You fucking globecucks have been fooled by NASA (taken from /r/notaglobe)

50  2018-09-30 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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/r/notaglobe and /r/theworldisflat are the two "real" flat earth subreddits. moderation is heavy, but if you have the time watching them is quite hilarious

Ok but where the sofa subredot I need to know how To install sofa car in tv

lmao is there a group of people more retarded than flat earthers?

what even is the point? okay. fine. the world is flat. what now? who the fuck cares? what does this effect?

there's also a bunch of retarded pictures where they basically go "CHECKMATE" because they don't understand distance/perspective, apparently.

as much as i'd love to live on Discworld these motherfuckers are duuuuuumb.

Flat earther dumb am ritgh

I'm all for conspiracies and I'm the biggest sceptic you'll find, which is why I'm extremely sceptical of the premise that the Americans, Russians and Chinese (who all have very different agendas on how they want the world to be run) have all colluded with each other on a conspiracy that, on face value, seems to offer them nothing of value in controlling the masses.

Of course, perhaps they would say there is a worldwide deep state agenda, a NWO, that encompasses not just these 3 nations but also the hundreds of thousands of diplomatically irrelevant space agencies workers. Unless of course these these space agencies workers, many of which have pHDs, are also being duped by fake technology that conceals the true nature of our horizontal existence.

You know maybe they have a point after all.


look the so called 'smart people' of the world are wrong about most things, and while the earth aintflat this is the dumbest comment in a while

what even is the point? okay. fine. the world is flat. what now? who the fuck cares? what does this effect?

That's a gay reaction, unless specifically referrring to the subset of flat earthers who act like this is some kind of horrendous act of oppression.

This but unironically

What a valuable and novel comment

Shut up, newfag

Flatties are always fun to look at. Check out r/n30 for more absurd ramblings

Yikes!! I remember stealing some Jew pasta (heh) from him.

This is your brain on meth