ectomorphic future

1  2018-10-01 by ILLUSIVEKKK

ectomorph demidemons will stretch from the ground to the clouds and be the most powerful race when humanity reaches its peak evolution, while slimy endomorphs will remain sweat-coated balls of fat and uncanny mesomorphs will become mindless goblins who are left with no other choice than to scavenge off of the caloric-dense carcasses of the endomorph slimeballs as they are too large to efficiently hunt, so their expected lifespan of 10 years must be waited for them to become edible. they also must kill each other to appease the greater ectomorph beings as the ectomorphs continuously raise the bar for their own enjoyment. earth will no longer have enough food to sustain the life of a large ectomorph society so the last remaining ectomorphic demidemons will form tribes of endomorphs who provide the food for the strong yet dumb and small mesomorphs who worship their ectomorph as a demigod. the ectomorphs will be locked in a constant state of war as the last ten tribes battle for supremacy yet the ectomorphs are aware of this, and acknowledge that the war has only been for the mere entertainment for them. they know that the wars will never end as this is their will. i am an ectomorph who will in the future become one of these demidemons as i achieve immortality and the will of man becomes the will of mine and the greater ectomorph conscience. the great evolution will take place in the near future as the ectomorphic race breeds in with itself and only itself to produce the finest line of gods possible to inherit the earth, and eventually, the collective of the galaxy. race, gender and other structures of human society will be dissolved in the ectomorphic class as they slowly become ambiguous and more powerful.



I think you may have posted in the wrong subreeddit.


i didnt

Satanism flourishes beneath the scintillating midnight-blue wet streets and bedevilling phosphorescent lights of the worlds glittering capital cities. Its practitioners are from all walks of life. Although marginal types and those with predisposing personalities have always and will always be important to Satanism and its leaders’ ends, they are merely tools. Their antinomian influence is now so pervasive as not to be readily noticed.

Amongst the highest echelons some are politicians, medical doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, advertising gurus, decorated military men, media personalities, fashion models and social workers. Amongst the lowest (usually temporary) ranks are prostitutes, minor drug dealers and a number of High School students. Some operate from the mists.

Their victims are drip-fed straight amnesia by an assortment of mind control measures and psychological torture tactics that would leave any normal person numb with the dawning apprehension that things are not as they seem - and they have not been for a long, long time. The most talented amongst them have lifestyles maintained on crime, but lacquered with a thin veneer of respectable professionalism and knowledge.'

I was on the fence about the new Ghostbusters movie, but not anymore!