Radical centrist cookout

281  2018-09-29 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Question! Do I bite the hot dog ends off first and then go at it like a normal burger, or do I have to eat down the line formed by the dog?

free to choose 😍

Im not used to this level of freedom man

Welcome to America, baby!


You suck the hot dog out between the hamburger flaps. Do you even MMF?

I am more of a TTT kinda guy.

You mash it into a tightly packed ball and just go to town.

Anyone who manufactures, distributes, or consumes this food item should be remanded to state custody and sentenced to prison with hard labor for no shorter a period than 25 years, with a maximum sentence of 45 years and a fine of $250,000,000.

Fucking liberal easy alternative sentences smdh

The only fair sentence for a radical centrist is a death sentence.

This is Kavanaugh's America.

I would eat this and have a good time doing it.

Yeah you would you slut


So when's the r/drama meetup/cookout happening?

Ahh sorry, you missed it, it happened last night on the beach in indonesia.

I would’ve assumed Pakistan actually

Yeah but Pakistan didn’t have a tsunami last night.

why isn't this already a thing? this looks so delicious..

This is just proof that radcents are abominations.

this isn't radical centrism, this is just fucking anarchy, you monster.

o/ "Weenie-Burgers are so much to eat, if you look real hard you might even find the meat!" /o

holy shit this is why im vegan

Unironically, this is fantastic. I wonder whats the best way to cook that.

This is extremist bullshit, a real Radical Centrist would say that both burgers and hotdogs suck.