes it hard to run.

114  2018-09-28 by CharlesSchwabSucks2


American = Retard.

Where is the lie?

So simple, so succinct, so reductionist... And yet still so true

americans were the worst thing to happen to this planet. after the human race, of course.

Nah, Dr. Who fans

Can we just settle on American SuperWhoLock fans?

Yes, yes we can.

women still have the whole childbirth thing going on in their peak distance running years, all the cultural baggage about women pursuing "selfish" hobbies like endurance sports in the role of a family, etc.

cultural baggage She's talking about dem big ol tiddies right?

advantages in distance running are only one of the many, many reasons why flat-chested women are superior to their big-tittied sisters.

You can run like a boy, but can you pee standing up?

Probably, but it makes a hell of a mess.

What are the others ?

Comfier and easy to wear.

they're cuter and more attractive.

Three is not many, tho.

you can use her flatchest as a cutting board when you don't have one available.

Only once, tho.

you can dress her up as a guy and prank your parents by "coming out"

You can do the same with a guy, and you even get bussy in bonus.

but then it wouldn't be a prank

Getting bussy require sacrifices.

I think you say "no homo" and "it's just a prank" and that makes it count as a prank.

Another advantage is less resistance to laminar fluid flow, in water or air.

its not gay unless you swallow

They're easier to stack for storage.

This is why Bimbos are the superior gussy. Bolt-ons don't flop all over the place and they can double as handy floatation devices, places to store phones, cash or important documents and pillows.

still a disadvantage for distance running, you're carrying extra weight.

Just get platform stripper shoes with wheelies in them. No problem.

As a radical centrist I subscribe to both r/TinyAsianTits and r/juicyasians

I only subscribe to the first one, and to /r/aa_cups, and to /r/deliciousflatchests

lol ur closet gai.

there's nothing gay about delicious flatchests. I also subscribe to /r/twinks to make sure that these boyish younguns better not awaken anything in me.

Nah he just prefers them as young as he can get.

No, he takes them as young as he can get, he prefers them younger.


imagine complaining that the bar is lower for women in sports

The bar is lower proportionately meaning it's harder for men as a gender to qualify compared to a woman. The entire purpose is to give more women a chance to run, rather than to make sure qualified men get to run. Imagine not caring about double standards because it doesn't affect you. I imagine that you would cry like a bitch if they did.

is to give more women a chance to run

and this is a bad thing why

qualify for something

open access because feels

y bad tho?

Are you stupid?

open access

where do you see open access lol

it gives more woman a chance to run

And that is a bad thing, why?

I think you don't quite understand what open access is lol


All these people trying to be the best at exercising LOL

if there's a leg up is for a good reason

Imagine typing this unironically

The thread also features some feminist retard who tells us that women have it bad because women's only purpose in life is to shit out kids,

JFC are they trying to evoke a "make me a sammich" line?

I have no idea if they are 100% fair. Perhaps not from a physiological standpoint, but perhaps when considering some social barriers? I'm not an expert. But I think at the end of the day if fewer women qualify than men, then there is no argument for tightening them until gender parity in registrations is reached.

Retarded equality of outcome garbage. People really believe this nonsense. Let's have a 4min time for womanz because I want a 50 50 ratio hurrrrrr.

I'm a wamans in Male dominated field and Male dominated hobbies

And you are probably shit at them and needed affirmative action too

Equality of outcome should be mandatory and there should be no other factor taken into account

Intelligent people should be forced to get cochlear implants that distract and derail their thoughts with noises and make them as confused as the average tankie.

If you have equality of outcome you are not taking anything else into account already

I think you took a wrong turn. --> /r/MGTOW is that way -->

Sorry for this person's comment friend. You really want to try out /r/MGTOWWOM. /r/MGTOW is full of women.

/r/MGTOW is full of women.

I bet it's not.

Sounds like TERF talk bucko.

TERF is a slur.

Damn, I knew I directed him to the wrong place.

I'm pretty sure /r/menslib is a only women sub too

Mods, how come I can only down vote this refugee once?

Not letting women bike the marathon is literally misogyny.

When feminists say "equality" they mean "maintain any and all advantages we have while creating new advantages and removing any advantages we think you have.*

Ask almost any woke female if they want to sign up for the draft, cause as a penis-american its a crime not to


big deal, the special olympics is low entry too, but it doesn't mean the regular olympics needs to be worried

I only have one question. Who cares?

Dunno having more people run apparently invalidates the final running time of other people for some reason, i dunno

The change is reducing the range of men who could qualify, not expanding the range of women who could qualify.

How does it reduce the range of men that could qualify.

Actually, I'm wrong, it reduces the range of both genders who could qualify see here.

I think the thinking in the linked thread is that the percent of men who could ever reach 2:55 at 18-34 is less than the percent of women who could reach 3:25.

They make qualifying harder every year to keep the size managable, but made it even harder for men this time instead of applying the change equally. 3:30 women's is comparable to a 3:05 men's, not 3:00.

Since even the lolcow agrees it's not applied equally, it definitely is reducing the range of men who can qualify more than the range of women - presumably to keep the all-important gender ratio the same. There's just a hell of a lot more men interested in competitive running than women, quelle surprise.

Get good scrub

I honestly would be glad to beat even more people if it was me.

Slower runners will slow down everyone running.

True, therefore they have to keep to the back! But often slow runners will go in front and then not go anywhere.

Don't they start you based on how fast you are? It wouldn't make sense to put the 2 hour kenyans anywhere but the front

I love running. These people make it so much less fun by getting angry over things

I don't think his comment is really what about teh men when it seems from the experts on the subject that it is indeed a lower standard for women.

Imagine being a white upper middle class woman and thinking you are oppressed in ANY way LMAO. Imagine thinking running a marathon doesn't make you automatically privileged

White. People. Non. Sense. Smh

I had to sit between two mayo men in the plane last night, never have been more disgusted in my life tbh. My race is so gross. One of them spent the entire time watching fox news over airplane internet.

your only option is to convert to islam. Nobody is going to notice that you are a mayo if you do

do it again, dzhokhar (in minecraft)

shit out kids


Unironically feels bad that my body is optimised to gestate young instead of to rape others :(