Behind The Meme kicks the bucket, except it's just a prank bro camera's over there!

24  2018-09-29 by Puzzlebark


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Why is bussybot gone?

Can someone make a snallypost about this, how the hell could a channel go this bonkers this quickly?

Get ready for stricter, even more ridiculous Youtube rules!

There's a reason that crazies keep trying to shoot them.

lol beleeted

The fuck happened? The video is deleted. Isn't behind the meme one of those shitty channels just reading off the know your meme page for shit?

Kind of, he also explains the origin of the meme. He made a series of vids describing his depression from his channel being shit on 24/7 and ended it with a fake suicide and a thing telling people their words mean more than they realize.


Just a deleted video.

Reupload here. Basically he just fake-shoots himself.

But if He's dead, Who's been uploading the videos? 🤔🤔🤔