Ultra-Conservative THOT asks about moving to the "white paradise" that is Newfoundland. Newfies explain to her why that's a bad idea.

78  2018-09-29 by Skyright


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Those motherfuckers need longpostbot in there

There's nothing else to do but farm and longpost.

Aren’t native born Newfoundlanders famous for being cousin-fucking retards?

They're famous for having an abomination of an accent and for being rural fucks that live off the dole.

Nah. They just talk like retarded Irish. I am half newf so I could be biased though. The stereotype is that they are stupid, probably related to the accent, and that they are poor, which they are. That said, it is mostly isolated fishing villages outside the larger towns/St. John's so I am sure there was some cousin fucking going on.

So does your cousin have a sister?

yeah but hes fucking her too

Nah but she has a brother though I am fucking him too

Sorry I may not have been clear, but by traditional conservative I mean ultra traditional lol. We don't use birth control, love Donald Trump

“ultra traditional”

“love Donald Trump”


There are people (like us) who believe in leaving the situation to "live and let live" peacefully in voluntarily all-white areas. And there are people who believe in standing their ground and fighting to keep what was once ours.

I don't know how long until it happens to northern Ontario Many like-minded people we know are going to Estonia.

Having people merely laugh good-naturedly at us for our beliefs or lifestyle would be a godsend as opposed to here where we have to be secretive for fear of our lives. Have you ever had anyone you love kidnapped and used as a sex slave by foreigners? Look down on us while enjoying your safe white paradise.

She doesn't sound like your typical rural fuckhead tbh, more like part of some cult or the alt-right or something.

Yeah but she also sounds like someone who would start something like the Colt family (google that if you don't know what I'm talking about but warning, it's NSFL)

WTF. I shouldn't have read up about this. Brb killing myself

Samuel Colt?

I wish...

There's some nazi groups in Germany that live very conservatively, imagine Amish people who still use technology. The women only go out in long skirts and they always have some traditional jobs like ecological farming or carpentry. They're based on groups that intended to settle in Eastern Europe after the second world war. They're an extreme niche occurrence though and most of them are in the more remote rural areas in the north east of Germany.

Sounds like Estonia is going to need a wall.

How do you even just immigrate to Estonia? Isn't the language really difficult to learn? And doesn't it have a huge issue with alcohol and drugs?

Don't worry, I'm sure these big brained ethnostate pilgrims thoroughly thought all of this through prior to booking their international flights.

not to mention its unironically super aids infested

And in danger of being annexed by Russia.

What with Russia getting a bad rap all of a sudden?

If you are a hardcore prepper then it's perfect.

It takes between 44 to 88 weeks (40 hours a week worth of classes) for an US diplomat to learn Estonian. Japanese is the nightmare language.


Alcohol is very cheap there, its actually much cheaper from somebody in Finland to pay for the ferry into Estonia and buy tax free alcohol there, than buying at home.

I have got that ferry...

It's also full of Russians, so hardly white at all.

Also /r/apefugees since it's a schengen country.

Nah, it's too cold, white, and poor, so refugees flee at the first opportunity much to the shagreen of the people trying to welcome them. Here's a rather hilarious article about it http://amp.timeinc.net/time/4793913/finding-home-estonia-where-the-heart-is

As someone with Estonian family, this person is full of shit.

They do have very lax immigration laws, but the migrants moving there are definitely NOT promoting some white paradise.

They could probably build a wall around their whole country for about 1/100th of the cost of one on the Mexico border though

Sounds like a good idea just in case, when these amerimutts overstay their welcome you can sleep soundly knowing they'll stay out after you kick em to the curb.

yeah, being so afraid of non-white immigrants you move to fucking estonia is straight up neonazi shit. 100% this woman would be down for another holocaust, not that she'd ever cop to it.

Ultra conservative means loving an east coast elitist in 2018

we dont use birth control but we worship a new york faggot who hooks up with a pornstar during his third wife's pregnancy

Yeah , the lack of self awareness these types of people have is mind blowing

“love Donald Trump”

File under: "Conservautist"

I love ultra-nationalist people who think going to somw magical country is a cure-all.

Black people: "The U.S. is racist, bigoted and Africa is where it's at!"

Africa: Worse conditions, racism galore, etc

White people: "The U.S. is so ethnic and boring. Northern Europe, here I come!"

Northern Europe: Boring as shit, no one gives a fuck about your idealistic life.

I like when ethno-nationalist amerimayos come to /int/ with their nonsense only to get triggered by all the muttpost responses from Europeans fighting the good fight to keep the ethnoburgers in their containment country.

I can't find my autistic faggot decoder ring. What are you trying to say again little kid?

You can borrow mine if you want.

Here, I speak fluent autist:

I like it when American white nationalists come to the 4chan board /int/ (international) with their white nationalism only to get upset by Europeans mocking their mixed racial heritage. Those Europeans are fighting the good fight to keep ethnic Americans in their country so they don't pollute the rest of the world.

I cant tell which version is written in autist...that probably makes me an autist.

what he's basically saying is that americans are the niggers of humanity

Is that why we keep cucking Europe?🤔👨🏿‍🎤

That's being generous.

We're more like the retarded chimpanzees that spent too many years having "shampoo" tested on them in some laboratory basement but now have a little more freedom than we can responsibly deal with.

Well, duh.

Europeans are angry that Americans own the market in retardation, are trying to out-retard the world's greatest population of retards

Weebs: The West has fallen to degeneracy, time to assimilate into Japan

Japan: Unironically anti-NEET as fuck, publicly shames nerds, despise loudmouth autists, hate white people even more that blacks (but not as much as Koreans or Chinese), females will happily laugh at your gaijin dick and talk behind your back to her friends, zero job opportunities outside of JET purgatory, can get arrested for literally no reason, can deport your ass when they feel like it, can get your ass beat by hoodlums or scammed by Yakuza and cops well laugh at you, etc. ad infinitum...

TIL Newfoundland is the Idaho of Canada.

Why not try Northeastern Pennsylvania instead?

Everyone I know from NEPA is a shithead who likes the Yankees and reminds you that The Office took place in Scranton.

Wasn't The Office set in Scranton because it's a dull mid-size American nowhereville?

My dad's family is from Scranton. It's not just a nowheresville—it's been in serious decline since the mines closed in the 1960s. There are more funeral homes than McDonald's.

Didn't they build an awful mall and couldn't even get it finished or some shit?

There's a new mall in the city center. Not sure whether it's unfinished.

Also, I'm not trying to rag on the people that. I obviously like most of my relatives and whatnot. Just more saying that it's a place beset by serious systemic problems rather than Anycity, USA.

Well that's not very dramatic...

What I meant to say is that Scranton is populated by cognitively disabled, out-of-work morlocks who gather under cover of night at the local dump, which is full of garbage from New York, to feast upon the flesh of the upwardly mobile.

Now that could satisfy a guy's petty malice.

Thank you, your previous gibberish was too hard to read.

How shitty is your dad's accent?

Funny that you ask. He was upwardly mobile: working-class but paid for his own schooling at a good college and pretty much erased the dialect—which is sort of an Eastern version of the Great Lakes dialect—until a few years ago. When his parents and aunts and uncles begin to die, he started spending more time in the region, and the accent came back. Gs dropped, flatter intonations: it's been a little disconcerting.

Definitely not my favorite accent. If you're going to go that way, at least go all out like the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or Minnesota.

I have some family members with a really strong version of the accent, and it's hideous. I think it's the slavic influences that really turned it into the abomination that it is today.

How do you even know anyone from NE PA? Are you sure you're not talking about central PA?

We have a friend who got cops called on him for saying he was against immigration. There was another family that got their house set on fire for being against immigration.

these are definitely things that actually happened, and the way they actually happened is exactly how she says they did

Calls for the death of non whites

it was just a prank bro

Really? Farming YEAR OLD posts for drama? There's not enough other shit happening right now?

You want even more Kavanaugh drama?

Kavanaugh quota has been met for the day.

The same people that say homosexuality is a sin support a Church that protects priest raping little kids.

He works in labour solutions, basically builds a labour team that gets sent out to warehouses to offload goods quickly, often on short notice.

Is this an euphemism for strikebreaker recruiter?

Seems like it

It's got to be. OP's husband is a dirty scab.

Sorry I may not have been clear, but by traditional conservative I mean ultra traditional lol. We don't use birth control, love Donald Trump, are anti-immigration, etc. Would people hate us there?

Yet she wants:

a place with a good community spirit, hospital with obstetricians or midwives, low crime/drugs/immigration, cheap real estate, and either good farm land or good supply of natural resources to live off (moose, berries, etc).

This is b8

Ethonationalism is so fucking stupid. So you are saying that you would rather some white trash redneck, who was convicted two times than black doctor, or engineering just because muh whiteness?

Go to hell!

"I hate immigrants, can I immigrate to your home?"

Mainlanders OUT OUT OUT