Dramacoin up 10 pts as Kathleen Kennedy's Star Wars contract is extended by 3 years 📈

39  2018-09-29 by Starship_Litterbox_C


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Spaceshit is just as bad as capeshit.

This broad getting more time to fuck with Star Wars and make nerds cry and movies bomb financially is good for dramacoin, degenerate

Star Wars drama is more entertaining than political drama imo

Now when you say spaceshit, do you mean science fiction or science fantasy? Because there's a vast difference my good sir.

Science fiction and science fantasy both have potential to rise above spaceshit.

Spaceshit is corporate blockbusters aimed at 7 year olds and virgin manchildren shat out by Hollyjew producers.

Imagine actually being elitist about movies about robots fighting aliens

Imagine not realizing there is a difference in quality between 2001: A space oddysey and Solo: A Star Wars Story

Imagine being a r/movies reader

See MissionNobody's comment

fuck outta here nerd

Star Wars is capeshit, the spaceshit just makes it even worse

Star Wars is unwatchable garbage.

Not it's not. >!It's worse!<

dude its so much worse

like I can’t remember the last time I saw a “blockbuster” anywhere near as bad as TLJ


The Ellen Pao of space capeshit

good analogy, have a tendie on me

Oh gee space cape nerds aren't gonna like this

The person whose clit Rian Johnshon licked in order to make The Last Jedi.


I wasn't going to watch episode 9, but maybe I will just to drive up Dramacoin even higher.

imagine having plans to watch or not watch a movie that's hasn't even been made yet

That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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I take my mother out to see all the new Star Wars and she loves them.

I wish all these beta soyboy cucks would just admit that the only reason they're mad is because they're gay for Luke, Han, and possibly (definitely) c3p0

Kathleen Kennedy has reignited her lightsaber.

I tapped out immediately.