Does anyone have an invite to that one chat group that's investigating Kero the Wolf and his buddies?

11  2018-09-30 by snallygaster

Would like one pls



Remember that dogfucker that recently got exposed? There's a group on whatsapp or someshit that's compiling stuff and sending it to the police.

oh, no, I hadn't heard about that

Probably for the better. Some of the leaks are absolutely horrific. Like a guy using a decapitated puppy's head to masturbate another dog and another guy fucking a dead deer.

Oh wait yeah, I remember that now

Was this recent? Because I remember like 8 years ago there was controversy over a picture of a decapitated dog and whether the dog was deliberately killed or not.

This came out ~1 week ago, there's a lot worse material in the leak than just decapitations though.

Where can I read about it? preferably without images or video

Kiwifarms has a zoosadism megathread, it won't show you pictures unless you click the spoiler button. It has dox so I can't link it but it's easy to find

Thanks. yeah was just reading that.

Metokur has like 2 vids on it. Not sure if it shows much because I could only stomach half of the first vid

I know what you're talking about but this is different; there was a ring of 'zoosadists' that were exposed and a bunch of videos and images were leaked of them doing absolutely horrible things to animals, like the kind of stuff that you would think about if you were trying to come up with the edgiest premise you could.

So he's saying he was hacked but there's pics of him doing this shit?

Yeah lol

So he has to kill himself. There's no other option.

Holy fucking shit. Never try and have dinner while on Reddit.

Where in christ's green earth did you find out about this? What the fuck?

It's been all over social media.

Is this on discord?

It's on whatsapp or something.

The Chinese one?


Snally if you're planning on hunting down and keeping Kero safe for us IRL, you have my full support.