Trudeau caves on NAFTA, Leafs be rustled

1  2018-10-01 by Punished_Eva


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Were they expecting a liberal to not agree to a free trade agreement just to spite trump?

well, I can't really answer that, but Trudeau is not just "a liberal"

he's king cuck and no other world leader likes him

I assure you if Trudeau negged you hard enough you'd be willing to put on a dress and some makeup and offer your bussy virginity to him.

A devils triangle of Trudeau and macron and I'm in

He actually is just a liberal mate. Canada has 2 major (having a seat in parliament) political parties to his left and one to his right. He's a center to center left liberal, Macron being an example of a center to center right liberal. That you can only view politics through your obsession with porn like trump says more about you then it does about Trudeau.

bitch I'm a leaf and I voted Liberal in 2015, don't lecture me about our syrupnigger politics

bitch I'm a leaf

You need to leave

Not saying 2 parties is the best but that is a lot of fucking parties.

The greens are barely bigger than our libertarians, in reality they have only three parties that matter

He also mislead you by implying that the green party is a major party. They have 1 seat, and got like 3.5% of the vote. It would be like calling Gary Johnson a major candidate in the 2016 election.

Trudeau might be in the centre now but the BQ were true radical centrists.

He didn't cave on shit. All the concessions were already going to be given in the original TPP . Fuck T_D posters are full blown retards.

There aren't even details on the deal yet lol quit your REEEEing

Its posted on the USTR website you stupid fuck. Trump didn't win fuck all. We have to buy his shit milk now and we lose out on IP. Big deal. Trump made all this fuss over provisions he would have won if he signed TPP.

Dairy was a big goal for him, and the IP laws are a big negative for Canadians, and people in that thread are dreading what will happen there

You can


However you like! Daddy wins and Canadians have another thing to hate little Justin for!

My agenda status:


Nothing more pathetic than a self hating Canadian with Trumps dick buried in his mouth.

U mad?

Why would I be mad. Canada did great in the trade negotiations and I'm going to enjoy all the salt when Trudeau gets elected again for handling this well and it caving to that fuckhead Trump like pussy boy Sheer did ;)

Lol who's your main/previous account

We're all Pizzashill on this blessed day. Now fuck off back to T_D shitstain.



no u mad

The C O P Eβ„’ intensifies πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Ed you are literally stealing my material in this thread

you really wanna be seen emulating me?

Is this cope by deflection? πŸ€”


what am I coping about, Ed?

This is why we need a wall up north. To keep the retards out

he's king cuck and no other world leader likes him

Imagine daddycels projecting this hard πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

["why isn't anyone asking to look at my socks 😒😒😒" ]

Which pixel was Justin?

the sad one

And, I thought there would be cool socks involved. 😠 Please up your gloating game, k thxs.

if you don't think he was wearing something gay on his feet under that suit, you don't know little Justin

He's just confident enough in his masculinity to wear gay shit on his feet. Trump should one-up him by wearing really gay ties.

They seem to be pretty happy with the deal tho

Of course, daddy's terms are the best

What'd they give up that they weren't prepared to give up?

daddy got his dairy, and we're gonna get hit with some IP laws

why do you hate your own country so much? do you really want to be a burger that badly?

I am half burger. I'll fill out my citizenship form in a few years and complete the transition. Just trying to make myself into the kind of productive future-burger they deserve, first.

Also, I lived in Toronto my entire life until very recently. That should say enough.

and I am half burgerMischling


Just trying to make myself into the kind of productive future-burger they deserve, first.

Please preserve your personal safety before you turn into a yet another disgusting immigrant.

Out Out Out πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

teehee DAE build a northern wall?

You snowniggers munch on poutine and watch curling. Please stay the fuck out of the glorious U.S.A.

Maplecide when?

I dont particularly like either of those things.

Hockey is the best sport, though.

Hockey is the best sport, though.

Only hipster trash says shit like that down here

Sorry but it's the fastest and hardest hitting and I think that makes it the most exciting, which is what sports should be!

I like the nfl for the simple fact that it's the physical speciman of man jacked up on roids throwing their bodies at each other till something breaks. It's the equivalent to a demolition derby with high end sports cars. I really only watch to bet and I only bet on injuries

Steroid use is practically nonexistent in the NFL. The sport is self-selecting for physical freaks of nature that don’t need PEDs to compete at a high level.

Those that do are typically weeded out by college or, if they’re lucky, after a couple years on the practice squad.

Anyone that talks about how β€œroided out” NFL players are is exposing how ignorant they really are on the subject. It’s not like baseball.

You obviously haven't read the sub rules bub, I blew shit out of proportion and used roids as a broad term for performance enhancing substances which the league does have a problem with which is evident by the 10 suspensions for them this year alone. Edelman and Ingram are 2 of the biggest names but there is definitely other notable players on that list

So the same as TPP?


remember when before Trump reddit went nearly full net neutrality to deride the TPP, but then when Trump said he would axe it they did a 180?

punished_eva remembers



remember when...Reddit

How is this even relevant?

so like the TPP?


3.25% of dairy and the same IP laws as TPP which canada signed.

OP you'd be a better agenda poster if you weren't so blatant about it

You're a newfag lol

In what way?πŸ€”

In the DUH way

Was it a shit sandwich?

Only country I hate more than America is Canada.

Also Germany.

OP: lmao dae trudeau a cuck?!?

Also OP: Put in in my ass daddy

Nobody's more obsessed with Trump than you guys. Don't even pretend.

This is a place for Drama, and nobody causes more than Donald