What are redditcoins?

2  2018-09-29 by storejet


For anyone reading this, archive.is is probably the highest trafficked archiving site on reddit, and only receives few donations per week (and definitely not enough to run on donations alone). If you can, you can support the creator on Liberapay in order to make sure we have this service for the future.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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It's basically reddit currency you can use to purchase lootboxes that reward you with new skins for your avatar or give you the ability to choose how you're tagged by masstagger and things like that

Imagine using the new profiles.

Dramacoin rip-off.

Watching reddit slowly die is kinda catharthic.

I’m unironically enjoying it.

I’ve been here since early on (narwhal bacon, the gummy bear being two fave moments). Watching the decline has been fun.

Peak Reddit faggotry

Inferior knockoffs of Dramacoins.

Microtransactions but even more gay

Jewish scammery.