Imagine my surprise

1  2018-10-02 by Voltairium


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Neither party can shoulder the blame? I don't remember half the country being called nazis 3 years ago.


And I don't remember half the country being pro-rape, pro-pedophilia, and pro-infant jails.

Insanely hyper-retarded.

I'm so glad I got my philosophy degree

God-tier retard.

Anyone who thinks having a philosophy degree makes you smarter - or, for that matter, contributes in any way, shape, or form to their life - needs to maintain their own safety ASAP

The radical centrist comment we need

who will be the radical centrist to reunite the family 😟😢😭😞

Kanye "Repeal the 13th amendment" West

cmon burgers, get that civil war 2.0 started already

We just need a good martyring to get it started, problem is someone has to take one for the team and we're all a bunch of greedy fuckwits.

I got a degree in philosophy and it was one of the best choices I ever made. It helped me tremendously in opening my mind to other ways of viewing the world and forced me to confront my own opinions. My mind was changed several times over the course of getting that degree on topics that I originally thought were pretty settled for me. But philosophy doesn't pay my bills and when I tell people what I spent my tuition on, I brace for the inevitable chuckle and eye roll.

That's a problem.


Social Science

I could have written same article based n my new scientific method of checking social media unironically.

Feels good to be a centrist

"Both are wrong"