Jennifer Wright on Twitter: "Jackson Katz, a social researcher, asked men what they do on a daily basis to avoid being sexually assaulted. Then he asked women."

1  2018-10-02 by itsnotmyfault


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Women keep fear mongering each other about sexual assult. That's why it's a constant fear and thought in their head.

Now do the same expirment asking each what they do to avoid false sexual assult claims

The better one is to fear monger about how pedos are around every corner, so never let your kids out of your line-of-sight until they're 18.

Should be amusing when they go to college... wait a minute...

And that's how you get Reddit

The kids become pedos. In this world there's only molesters and molested


Now do the same expirment asking each what they do to avoid false sexual assult claims

Nothing, I don't think about it.

Christianity is cope.

Now do the same expirment asking each what they do to avoid false sexual assult claims

I doubt that the list on the men's side would be longer.

i mean its a very short list

  1. dont be around foids, especially of the mayo variety

And that is nature's way to sort out the part of the population which shouldn't reproduce.

the foid part? agreed

Nah, these are still getting laid and some of them get children.

The men which follow "don't be around foids" won't reproduce. But let's be honest. Even if they didn't have follow this advice, they would be still incels.

this banter is boring 😴😴😴

tfw you pick the easiest target on reddit but still can't produce even the most basic of bants

drama has seen better days

It’s dangerous to be around femons unless you’re chad.

You smell lol

Found the incel League player.

It's not like you can do much to protect against them anyway. Can't secretly record sex as evidence or you're breaking the law and it's inadmissible, can't make em sign a consent form because no judge would take it seriously. It's always going to be a he said she said and most people will believe her over you. That's why I stick to man butt

The only thing you're sticking to is being removed from the gene pool.

what happens to the gays when the artificial wombs are made?

then they can have their ass and eat it too

For 2016:

Sexual Assault

Female 272,040

Intimates 97,564
Other relatives 7,798 ! Well-known/casual acquaintances 111,965
Stranger 46,777
Do not know relationship 6,560 ! Do not know number of offenders 1,377 !

So you are 4 times more likely to be assaulted by someone you know than a stranger.

Once again, proving that people are retarded when it comes to real risk assessment.

The list only shows that mayo women are incredible chicken shits who think that the rapist bogeyman is lurking around every corner. Ask 12 year old kids what steps they take to protect themselves when they walk home from school and they’ll most likely answer with nothing. Literally 12 year old kids are braver than grown ass mayo women.

Now do the same expirment asking each what they do to avoid false sexual assult claims

it said they asked men, not mra cucks

Lol, imagine being constantly surrounded by 6'5'' bodybuilders on steroids who could obviously easily overpower you and lust for your sweet, sweet busy. That's what it feels like to be a woman.

Sodomizing inferior males is one of the lifes great pleasures

that's why I'm scared of huge dudes. I only want to give my bussy to the girl I love.


this but unironically

That’s the hottest thing ever to like 90% of the boys in r/drama

my bussy was tingling before i even scrolled down this far 😍

Lol, imagine being constantly surrounded by 6'5'' bodybuilders on steroids who could obviously easily overpower you and lust for your sweet, sweet bussy.

Okay, being a foid sound hot af. I should transition.

Tell me more, please...

Aren’t these the guy answers to, “how do you avoid getting robbed?”

Only if you live in the US.

"What are your first thoughts entering a black neighborhood?"

Robbers are also overwhelmingly guys so your disadvantage of getting robbed is negated by that guy's privilege of robbing you. Sociology 101.

Manicide when

Total happiness in the world increased.

Only if you sexually harass him in self defense

By this logic commecial aviation is the most dangerous thing in the World because so many people are afraid of flying

But I’m confused, if you say that women should carry mace or something to protect themselves then you’ll get a bunch of red faced heffers explain to you that only a tiny fraction of women are victimized by strangers jumping out of bushes. These dumb broads checking their back seats are completely misinformed.

Also women really need to stop thinking they’re gonna mike tyson someone with their makeshift wolverine key claws. You ain’t doing shit with your keys, idiots.

Shoving a sharp metal key into someone’s eyeball could be a pretty good deterrent

You're overestimating the reach, aim, and relative strength of the average woman who would think to try something like that.

Sure, chances are, it won’t work, but it’s still better than nothing, and the element of surprise is a good advantage. Besides, the woman doesn’t have to win the fight, she just has to fight back tenaciously enough that the rapist decides it’s not worth it.

Holy shit that counter was executed brilliantly. Slap to the face, kick to the nuts and knee to the face. 10/10

9x19 works better.

nah generally speaking trying to fight with keys if you havent gotten specific training is a really bad idea. like it actively lowers your chances in an attack

do femoids really say that? like half the girls i know carry mace, it's not like it loses effectiveness if you know the target's name

Im pretty sure i do over 1/2 of the shit on the right just because its normal fucking human behavior

Nah, you just grew up in a poor area.

i didnt grow up in a poor area but cities in the south arent as grossly segregated as cities in the north so i grew up adjacent to a lot of poor areas

Boy I wish poor people lived closer to me instead of grossly far away!

Yes I’m sure disappointed I grew up in a 54% black city with tons of crime rather than the 99% white suburb where literally everyone is addicted to meth or opioids.

Sounds like you have an accurate grasp of the suburbs and you aren't just poor and salty

I grew up in a nice area of a city. But it’s surrounded by shit areas.

thats nice sweaty

It's sad that the patriarchy has brainwashed you to the point that you think being aware of your surroundings is normal human behavior

Lol no try moving in a decent living place

Personally I find huge overcrowded cities disgusting

Duh why doesn't everyone just get a rich neighborhood.

i live in a decent area but i work and go to school in areas that are shitholes, its not really avoidable

Exactly. They think that men literally fear nothing, when there are PLENTY of men that do many of the shit on the women's side of the list simply because it's goddamn common sense in terms of keeping safe and out of danger.

I’ve just discovered I think like a man.

Must be that InTerNaliZed MiSOgYnY talking.😄😊😉

Damn, just outed myself as a woman hater. I’m gonna be a dead duck 😭

Just don't kill yourself. That's something those evil men do.

I won’t but I’ll need to keep myself safe now I think like a man so I must be a danger to all women.

White women... not even once!

Hmm, maybe there is a reason men don't share their fears and anxieties with random strangers. I wonder what a society that shuns men for expressing a wide range of emotions results in.

This type of questioning just exposes the abject retardation of feminists. Why would men share answers to this question to people who clearly do not care about them? The part of the reason women share these answers is because they have a great amount of deference handed to them in the public, while no empathy is handed to men.

I wear my chastity cage at all times to protect my penis from forced envelopment by gussy. I wear my buttplug at all times to prevent a sneaky anal assault by strapon. I know that we men live under the constant threat of rape from women, but if they ever try me these foids will find that my defenses are impenetrable.

k now do it again and instead ask men what they do on a daily basis to avoid be accused of sexual assault.

Bet that list looks a lot like the women's one.

You’re far more likely to be sexually assaulted by someone you are familiar with and trust than a stranger. Imagine doing all this BS like driving home a different route every fucking day just to get assaulted by your boyfriend.

driving home a different route every day, with a firearm in one hand and pepper spray in the other, a big dog on the backseat.

Social researcher aka Twitter neet

White women of twitter: unwittingly loaning support to the idea of the burqua and the chaperone with how they fear men as monsters.

Owning a gun is one thing that solves literally every problem. I'm shocked that the left tin the USA doesn't support more women owning guns as a self defense form seeing as apparently fear occupies them every waking moment

Isnt rape at its lowest in the US since we started tracking the numbers? And most of the western world for that matter?

ask paranoid schizophrenics what they do to prevent the government from listening to their brain waves


That is actually a trick question. Any feminist knows that men cant be raped, due to their male privilege.