When people start disrespecting Cdace's dino-posting...

272  2018-09-30 by Pewkie


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The dinosaurs 🦕 🦕 🦕 will consume you first

That's a tasty looking chicken

Mammals win again.

I'd completely forgotten about albinoblacksheep. Thank you for that. 🙏🙏🙏

First, they came for the dinos. Next, they came for the socks.

Looks like a meme for r/playArk

How come chickens are more dinosaur than crocodiles?

Seems like crocks could kill a thousand chickens each, but everyone is saying that dinosaurs had feathers?????

What is a dinosaur is what turned into birds, but crocodiles existed back then, but they aren't technically dinosaurs.

Same reason why sharks back then aren't considered dinosaurs

Sharks are fish

Crocks are obv dinos, how could you think otherwise?

Archosaurs turned into three things Pterosaurs, dinosaurs, and reptiles. So reptiles existed in the same time period, but they aren't dinosaurs

Archosaurs were the godfather badasses is what you're telling me

This is in fact true.

I doubt it. If dinos and reptiles were brothers, they were still kin and that makes them kind.

Nah dinosaurs hate each other. They are like old Italian neighbors in a land dispute

Sounds like my president lmao

Think of it like this - your mom is a whore, but not all whores are your mom.

Fight. 1 flying, chicken sized, feathered crocodile, or 100 waddling, crocodile sized, naked chickens?

I killed the dinosaurs once and I’ll do it again.

🏃‍♂️ 🦖 🏃‍♂️🦖 🦖


🦖 ☄️

🦖 💥

🦖 🔥






Beautiful 🦕🦖🦖🦖😍😭😍🦖🦖🦖🦕



Slander and lies

☄️☄️☄️☄️ SUCK THE BIG ROCK BITCH ☄️☄️☄️☄️

Succc deez dino 🦖 nutz

How? It's all bones now, fam.

Nah bro. Two words. One phrase. plasma fold

Who will do that? /u/DarqWolff?