Side-bussy is denied in Trump's "diplomatic channel". Put a ring on it if you want to bring it.

1  2018-10-02 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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we adapt policy influenced by beyonce and people are still mad smh

But he held a gay ass flag so LIBTARDS BTFO LMAO!!



the rules are literally the same for homos and heteroes you tard

No because every country allows hetero marriage but only a few countries allow gay marriage. It's only fair if applied to countries that have both.

you can get gay married in this country, you know, the one with the UN HQ in it

Yes but their home country might not take to kindly to them getting gay married here if it's not allowed back home.

If their home country wouldn’t take kindly to their gay marriage the. Why would they send them to the un as diplomats in the first place. It’s like the ultimate patronage position.

Who the fuck knows. The point is that it's not equal treatment when gay marriage and straight marriage are not recognized equally on a global level.

how are you being this obtuse, the answer is obviously no, they wouldn't. gays and straights have equal protections here and the policy was changed to reflect that.

Sticking your head in the sand and pretending that this policy isn't discriminatory is being obtuse. Tbh this policy change is probably only a distraction anyway.

>treating people the same is discrimination

this is your brain on idpol

Treating people the same when their circumstances are different is discrimination.

that's retarded because every single individual has different circumstances so by that logic treating anybody the same as you treat anybody else is discrimination

Fam the only retarded thing here is you. It's discriminatory to treat people with different circumstances the same if the effect on them isn't equal. If they have similar circumstances or if treating them the same despite their different circumstances does not have vastly unequal results, then it isn't discrimination to treat them the same. This really isn't that hard a 5 year old could grasp this concept.

you are literally too retarded to argue with, have a good day

If their home country doesn't recognize same sex marriage theres an exception.

Not really. The exception only applies if the country sending the diplomat agrees to honor the marriage too. Also, UN officials would still be discriminated against since they are ineligible for the "exception."

Looks like it is consistent to the restrictions put on for hetero couples. Fair enough, I'd say.

I mean, if a country is okay with gay diplomats, chances are that country probably already allows same-sex marriage. Where's the issue?

Countries being ok with gays existing and having diplomatic jobs does not necessarily mean they are ok with allowing gays to get married. It seems discriminatory against bussy since every country in the world allows men and foids to marry but not that many countries appreciate bussy like r/drama does.

If the country is fine with bussy love but against mariage, they won't make a fuss if they get married in the USA, just like the USA was fine with canadian gay mariages before they passed it. If the country gets super tilted, outing yourself as gay is gonna get you fucked in the first place, before you can even start looking into getting married. Tbh I think this is the reason imperialism exist, trumpets needs to bomb the bussy hating countries.

It's not that simple. Accepting some gay marriages will fuck them over domestically because it would become nearly impossible for those countries to hold up a ban in the face of evidence that they accept gay marriage. So they will make a fuss.

There's an exception when it's illegal in their home country, bussy is ok

Sort of. It still forces the country that sent them to accept the diplomat's gay marriage for the exception to apply tho. And there is no exception for UN officials, only diplomats.

The United States informed foreign governments that they would allow “limited exceptions” to its new policy in cases involving diplomats from countries where same-sex marriage is illegal. But that government would have to provide documentation proving that same-sex marriage was illegal and commit to accepting same-sex partners of U.S. diplomats.

They don't have to accept gay marriage, they just have to commit to accept the.

Accepting one gay marriage would massively undermine gay marriage being illegal in their countries. Any country dead set against bussy wouldn't risk it.

They don't have to get married if its illegal in their country. Their country just has to commit to accept their gay partner, no need for them to marry.

Again why would countries that don't allow gay marriage jump through all these hoops that would only give proponents of gay marriage in their country more ammo? It's a token "exception" that doesn't actually do anything and is only there so the admin can point to it and disingenuously say they added an exception.

Only consistent if it's applied to countries that have legalised gay marriage.