Wagecucks of /r/worldnews reeeeee hard over news that Jeff "Beelzebub" Bezos newfound #1 Rich motherfucker position

1  2018-10-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Aren't workers part of the company? Shouldn't they be entitled to some of the profit?...companies should start sharing their profit with their workers, which are a part of the company... don't you agree?

Let me just say that i don't have a economics degree

Tfw most businesses fail and businesses pay their employees even when the business is at net negative profit.

People will blindly support co-op style business models when really that's a horrible way to run a business with more than a few employees, then act like CEOs are literally Satan for not wanting to allow Joe Blow the cashier to have an equal say in the multi billion dollar corporation

Too bad being the richest man still means he can't spare a decent wage for his workers.

Or maybe he became the richest man because he figured out a way to make a lot of money while only hiring unskilled low-wage workers and having the computer do all the real work.

God, it must suck to be a literal slave to Amazon that you can't quit and find better work. Amazon facilities had to install suicide nets because of the horrific working conditions.