Some of you here have turned this 20 year old Simpsons gag into reality. You should honestly be ashamed.

25  2018-09-29 by Punished_Eva


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Did you double post this to /r/theretard ?

found the crying woman

My bussy says otherwise

good luck with the operation

I upvoted both of you :^)

How radical.


miss me with americunt politics 😴😴😴

but didnt that 🤢 gussy 🤢 say kav male-feministed her? hows this turned into reality?

i sleep 😴😴😴

Its over for some of you

Are you still shaking that daddy ordered an investigation? Have a drink.

Let's hope she remembers to turn on the waterworks during the FBI investigation.


That works too. I'm just making fun of the premise of the OP: that women are believed not because they are credible, but because they cry. If so, she should use her superpower on the FBI.

lmao, who cares?

Either way, it's good for drama.

You aren't actually agendaposting, are you, OP? Heaven forbid!

That whole episode is gold. The Simpsons at its best was amazing.

their writing was so good, easily my favorite show.

oh, and let's not forget this one

Exactly what happened to Trump with grabbing the Pussy remarks.


that episode was about the media not investigating what was a misunderstanding though

This sub has a lot of feminazis, most of whom pretend not to be whenever convient for them.

Where’s the drama