Instagram model murdered in Baghdad

111  2018-09-30 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


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Tara's instagram says her interests are style, beauty and travel.

Probably killed her for being too creative and original.

Or talking.

She gave one of her johns an std

Those thottochlorien levels shouldn't even be achievable among sand people.

Arabs. The ultimate BEGONE, THOT!

I'm not even arab but when I saw her pics I thought that's haram af

The shooter must have been really upset with the makeup tutorials. In the end though, they achieved a killer look.

so this is what happens at 80k


No, “this” happened well before 60k. Do try to keep up.

This. Very PUNNY comments! Lmao. I upvoted it.

What is air? Let's see if we can keep this one going reddit!

Retards making puns. The absolute state of this sub

To be honest Iraq is pretty insane right now.

Gangs like the ones who killed this girl (Christian of course) drive around cities on motorcycles with knifes and whatever else and if they see any skin on a woman they drive by and cut the 'flaunted' parts.

Of course the great feminist forces of the USA can't do anything against these gangs because it would be racist to offend their culture.

Of course the great feminist forces of the USA can't do anything against these gangs because it would be racist to offend their culture.

libfem views are such garbage

Foreign interventionism just isn't a good look nowadays. The UN is also more show than substance, so NGOs are your best bet.

less about interventionism and more about the refusal to call trash cultures trash

If only they were told to stop by some strangers on the other side of the world, this would never occur.

yeah i only ever criticize something if my criticism is going to fix it

Sounds like a reasonable use of your finite time.

i cant remember the last time i've spent any time talking about the treatment of women in the middle east

all im saying is that relativismcucks are cucks

Relatively speaking they aren't raping children or goats in this instance, so in their culture this is probably the moral equivalent of a someone in human society not tipping at a fancy restaurant.

On drama

This is /r/drama, our time is worth nothing.

So was this comment

But u said u thought that was the problem

I have an idea, we should invite more of them over here to live! That way they'll surely assimilate and adopt our non-murderous ways!

At the very least by acknowledging this shit we might be able to freely say that we want to allow less immigration from these cultures.

You do know Arabs used to buttfuck each other on the reg, until Westerners mocked them out of it?

Only now we gotta teach them sodomy is cool again.

I’m sure your a expert on the various cultures who live in Iraq that gos beyond “ebil mudslimes” and “based Christians”

imagine thinking im a conservative christcuck just because i think cultural relativism is retarded

Unless you support savage behavior you must be a Nazi.

>if a someone disagrees with you, it's because they secretly think you're a Nazi

How else would you describe someone that would say things like "evil mudslimes" and "based Christian" other than Nazis?

that's literally the Republican base.

wot nigga? im i nazi for not being a braindead american who believes that iraq is all one culture and can be painted as savage as a single stroke

anyway i ponder how "civilized" mayo cultures would be if they lived a warzone for 15+ years

I didn't call you a Nazi.

yes europe was never a warzone for a prolonged period of time.

good job missing the point retard

But they are evil Muslims.

I know you're joking and are pretty supportive of all midddle eastern cultures, but US troops have been ordered to pretend bacha bazi isn't a thing.

Not like US troops don't do a bit on the side themselves.

The US troops are just nearly universally gay, not culturally indoctrinated into pedarastry like some kind of iranian.

There was a pretty funny incident where some US soldiers got sick of some afghan police colonel's boy-buggering ways, and beat the shit out of him. They got court martialed, but beat it because the military knew they couldn't handle the bad press.

"But what about..!"

They've done some shit for sure, but they're soldiers and soldiers of any country are extremely morally ambivalent. Their literal job is to kill people. Comparing the viciousness/cruelty of soldiers to that of normal citizens doesn't make sense. It's like saying "our killers are killers" vs "our people are killers."

That's how I see it anyway.

I don't know what part of child diddling helps in killing people but sure.

Absolute degeneracy

Why do you think mayo feminists have power over the Iraqi terrorists?

why do you retards keep replying with this

i dont care about actually fixing the problem, im just mocking cultural relativists who go out of their way to avoid criticizing any other part of the world

Why do you want them to criticize other parts of the world? Like, I would understand if this ever came up in conversation and then they refused to do so but why would they go out of their way to protest against some shit that's happening across half the world from them?

I don't live in US. You won't find me giving a shit about gun rights or whatever that's happening in over there.

if this ever came up in conversation and then they refused to do so

this is literally what im talking about

Ah. Alright. Well those people are retards then.

I thought you were one of those alt right retards who want women in US to stop protesting about their issues and start talking about Iran and Saudis.

Cuz they vote. The left uses emotion to appeal to women, and an easy way to do so is "poor people need our help" so they squish this kind of story so as to not confuse the poor li'l ladies with anything resembling cognitive dissonance. The result is that women vote to allow people from garbage cultures into their countries, and they think they're doing the right thing by turning a blind eye to genuine, for-realizes misogyny.

Foreign interventionism just isn't a good look nowadays

good old days when it was viewed in positive light.

Gangs like the ones who killed this girl (Christian of course) drive around cities on motorcycles with knifes and whatever else and if they see any skin on a woman they drive by and cut the 'flaunted' parts.

Personally, I think people shouldn't do this.

How can you say something so controversial, yet so brave?

I had a strong father figure who taught me to always stand up and be heard for what I believe.

/u/better_bot is braver than any US marine

Thank him for his cervix

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium*

Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

damn, wish I had gold to give you

Of course the great feminist forces of the USA can't do anything against these gangs because it would be racist to offend their culture.

Imagine unironicly thinking that the US military is somehow a feminist ruled institution. Imagine still getting upvoted for it, fucking hell /r/drama this isn’t even centrist this is retarded

I only upvoted it because it was retarded. Sub culture is to upvote anything that makes you chuckle, especially lolcows.

true but no one is actually trying to provoke the lolcow as they ought to

fiiiine, I'll join you.


>this isn’t even centrist, this is retarded

implying their isnt a correlation with the two

Imagine unironically thinking that the top brass of the US military actually believe in something and didn't just get there by relentlessly kissing ass.

I was joking you lemon cake

i was just pretending to be retarded


you are a literal retard lol

where was the joke you retard lol

Why would I call them the great feminist army if they are not helping women? I was just being ironic.

shit im retarded your right. well in my defense there are people on this sub who ironically think that with the recent immigration wave.

its kool

You're probably joking about the Christian part, but I wouldn't even be surprised.

No she was a Christian who lived in Kurdistan. If I recall correctly she was of Lebanese and mixed heritage but I can't be bothered looking it up now.

I don't think she was targetted because she was a Christian though, because if she had been posting like that while being a Muslim she would probably have been taken out way earlier.

Islam was a mistake.

Saddam did nothing wrong.

US soldiers too busy raping their own ladies-in-uniform to worry about what some shithole they already pulled out of is up to lately.

And yet femails won't stop thoting around. Is being a skank really that important for them that it's worth the risk? Yeeees it is

I would literally die to defend women's right to have sex with me.

A literal Thot patrol

Of course the great feminist forces of the USA can't do anything against these gangs because it would be racist to offend their culture.

(being this retarded)(#gt)

Someone post this to TwoX, I want to see their mental gymnastics. I would but I got banned for being a female who deviated into wrongthink.

There are millions of examples of leftists defending and making excuses for these things because 1) they don't give two shits about anyone but themselves 2) due to intersectionalism it's 100% haram to criticize any of these people of the dunes due to racist implications so they will defend them no matter what they do

she isn't even hot jesus

why would you do that

that's probably why she was murdered

al-muhammd saudi decided he wanted some better tail and tried to dispose of his mistake before his parents found out

To scare other girls who were thinking of not wearing their niqab down at the market tomorrow


she isn't even hot jesus

"She isn't even hot jesus"

Another thot bites the dust

A shame she's dead and not your computer instead. Then we wouldn't have to listen to you.

I'm on mobile, rn bitch. I'll be with you forever and ever 😙😙😙


Gussy Queen Killed by Bussy Extremists.

Pray for humanity, we cannot fight amongst ourselves. We must all be focused on the mayo threat.

The mayo threat will resolve itself in our lifetime. The gussy menace will plague humanity forever.


What does this thot look like without shalack on her face. Ive seen drag queens with less makeup

It's spelled shellac.

Let's look at the facts:

  1. Iraq is ruled by the US government

  2. The US government is ruled by Trump

  3. Trump is ruled by his hate for women

Why did he do this?

Iraq is ruled by Iran.

And the Eurocucks want us to be friends with this trash.

He was too far away to grab her pussy and he wanted to make sure nobody else could

What is going on with her face, that looks like a Buffalo Bill mask.

that’s called a beautiful woman

Eye of the beholder and all that I guess.

As far as thots go, this one was pretty subpar. Thanks to our brothers in Baghdad for the purge.

إن شاء الله

This is why I support nuking Mecca.

I like how one of her sexy photoshoots was at an on-ramp on the interstate with construction going on. I wonder who thought "construction zone along the highway" was a great photoshoot location but then duh it's Iraq.

Considering most of the country is covered by trash and literal shit in the streets you'd be hard pressed to find a good photoshoot location.

shame. she got them DSLs and that's like my #1 thing.

because, you know, i totally had a shot with her and all before the whole "getting murdered" thing.

All those times when I said that anyone who's called an "influencer" should be shot... I wasn't actually 100% serious.


Boy we fucked up the middle east in the 50s.

Nah, they mainly did this to themselves. Muzzies gonna Muzz, inshallah.

Well the region was full of prosperous countries with views similar to western countries, with democratically elected presidents and all. The beaches were filled with both men and women sunbathing as well as a lack of extremists running around. In comes the US and UK disposing those governments then putting up crazy asshole wahibists that made it into what it is today. All over that sweet delicious oil.

That was in the rich regions. In the backwoods, they were still raping goats and boys and stoning women.

Well that's just the backwoods in any country for you. The fact still stands the region would've been better if the governments of the 50s weren't so fucking psychotic and greedy that they decided to coupe a peaceful country for their resources, then instill extremist regimes so they could get said resources for cheap.

You have a child's understanding of history.

As opposed your nonexistent understanding.

0/10. Would not be insulted again.

Maybe the shooters just hate German cars.

Thot status: Patrolled.