Mom blows dead animal for the Lulz

33  2018-09-29 by SignalEvent


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Going out on a limb here... I bet she's a Trumpster.

Honestly Inthought the people into weird kinks would be supportive of this. Have we finally found the line where kinkshaming is ok?

The line is if you don't live on a coast you must be some backwards hick.

Inbred too

Look at the woman blowing a dead animal and tell me she's not some backwards hick

Wheres the lie?

This person could easily be from Maine.

Licking the taint of your first Elk kill is a time-honored tradition.

White people

There is someone who decided to blow a dead elk while another held up its leg. Then there is someone who decided to take a pic of that. Then that person decided to post it on the internet.

And nowhere did these persons tought "hold the fuck up". White people, smh.

Listen she's like 1 and 2/3rds bud lights in you can't hold her responsible for her actions.

That dead moose raped that poor helpless woman.

How white people continue to roam the Earth is one of life's greatest mysteries

Fucking white people ffs oh my god

That’s one of the trashiest things I’ve ever seen. Why are people freaking out about it if they’re browsing /r/Trashy?

Bad day to be an incel when even a dead animal covered in plague ridden ticks is getting blowey joeys from milfs.
