Kavanaugh getting investigated now

50  2018-09-29 by Humorlessness


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For the 6th time

For the 1st time xxxDDDDDDDDDDDD

based on a casual observation pulled from my ass, you seem to be emotionally invested in his confirmation. care to comment why it matters so much Kavabrah gets a seat as opposed to some other less-rapey judge?

Personally I just want to see the /r/politics meltdown continue uninterrupted through the midterms.

/u/Alexlincoln2 is a pretty good drama poster because he doesn't take anything posted here serious. But this Kavabrewbrah Judge Raep stuff seems to have put a real stick up his ass and I want to know why

well, I guess that would make sense you're concerned with someone else's asshole, assy mcgee.

If you're not constantly serious posting you're a milquetoast faggot that thinks not having opinions makes you above it all when it really just makes you uninteresting.

/r/SubredditDrama loves people like you. go post there plz thnx

no u

I would but I'm banned. You go do it in my stead

What finally got you assy?

I advocated for white genocide facetiously, but because SRDine mods can't into humour, took me at face value

They didn't understand it would be a slow, peaceful, and fun endeavour?


It does though

Nuh uh!

Uh huh!

not having opinions makes you above it all

this is the most true thing i've read all day

Not emotionally really. If this was a democrat (for instance the Keith Ellison accusers also lack evidence) I'd feel the same way. Moving from a preponderance of evidence standard based on a presumption of innocence to a males are always guilty (as senator Hirono stated) would ruin all future appointments. It's not kavanaugh thays at risk, I feel the Republicans will side with him to the end at this point. It's the system of government itself that I feel is at risk. I hope the FBI report, as narrow as it can be at this point owing to the politicization of this case is effective in ending this nightmare.

If this was a democrat

Al Franken got booted from the Senate by his own party for less


Don't do "le both sides are ebil!"like some /r/politics poster then

well i think he’s saying booting al franken is evil

That's not what he was saying, though. He was making the point that his principles are consistent, not "lul demos are hypocrites and would do the same".

I know it's hard to believe some people have principles in this day and age, but it do.

he should have been constantly bitching about Merrick Garland for the past few years, but it's only when Kavabrah got held up he started to whine about principles .

You can't claim "both sides are bad" when you only REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when the side you don't like uses underhanded tactics

Merrick Garland didn't get a vote by a Republican controlled Senate. If you want the option of not bringing a nominee to a vote, then go get control of the Senate. Or I guess you could just accuse all trump nominees of raping babies to cure their aids. Either way.

Ask yourself which is worse: not getting a chance at a vote you know you will lose, or sabotaging a nomination that is otherwise a sure thing.

The Merrick Garland stuff would have been a good justification if somehow Democrats otherwise had the votes to confirm him, but they didn't.

No u

if you seriously think /r/politics are 'playing the both sides card' you're more retarded than anyone else here. they froth at the mouth at that line of thinking.

and it's funny because it's not even a cringey trope, it's true. if you have the correct number of chromosomes you should be able to see fucktardery comes from all walks of life. the dems can't seem to stop spiraling down the hole of 'social progression' and the reps can't seem to stop getting caught doing egregious shit and being religious as fuck

for hover hands


fucking unreal

ooh this post is far too serious for this sub, you run the risk of developing lolcowism if you keep this up

That's probably an even better example for the Republitards.


these dipshits impeached a sitting Pres because he got a consensual blowjob from an adult after not finding the smoking gun in the real estate deals they investigated.

and Kavadrunk was right there demanding it be investigated.

But now we cant investigate RAPE because it will imperil future bla blas?

fuck off

Please, if you could be so kind, point out in the above comment where I said it shouldn't be investigated. My bussy has a stick up its ass which prevents me from finding it, but I'm sure you can find it.

It's the system of government itself that I feel is at risk

you said the sytem of gov is at risk if this is investigated

or maybe its at risk some other fucking way?


you realize that Trump has been all over the media insisting this is all lies, right?

why when Trump insists all these people are lying before he's even heard there testimony thats okay. But when one senator listens to testimony and decides its believable that somehow is risking the very system of gov we all believe in?

That's wrong as well. The difference is simple. Doing something wrong and it failing is far less destructive than doing something wrong and it works. Now, as I said, if evidence does come up that could prove kavanaugh did sexually assault ford, or, much more likely, that he simply perjured himself, then by all means, impeach kavanaugh.

wtf are you talking about?

On what point?

Niggas going to jail if he lied. You can't impeach a judge.

You can impeach a supreme court justice, it's happened before to samuel chase. After impeachment he would go to jail yes

Interesting, havn't heard of that before.

Lol, that was weak.

It should be noted that the official reason Clinton was impeached was for perjury, which he was disbarred for. If you can prove that Kavanaugh was lying, please impeach him.

ah yes, perjury regarding being questioned about consensual sex with an adult.

you know whe else committed perjury and the Repubs somehow didn't give a fuck?



Hey man, I know you want a gotcha moment here, but did you actually read the politifacts article you linked, it says Durbin is in the wrong here.

its wapo about kavadrunk

wtf are you talking about?

Read what he said again. Read the two words after politifacts and before you.

He is saying the article you linked is counter to your point.

ah yes, perjury regarding being questioned about consensual sex with an adult. Questions he never should have even been fucking asked

You can agree that both a) they shouldn't have been investigating his blow jobs and b) he shouldn't have lied under oath.

It's not that hard to be logically consistent, give it a try some time.

Did you even read that article? It is literally saying the opposite of what your point is.

these dipshits impeached a sitting Pres because he got a consensual blowjob from an adult after not finding the smoking gun in the real estate deals they investigated

This was only possible because of Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick and ..... fuck it I just realized "Broad" is her name and I feel uncomfortable :-(


those 2 had nothing to do with the impeachment thingy

Clinton's original rise to fame was literally a version of Trump ... like v0.35 or something. Back in his 1992 first Democratic presidential primary, his affair with Gennifer Flowers came was unveiled. He survived the scandal, and it won him that coveted thing that Trump needed - name recognition, and air time. Over the course of whenever, several more have happened from vary angles. One of them is literally right now twittering shit about Clinton.

Because of these, Clinton earned a reputation as a lech and Republicans locked onto their one fake Christiany thing they pound on - sexual morality.

The impeachment was simply a continuation of "GET CLINTON" from the original 1992 scandal.

Ya Bill must be like "wtf" right now

Remember when Democrats willingly ignored (continue to ignore) Bill Clinton’s continuous litany of sexual assaults, trashing the victims as dumb lying sluts and calling the Republicans prudes for finding anything wrong with it. Judith Butler said “it’s good to have a president who’s alive below the waist.” Every single feminist and Democrat who defended Bill Clinton (all of them) is a scum sack hypocrite.

What about what about what about

Didn't Billy boy actually get accused of raping some lady, and Hillary helped cover it up? But like, as a grown ass man, not as a 17 year old grabbing a titty?

Moving from a preponderance of evidence standard based on a presumption of innocence to a males are always guilty (as senator Hirono stated) would ruin **all** future appointments on both sides.

I appreciate the fact that in your "future", women are disallowed from serving on SCOTUS.

Hmm, that is a mistake on my part. I was pointing out am example of believing the accuser that was more specific than my fear.

We can only hope.

He has no right to that seat at all. Supreme Court Justices should be held to a higher standard since that seat is for life. Dems were even angrier about the Gorsuch seat since they saw it as "stolen" and no rape accusations came out against him. Repubs should pick someone less rapey and move on.

It's the system of government itself that I feel is at risk.

Which is what every sane person has been saying since America elected a reality tv star to the highest office in the land.

You aren't wrong,

if you think he's actually rapey you must be a committed /r/politics poster on an alt, there is no other reason for you to think so besides having an extreme anti-daddy complex

prove me wrong

no thanks

Wait,Her allegation was investigated 6 times?

No, the variety of investigation, a background check, is being performed again. This isn't a criminal investigation owing to it not being an allegation based around a federal crime (say, interstate rape) or occurring at a federal institution.

Right, it isn’t a criminal investigation because rape isn’t a federal crime. But unlike the previous background investigations (which are usually mere formalities) this one is limited in scope to the, "current credible allegations," according to the statement from the Senate committee. That classification would fall under "any kind of allegation where there are witnesses that can be interviewed and any kind of information that can be gathered to determine whether the allegations are true or false," which the FBI hasn’t specifically investigated before.


surprisingly accurate summary, for a retard

Can the crybaby beat Hilary's record

They both are crybabies.

Ok one is a killer cyborg from the future the other is a rapist.

there we go

Fam she didn't cry during her hearings like a little bitch

Still frightening and untrustworthy.

She is many things, but crybaby is not one of them. I don't think Hillary is capable of feelings.

She is however capable of insider trading.

I'd like to make a trade to get access to her insides ca 1962 if you catch my drift ;)

Ayy Lamo.

She was much better-looking than any of Bill's floozies, or at least the ones who came out publicly. I guess you can take the boy out of Arkansas...

I'm not American, but I assume Arkansas boys are high-T?

For thicc trashy women, but not bougie WASPs, apparently.

I wouldn't say no to miss Lewinsky though. She's so sweet :)

She had a certain thing going on, but it wasn't exactly what I'd describe as "pretty."

What's the kind of pussy you'd prefer to grab then, Mr President?

A friend of mine was a staffer on Clinton's 1996 campaign, and scuttlebutt was that he was schtupping Sharon Stone, who was on the trail with him.

ah yes, Hillary before the lizardmen flayed her and started wearing her skin.

It's the lizard blood.

The Reptilians don’t have tear ducts.

Don't be ableist pls 🦎

/u/Cdace can u confirm

Yes it is true; however, artificial ones are put in surgically. The artificial tear ducts have to be used sparingly because they look odd compared to human tear ducts

She did cry on November 8th.

wow your toxic masculinity is dangling

Please, lizard people don't have tear ducts.


Magic 8 ball says yes.

Should have nominated 6ix9ine smdh

not Lil pump


Ur old

here's my idea

Bill Cosby is in a bit of legal trouble but still beloved. Trump pardons him, Kavadrunk steps down, and Trump nominate Cosby!

boom !

everybody wins

I don't know where you came from, but you need to go back

this would actually be a best-case scenario

which makes it impossible

No written decisions, just Dr. Huxtable making a sandwich and sitting down with the appellant and respondent to work if out.

Justice, at last.

Eat shit


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It's over for incels

Dude bussy lmao

if theyd just let trump nominate judge judy like he wanted to none of this would be happening now

Betrayed by Daddy himself