Space Daddy gets cucked by the SEC. Settlement secured.

128  2018-09-29 by IAmAN00bie


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Wow, they jerked him out of his company.

Who's the new chairman - his brother?

"The SEC also today charged Tesla with failing to have required disclosure controls and procedures relating to Musk's tweets, a charge that Tesla has agreed to settle," the agency said in a statement.

This is cuckoldry

It's the lesser shareholders stealing his shit from him.

But it's funny cuz lol 420 marsman w/ tiny-titty goth gf.

But really it's bullshit.

Feeelin' pretty centrist rat nao.

I think it's the lesser SEC workers phoning it in because who even knows how to do their own job anymore?

They're probably musk fans

Can u explain for a babby like me?

drama members are experts of corporate law and these are definitely not just retarded centrist hot takes

Another great argument in favor of never taking your company public. The moment you do, it's fucking over.

Cucking and chucking secured. RIP Space Daddy

Not completely chucked I believe he is still the CEO.

I'm a little surprised that he capitulated, but I guess that shows he isn't completely retarded, only '300 mile vacuum tubes are more economical than high speed railway' retarded.

I doubt he's going to make it to 3 years before he tries to take back full control though, more like 3 months.




r/Futurology on suicide watch


Not yet. They'll hold out for a couple decades until they have to come to terms with the crushing reality that there's still no magic cure for aging.

regulators faulted Tesla for not exerting more control over Musk's tweeting.

Space Daddy gonna have to hand his passwords to Tesla.

he actually fucking does hahahahaha

And since the whole affair started over a tweet, either careless or intentionally misleading, Musk is required to comply with company oversight and pre-approval of anything he says or posts about Tesla, "in any format, including, but not limited to, posts on social media (e.g., Twitter), the Company’s website (e.g., the Company’s blog), press releases, and investor calls."

Presumably includes his musings while smoking weed with Joe Rogan as well.

This is bad for DramaCoin.

The EX HR for Tesla said she used to check his tweets to make sure he doesn't say dumb things. She resigned not too long ago.

Musk and Daddy aren't so different, it seems.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 49%. (I'm a bot)

The Securities and Exchange Commission has settled charges with Tesla CEO Elon Musk over his aborted bid to take the company private, with the billionaire expected to remain as the helm of the company while relinquishing his chairman title within 45 days.

The original SEC complaint alleged that Musk issued "False and misleading" statements and failed to properly notify regulators of material company events, after posting on Twitter that he had secured funding to take Tesla private.

"The settlements, which are subject to court approval, will result in comprehensive corporate governance and other reforms at Tesla-including Musk's removal as Chairman of the Tesla board-and the payment by Musk and Tesla of financial penalties."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Tesla#1 Musk#2 company#3 settle#4 chairman#5

Discrimination against an actual African American 😤

"he dindu nuttin!"

Would it not be more accurate to call him an Afrikaaner American?

But he wuz a kang and shiet

He still is in my heart 😍😍😍


This is good for TSLA

Grimes and Azealia Banks are somewhere laughing.

The filing said that on Aug. 2, five days before he sent the tweet, Mr. Musk sent an email to Tesla’s board, chief financial officer and general counsel with the subject line: “Offer to Take Tesla Private at $420.” Mr. Musk said he wanted to put the matter up to a shareholder vote “at the earliest opportunity,” the complaint added, and wanted to do so partly because of the attacks on the company’s stock from bearish investors known as short-sellers.

Mr. Musk, according to the lawsuit, told Tesla’s board that the $420 figure was based on a 20 percent premium to the stock’s Aug. 2 closing price. He then rounded it up to $420 after his girlfriend told him of the number’s significance for marijuana smokers and thought it would be funny.

The board on Aug. 3 authorized Mr. Musk to start talking to some investors about the plan to go private and asked him to report back on those conversations, the complaint said. Mr. Musk had a conversation with at least one large investor, it added, but before anything was close to completion, he began posting statements on Twitter about taking the company private on Aug. 7.

This is from:

Basically he wanted to stick it to short sellers like a badass saviour. Only he had no investors backing up this move just yet, only potential feelers. He opened up the discussion to POSSIBLY take the company private only to formally announce it on Twitter not long after. He basically blindsided the board. "Hue hue board look at me iamverysmart. I talked to one person so I blew my load early, posted an announcement tweet, I mean committed fraud and then 3edgy5me I made it so the share value is 420 blaze it"

Joe Rogan ruined that mans life.

Maybe I'm wrong about timelines, but all the stupid shit happened before he went on Roid, Flat Earth, and Weed Daddy's show.

It did. Elon Musk accused someone of being a Pedophile with absolutely no proof whatsoever as his own version of a diva meltdown when he didn't get his way. After accusing someone of one of the worst possible things which in itself is just gross behavior, he tripled down on it, after apologising until he got sued. He then called a reporter a fucking asshole in an email when he asked for validity or some kind of tangible anything regarding those accusations.

This man is a disappointment for many that looked up to him. After that Twitter stunt he pretty much fell apart. He was instructed by the board to stay away from Twitter, and he literally couldn't keep away from creating more dumpster fires

Joe is a flat earther?

after his girlfriend told him of the number’s significance for marijuana smokers

So it was that damn hussy Grimes who taught our poor innocent Elon what "420" means. He just fell in with the wrong crowd.

Gussy, not even once.


The SEC basically fired Elon from being his own boss, that might end up being a good thing for the board.

The board probably engineered it

I could believe that, all a few members would have to do is egg him on in a casual setting where he was too close to rich people drugs and too far from his tweet wrangler.


Moony Papi 😡😡 takin' a 🅱ig cheese 🙄🍆🍆🍆 from da sec *SEX🍖🍖🍖🍖