Valve teases a new card for their upcoming game, then quickly renames it to avoid controversy. Is Valve submitting to their SJW masters? r/Artifact debates.

43  2018-09-29 by Ghdust2

Here's the tweet where they talked about the card:

For anyone allergic to twitter links, cards are categorized by color in Artifact and this card, formerly titled "Crack the Whip", buffed black cards. After having the potentially racist implications pointed out to them, Valve announced that the card will instead be named "Coordinated Assault".

Should Valve have just kept it and let people cry?:

If this ruins the game for you, were you really invested in Artifact in the first place?:

u/The_Reason_Trump_Won might like this one: "This is why Trump won" :


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Lol at the idea blacks use steam

I'm right here man

UH A XBOX IS NOT A COMPUTER SYSTEM. Goku and football games ---> Over there to the bone console.


Whites and rice people? Pff!~ That's our anime machine. I understand the confusion

Tokenism is wrong you know


Hey, question. Do black people love hentai as much as white people? If so, I might have to stop my stereotype of steam demographics

I don't like anime so I couldn't tell you

AH HA!! Caught in a low. We all know steam is only for the greats of hentai masterpieces (and skyrim).

(black) Gamers rise up

Crack the Whip

Modify a black hero

How do you not see this coming?

By not being from America. It's not difficult to mot have race on your mind in many countries

An Irvine based company is still American you chinkophobe

being a bunch of socially stunted nerds

not constantly worrying what some neon haired tranny on twitter thinks is being stunted

yeah it doesn't take your spooky SJW boogeyman to realize that "Crack the Whip" to somehow affect a "Black Hero" would be a bad choice of words you fucking idiot.

seriously how can you be so incredibly god damn stupid?

lol black people are just that fragile that a mention of a whip and the word black gives them ptsd

maybe they should harden up

I dont even have the words to express how absolutely fucking retarded this comment is. You are literally too stupid for words.

You are literally too stupid for words.

Incorrect. I believe the word you are looking for is "Australian". /u/captainpriapism is "Australian".

I think you mean "autistic"

turns out not everyone is scared of social interactions or speaking their mind

I'm truly a hero for being this retarded.


omg a black guy might not like me unless i coddle him like a baby!

thats you, youre literally that much of a faggot

imagine being literally afraid of social interactions with coloured people

"omg what if i say whip?!??!"

Keep going, I'm almost there.

australians understand race relations more than americans, thats why were not as fucked up as a society and we dont let rando black people get away with everything out of some sort of misplaced guilt

again, we tried to genocide our black people and they dont whine as much as black americans

get some perspective, unless youre black in which case its prob impossible due to inferior genes

Lmfao. American? Who do you think you're speaking to, you fucking drongo?

eh if youre not american you sure bitch about the same stuff as them

if you were listening to a rap song with a black guy would you conspicuously avoid singing along to the word "nigga"? i bet you would

Jesus Christ, you're so retarded it physically hurts those around you.

i enjoy these nothing insults you always resort to when losing an argument tbh

but fr i bet youd be genuinely afraid to rap along to a song in front of a black guy huh

fyi thats not respect thats tiptoeing around and being a fag and nobody respects that

but fr i bet youd be genuinely afraid to rap along to a song in front of a black guy huh

Lmfao. You actually think that's a fucking stinger. Sweet Jesus.

yeah it is, and its pretty clear it hit close to home because of your blustering faggy response

its representative of how afraid you are of black people, and how you think its being respectful when it just makes you look like a pansy

Keep going, I'm so close.

to crying about black people you mean

The closest my dad came to giving me approval was grinning when I called an Aborigine "nigger"

This is you right now.

lol do you get off inventing scenarios in your head to argue against

if a black american guy hundreds of years separated from slavery goes into rape survivor mode because he sees the word whip then fucking lol dude how fragile can they be

Is really that hard to understand that putting a "whip the blacks" reference in a videogame isn't a good idea ? Not because it " triggers the blacks' ptsd", but because it's a shit idea

it wasnt a whip the blacks reference you oversensitive faggot

lol what does that even mean, in reference to what? slavery?

Not because it " triggers the blacks' ptsd", but because it's a shit idea

did you know its unhealthy for a society to cripple itself to avoid potentially making a person feel bad

especially when that person is going to use any excuse to cry regardless

Removing a retarded name from a vydia is "crippling society"?

i love how you just refuse to understand simple concepts to try and own me or something

censoring yourself because some dumb black faggot might take offense cripples expression

i know simpletons like yourself might go lol video games!!!! but its the same with every form of expression

western society cares too much about what other people think because empathy and compassion are white traits, even when theyre misplaced

I love how you don't understand how selling products to a crowd works and immediately retort "le sjw are ruining civilization with their censorship".

fucking lol dude you havent followed any of this shit for the past 5 years or so huh

companies trying to appeal to twitter users and sjws fail, almost always

whereas outright refusing to cave in to sensitive people creates fans

nobody likes stuff they enjoy diluted just because some dumb cunt got confused at some wording

its not "anti sjws" its literally everyone that enjoys a thing without some teenager fucking it up for everyone

"le sjw are ruining civilization with their censorship". What was the important message that the evul lefties censored?

how are you this dense lol its about setting a precedent

if they think they can bitch to get stuff changed theyll keep doing it

Why is it always the people with mde tags that are so fucking dumb

.... I think that question warrants you a mde tag.


anyone who hates mde is a lolcow thanks for playing

black people arent going to suddenly respect you if you pretend to sympathise you dumb fag

Your flair fits you so perfectly

i have css turned off

Yes, you're socially stunted if you are unable to recognize when something like that is most likely going to receive a negative reaction. If they didn't care about the reaction then they wouldn't have changed the name.

Real life is a lot different from shitposting on /r/Drama, my socially stunted dude

the people with the negative reaction have a negative reaction toward literally anything that isnt a genderfluid neon mess of brown skinned feminist faggotry

its hardly worth it

witcher 3 has like one of the biggest and mosty obnoxiously obsessed fanbases ever and they specifically told sjws that they werent going to randomly add black people

Real life is a lot different from shitposting on /r/Drama, my socially stunted dude

imagine being literally scared to espouse opinions irl for fear of being socially ostracized

do you not have actual friends or something

>witcher 3 has like one of the biggest and mosty obnoxiously obsessed fanbases ever and they specifically told sjws that they werent going to randomly add black people

and nearly all of them would watch it regardless, because they already have netflix and nothing better to do with their lives

>imagine being literally scared to espouse opinions irl for fear of being socially ostracized

I'm talking about running a company. I have no problem with telling you or other people to literally throw yourselves off the nearest overpass, but I'm not going to do some stupid shit through my company's social media.

I'm not talking about whether the reaction is justified. I'm talking about being so fucking socially underdeveloped that you're incapable of recognizing when something is going to cause backlash.

>its hardly worth it

Yeah, and that's why every single company that conservatives have gotten pissed off at are now non-existent. Conservatives are even worse than liberals at boycotting.

and nearly all of them would watch it regardless, because they already have netflix and nothing better to do with their lives

no i meant the game, when it came out all the usual fag outlets complained there wasnt enough POC and they replied with "its ancient polish mythology"

the netflix series is literally being written by twitter users and ugly women, its a given that its going to be laughably shit and most have given up on it already

I'm talking about running a company. I have no problem with telling you or other people to literally throw yourselves off the nearest overpass, but I'm not going to do some stupid shit through my company's social media.

if its your company then it doesnt matter, real people dont care about this shit

the only repercussions are from higher ups mistakenly thinking the people complaining have a valid opinion

nobody who complains about shit on twitter is a customer they just want attention

I'm talking about being so fucking socially underdeveloped that you're incapable of recognizing when something is going to cause backlash.

lol you goof

i know that stupid people will cry, but im saying it doesnt matter because they arent customers and nobody real actually thinks its a big deal

standing up against crying sjws is the best thing a company can do for customer retention

Yeah, and that's why every single company that conservatives have gotten pissed off at are now non-existent.

conservatives dont try to shut everything they dont like down lol

more importantly why should they care that people think its offensive or do anything in response

Because they want to sell a product ?

sjws dont buy things lol, theres literally no benefit to appeasing them and often it just makes your shit fail

meanwhile anything sticking it to sjws will get a boost in sales from people trying to be activists

the people that think its a problem spend all their time on twitter talking about how much they hate video games and the people that play them, theyre clearly not the target audience

Sjw buy games just like the other vydia-gaymers do, they simply try to hide their embarrassment behind hyperbolic shit statements.

The fact that you believe that a major company would want to alienate potential customers because of "sticking to le SJW LMAOOOO" (by keeping a blacks/whips potential innuendo) really shows how much you're detached from reality

womxn don't play games dood.

What is the sims

Sjw buy games just like the other vydia-gaymers do, they simply try to hide their embarrassment behind hyperbolic shit statements.

they dont though

The fact that you believe that a major company would want to alienate potential customers because of "sticking to le SJW LMAOOOO" (by keeping a blacks/whips potential innuendo) really shows how much you're detached from reality

are you retarded lol

every franchise that tries to appeal to sjws regrets it and loses sales, and every franchise that tells them to fuck off gets all of anti sjw twitter to spite buy their shit

its like youre incredibly new to the internet, maybe resetera is more your pace

You don't understand that sales for AAA company don't revolve around twatter blue checks and CAncers, right? Have you ever had an interaction with a human being outside Chinese imageboards?

lol what do you even think im arguing

Be a comp sci major

Pussy just rains from the sky

Stacies left and right ask for computer help, but end up playing with your unkept curly jewfro and asking you what you're doing later

Chads high five you preemptively and smile nervously when you're around, scared that you might hack their families.

Life is good

but end up playing with your unkept curly jewfro

Wait, that means they are interested in you ?

I think so, that's at least how it plays out in my dreams.

I always tought it was because my hair was nice and soft at least compared to theirs. But I am autistic enough to be on r/drama.

Same, brother

tbf this is probably one of the most obviously tone-deaf choices that they could have have possibly made, and it was completely avoidable. How did this even pass through a team of developers and a team of PR people??

i flat out refuse to believe nobody realised

normally this shit can be written off as "losers looking for outrage read something that isn't there" but this literally says "modify a Black Hero" lmao

If your mind isn't trained to see racism everywhere you don't notice stuff like this. It seems obvious now after people point it out but I saw the card reveal a few days ago and this issue didn't even cross my mind.

in the context of an american company i think this ones a bit more noticeable. its still not egregious and its possible i might not have noticed it if it wasnt pointed out, but its WAY easier to spot than shit like that monkey tshirt thing

I'm a fairly politicized guy and I didn't notice it at all when I first saw it. I think it's reasonable that a bunch of nerds who probably don't care at all about politics wouldn't notice it either.

my autism is a superpower


They downvoted you but you're right. It's called selective attention and it's well known to the field of psychology.

Idonno if valve actually has a real PR process.

Honestly after that riot shit I'm not surprised at gaming companies being out of touch idiots

Holy fuck you're such a middle-aged woman

Do you really think that an outfit as incompetent as Valve has a functioning PR department?

I keep seeing snippets of this game and have no fucking clue how it works.

It's good to give black heroes +2 to attack, but they are too lazy to do it themselves so you have to use the whip.

have no fucking clue how it works.

oh that's easy, you give Valve more money to have more imaginary trading cards and having more imaginary trading cards means you're better at the game.

it's better to just write this off completely as the cash grab garbage that it is.

BRUH lmao 😂🤣

How to draw attention to your addition to the hundred so hearthstone clones.

Valve announced that the card will instead be named "Coordinated Assault"

I get it, like a gang.

It now buffs white high school males when the 'I like beer' card is in play.


black people are so sensitive about everything lol get over it slavery was ages ago

Please go outside

lol what

even australian abbos arent as faggy about this shit and they actually got nearly genocided

american black guys just cry constantly waaah omg oppression


Normally I'm against submiting to SJWs but this is a fucking retarded name in a first place