Rap Daddy gave a speech

52  2018-09-30 by SignalEvent


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Fuck off snappy bussyshill is way better you cuck!!!

Can you imagine emptiness one faces everyday if this shit is "inspiring"?

I just love that he now wears maga hat all the time and almost unironically.

Colin K sweatshirt + MAGA hat.

4chan's next trick: getting trolls in KKK outfits to kneel at football games. Then we get bald eagle to swoop down and attack an American flag.

Its celebrity worship. His hardcore fans will find everything he says inspiring no matter what.

his SNL performance was choreographed autism and yet his retarded fans are saying "LOL HE WAS JUST TROLLIN YOU GUYS"

literally 'he was just pretending to be retarded'

Best SNL skit I've seen recently.

What are they saying

Good ole ye got an album dropping again it seems

It was supposed to drop yesterday.

Pumping dat hype


yeezy/weezy 2024

he said on Twitter abolish the 13th amendment lmao

The funny thing is if he wasn't wearing the red hat most people would be onboard with his message. I think that says more about the public than Ye. I'm not allowed to like him and dislike Trump? Excuse me, angry mob.

Dialogue, duologue, diatribe. These are words with a "d" this time.

Why has he got a guy wearing a floral skirt behind him?