Retard asks if ending capitalism is centrist. Bonus appearance from The Prince Who Shall Not Be Rinsed who says akshually Stalin was a centrist.

65  2018-09-28 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Rinse yourself, princess cuck-cum-composter.

Reminds me of when an anarchist told me "Well actually, Bernie is a centrist".

Uhhgg, leftcoms

i know some leftcoms and this isn't leftcom

We should have made more fun of prince tankikun's retarded opinions before he got mad and left.

Interesting theory, how would we have stock fluctuation with out stock markets? Would it be possible?

I'm morbidly curious about why this dude thinks fluctuations in stock prices matter if you can't buy, sell, or trade them.

You could buy and sell stock without a market, it’d just be individuals doing it privately. In the butt.

You already can, there maybe a central exchange and market place but the market is just an idea. How do so many of these people not understand that? Like they seem to think that physically ending the NYSE would change shit.

I took market here to mean stock exchange, but that’s a good point.

You could buy and sell stock without a market, it’d just be individuals doing it privately. In the butt.

There's a local park that regularly hosts an "after-hours" market but the police tend to break it up. I wonder why they do all their trading in public restrooms?

As God intended. 🍆💦👁️

That might shut down "The Stock Market", by which I assume they mean the NYSE, but it's not like there's only the one. And if a group of people are trading stock, then it has to be considered a stock market, in the same way that anywhere people trade for fish is a fish market or how any bar your mom winds up in is a meat market.

Right, I assume they meant stock exchanges, rather than the economic fact of a market for stocks.

I suppose that's possible. I'm just not sure what it would accomplish to move trade outside of formal exchanges (of which there are hundreds worldwide) except...well, less formality. Maybe they're just big fans of business casual clothing?

Either way: "Edgy Teenage Leftists Have Poorly Thought Out Ideas, Film at 11", I guess.

Look at this guy who hasn't seen the end of Fight Club!

Ah of course, the evil stockmarket. I agree with the lolcow, lets remove it and bring it back to the good old days when only the wealthy with connections could get stock in companies

Being fair, relying on interpersonal connections and nepotism to get ahead is Communist Society 101.

Relying on a system of interpersonal connections/nepotism to get ahead over merit or hard work is Communism 101, hardly surprising they'd be for it.

Owning stocks? Owning? That word is for capitalists and slave drivers, with an obvious overlap

What's Mars Occultism

The Prince that was Promised.

wants to end capitalism

buys weed

t. center leftist

I thought Prince managed to become a mod of centreleftpolitics, but he made his own place with a similar name because he kept getting buttblasted and Chapos stopped backing him up.

Tanks are centrists

I'm glad we got rid of him.

obvious troll is obvious

Mars Occultism controls our president

Out of everything in the list, this one makes the most sense


am I center-left

Abolishing capitalism is first bullet point