(((((ADL))))) dunks on CringeAnarchy' quarantine. CA politely discusses by calling for another Holocaust.

35  2018-09-30 by UnexpectedLizard


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The amount of control (((they))) have over censorship should frighten anyone

Who’s they?

Michael Buble and all his clones

(((they))) will never let you know that


What part of "reddit's advertisers don't want to give them money because their userbase pisses off consumers" is hard for you to grasp, smoothskull?

Yeah sorry but the entire conservative movement has been revealed as nothing more than a series of racist conspiracy theories, and now you don't have anything left except whining about how the social media companies are tired of putting up with free speech and all its problems.

The holocaust happened, but it missed a retard. I'm not legally allowed to gas you, but have you considered base jumping? Its the sport of the future!

i remember when CA was not just rehashed pol rhetoric all the time

Remember when /pol/ was ironic?

Remember when people only acted like Srdines 'ironically'?

I remember when we used to sing

I miss the Ron Paul era of /pol/



mfw we win again 😂😂😂😂😂😂

"Nazis may have killed up to 20m, claims 'shocking' new Holocaust study"

I'm not a holocaust denier, but if they keep pumping that number up every time they think anti-Semitism is rising, then I will be.

This is why I believe that it happened, but the number is inflated. 6 million is a religiously significant number in judaism, so that what they made the final count. Just look at all the times theyve used that number

how fuckin' hard to google the world holocaust and see that it doesn't just include rootless cosmopolitans?

no, it's a conspiracy of (((reddit masters))) to inflate official historical numbers so they could get more people on hate speech because... it's somehow a part of mayocide plan?

80% of other posts are just "they want to ban denying holocaust so there must be some truth to that"

i used to think /r/mde was the dumbest sub on reddit but /r/CA is lately trying really hard to surpass them

Apparently, if the numbers of a massive historical murder fluctuate because phone cameras and PC weren't invented back then to accurate keep track of things, it's proof of a huge conspiracy.

Apparently, if the numbers of a massive historical murder fluctuate because phone cameras and PC weren't invented back then to accurate keep track of things, it's proof of a huge conspiracy.

Apparently, if the numbers of a massive historical murder fluctuate because phone cameras and PC weren't invented back then to accurate keep track of things, it's proof of a huge conspiracy.

Rule of thumb: if somebody starts an statement by saying that he is not ..., in my experience he is exactly that.