Why do soyboys hate Elon Musk so much?

0  2018-09-28 by 1537569458


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They thought he was one of them but it turns out he doesn't love TV, he just fucks girls who are on it.

The soul of "soy" is identifying with media and buying what it tells you. Musk shit-talks the press like he's mini-Trump. So the media says to hate him now, and his former fans obey.

There are good reasons to think Musk is a ridiculous shithead and scam artist, but those don't matter. TV say he bad man.

Elon plays videos games though

Musk should make a Funco pop of himself. That will get the soy entities on board.

Only soybeings on Reddit like him for being le epic electric car space man tho

Why do you mongs make shitty bait-posts like this?


For what? The honor of space autismo?

autists love elon because they can tell that he's on the spectrum, and he serves as a glimmer of hope that they may do something more with their lives than sit on the internet worshiping billionaires and watching Rick and Morty

Ask myself this every day tbh m8