KeroTheWolf, the degenerate furry youtuber, confirmed to be lying about almost everything and now he's being investigated by the police lol

79  2018-09-30 by ltedt


This, but unironically.


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true that, snappy

Degenerate furry is redundant

Raping your pet dog to death goes quite a bit further than regular furry degenracy.

But does it really?

Only slightly.

I mean you can just regular rape your dog

Literally who?

Some nobody furfag who raped animals to death.

Not just a random furry, but one of the most popular on youtube.

kiwifarms had a big thread about this. basically some furry leaked a private convo (forgot which app but its basically a chat room) of people who torture animals & rape them. there's very graphic images & videos, like actually horrible stuff. the oldschool shock stuff (goatsecks n shit) & /r/watchpeopledie are very mild compared to the leaked media. you can find them on kiwifarms but beware a lot of countries deem that kinda shit illegal (oregon in the US)

anyway they looked through the usernames of the leaked chat and turns out one of them is a furry youtuber with 100k+ subs. everything matched with the images; his username, his "fursuit", the stupid furry lingo he uses, his usual spelling mistakes etc. If it weren't for the fursuit, there would've been some deniability (i.e "these chat logs are faked, someone is trying to ruin my reputation"), but the fursuit really sealed the deal. His fans were in total denial, some tards were claiming his suit was stolen and then placed back into his house.

anyway, during this whole thing this kero guy denied the whole thing. he took some unrelated images from the chat logs and said "see this guy has a tattoo, i dont. henceforth none of those images belong to me". obviously this didn't mean jack shit, since there were multiple images posted by different people (and the tattoo guy image was NOT posted by Kero's account)

forgot which app but its basically a chat room ITS FUCKING TELEGRAM. NOT A FUCKING CHAT ROOM.

And stop iunironically posting Metakurshit fucking MDEFugeeFaggots!

muh metokurshit muh mdefugeees

Telegram groups are still private chatrooms you retard.

Also, I didn't even watch the Metakur video (I don't watch cucked channels), but since you're reeeing about him so hard I guess you do watch his videos?

7:01 - Behold the master race.

Furries belong in cabinets as brand new furcoats.

Or target practice for Bio-weapons

Womp womp.