TrollXChromosomes gets thinking, some think wrongly

41  2018-09-30 by CantKillADeadMan


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Edit out that ping SAC, people should note the OP.

Aaaaand they got baited by a troll again.


Check OP's post history. Not OP here, OP of the TrollX thread.

Well it IS TrollXChromosomes

Not even a subtle one either

Ain't no fucking strong on that bow, the fuck is this shit about

My thought was that she is in control of the bow - she chooses to hold it or not. As in we often give others the power to hurt us.

lmao queue a bunch of screeching from women saying that this is wrong. they've literally been conditioned to think that they don't hold any power, even when they're the ones holding the fucking weapon and pointing it at themselves.

You have been banned from /r/TrollXChromosomes

Lol, finally.

Trusting your SO with your life is bad praxis.

Reddit femcel at it again.

If that bow HAD a string, she could just... let go. And it'd probably snap back and break the guy's hand.